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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. I'll go with Ken's answer. In the meantime let's stop with the specious, ill founded comparisons and stop eroding what little support Biden has whilst we all rejoice that the worst President in our history is no longer our President. Of course, in our spare time let's hang our asses out and tell our Trump deluded friends to wake the fuck up while we still have a semi functional democracy.
  2. Good. Now, for penance, you get your big ass down to the County Office and up that passport. RV-ing around America is fun but it ain't all the fun and, as you know from every time you sneeze, we both bought another 20 years of f-ing around.
  3. Narrow. You can't know with certainty what impact your life's decisions have had on others.
  4. Are Cuomo and Trump really equatable? I mean there are multiple degrees of douchebaggery, right?
  5. In my view one passport isn't enough.
  6. Don't you see, Bill? You're not only defending Trump, you're defending you. Step away from the bias and answer a simple question: knowing all you now know would you prefer Trump was still President?
  7. Not a good look for a smart guy. Get it renewed if for no other reason than to support the ideas of internationalism and inclusiveness. I'm guessing you'll agree that ignorance of the rest of the world is causative of many of the major problems we have in this country and setting a good example is always helpful.
  8. Your opinion about how the "media" behaves severely informs your opinion of Trump.
  9. My understanding is the zone change allows 2 SFR's on a single lot. Am I wrong?
  10. You're sort of right where I live, maybe 100% right on deals you have done. My experience with actual deals is that you need to be a bit further along than the dream stage. Pre-approvals, an explainable clear pathway under existing rules and so on are what I've seen. Just hoping to rezone SFR land to High Density Commercial goes nowhere.
  11. Open carry gun nuts own this. While I'm at it, I'll include supporters of Heller and any other dumb ass decision that bit by bit has allowed armed speech to trump unarmed speech in the public square.
  12. Sure, sure, but that won't stop the Libtards from arguing that our super cool open carry laws, we fought so hard for, had anything to do with what any sensible person can clearly see is normal, legitimate human intercourse. If those snowflakes have their way we'll never be able to quick draw on main street like great grand pappy maybe done, I hope.
  13. I guess I'm a wine snob. But I figure I have only one life to ruin with alcohol and I'm not going to do it drinking plonk.
  14. Those are probably Canadians. You ever been to a hockey game?
  15. That's a so what moment not a glimmer of hope. Unless something serious happens, and fast, to trample Trump and Trumpism American Democracy will be further fucked come the mid-terms. Already the chatterers are accepting 2022 and 2024 and looking ahead to 2026. I'm starting to believe authoritarianism is not only what we deserve but rather what we get, like it or not. Think honestly about a nation as populous as China. I'm long since ready to agree that western style democracy couldn't work there. Now look here and substitute numbers of peoples for numbers of economic units and numbers of freedoms. As it stands, our system is unable to control things as needed for the general good. For example, one business based on freedom of speech and a keen understanding of human desires, is able to influence our elections with apparent impunity. All we are able to do is not like it. Our institutions move so much slower than our election cycles that the idea of rule of law in America is becoming laughable. What I'm seeing is far from encouraging.
  16. JoeWeber


    As an aside, I've spent a fair bit of time in the Dutch West Indies the last couple of years and, especially during early Covid, observed a lot of resistance to any authority, measures etc. amongst the Dutch inhabitants.
  17. By creating chaos amongst innocent vehicalists by careening around town on a semi-invisible, two dimensional suicide contraption? You have a seatbelt on that thing? How would that poor women feel if you hurt yourself being so careless and veering in front of her designed for the city machine? How would her kids get to soccer?
  18. USPA keeps the real cops with the real badges away. Were it not for the completely idiotic airplane crap we are prone to it's the FAA you might never have heard about.
  19. Yes. Because if they don't get real jobs and make some extra money they won't be valuable customers. That alone makes the investment worthwhile.
  20. City boy problems. If you are riding your bike into a parking garage I'm thinking that you need an environment reset.
  21. Jerry, I am getting to zero patience with those who comment as if we had multiple candidates opposed to Trump. We did not. We had Biden. Now, we don't have Trump. So for those people: for fucks sake, unless you miss Trump, give it a goddamn rest.
  22. Insanity. How about a billion dollars to buy existing fire fighting aircraft designs, another billion to research better designs and, just to placate the tin foil hat crowd, another billion for mirrors to reflect Jewish Space Lasers..
  23. Fantastic. We take a quarter million years learning how to come down from the trees, dodge Saber Tooth Tigers, figure out how to curse and build things (which are inseparable), develop rocket fuel and fly off to the moon so, viola, we can move back into caves. No wonder that crazy spelunker guy was willing to go with only a one way ticket.
  24. That's been the conventional wisdom for too long, I'm thinking. These day's I don't buy it that people need to send people to support the space program. In fact, if we didn't send people, the few people who need us to send people would become as blissfully unaware that we even have a space program as the rest of the people. We should just give it to the marketing department for rebranding and then stop talking about it. Sure people are better at problem solving than rocks. But I'm thinking that if all of the problems that are due to life support are eliminated things become all that much easier and vastly cheaper. For example, those pesky people problems like the Space Station crapper going on the fritz and the heroes needing to come home wearing diapers. Now that's some high tech problem solving, right?
  25. All laudable reasons. But wouldn't proof that beings on other planets not only existed but worshiped Jesus be more valuable?