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Everything posted by Brian425

  1. I tend to get along with everyone. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  2. I will be in NC over the weekend. I can only squeeze in a few jumps in on Saturday morning. This is after all a family weekend. So here is my "problem." I've been to Carolina Sky Sports last year and had a great time. Everyone made me feel like a long lost friend. I enjoyed the vibe and was a nice place to jump. Raeford has history and I think I should make it a point to get there to jump at least once. I've heard nice things about it and am always happy to try someplace new. Finally there is Southern Comfort Skydiving. I honestly have not heard too much about it. Love the name though. All are 1 to 1.5 hours away. Looking for someplace to get a few quick jumps and head home by about 1PM. I jump at the Ranch so I am comfortable with DZ's that run multiple Otters. I am looking to work on my belly flying. Help me decide!!! The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  3. I have never jumped at Chambersburg; but, I have heard nice things about it from people who visited there. They also have good reviews here. Good luck and enjoy your jump!! The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  4. Congrats!!! We are expecting our first in Sept. A little boy. I can't wait!!! You are a lucky man Billy. All the best to you, your wife and the precious little one. Brian The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  5. I am a big believer in supporting your local dealer. The simple fact is that Donna and Sonic at the Pro Shop just make life easier and better at the DZ. I recenly bought a Neptune. I checked the internet to read up on them and price them. I could hav "saved" $20 by buying it on the internet. That savings would have been eaten up by shipping costs and having to wait for it. The other thing Donna and Sonic provide is advice, friendship and guidance. If everyone hunted around the internet for the best price, they would lose these valuable benefits. Service has value. Too often, people shop only on price. I think the Ranch would be much different without the Pro Shop and I am personally glad that they are there. You cannot get good advice on a canopy on the internet. You cannot get measured for a jumpsuit on the internet. The internet will not loan you an alitmeter or let you demo a helmet. It goes on and on. Thanks to all the local shops for being there for us. And thanks to Donna and Sonic for taking such good care of us up at the Ranch. Brian The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  6. Vinny, Prior landlord references will not help. I try to be as general as possible on references. But not all landlords are going to extend the courtesy to you. They will tell you "they are good tennants and pay on time." When in reality they do not pay on time, are noisy, and dirty. They just want them out. Never ask the current landlord for the reference. B The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  7. I use credit check as the only criteria. In NY, the tenant pays the real estate fees. I simply tell the agent if ANYTHING comes up on their credit report, don't bring them to see the apartment. Even with that, I have had two people fall behind. They all paid and went on to be good tenants. The simple thing is your problems are not my problems. If you lose your job, get laid off, hours cut back, etc, etc, etc. That is not my business. My business is being a landlord. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  8. I'm a landlord in NYC. When tenants are late with rent, it is hard to pay the bills. To me, it is very simple, once you stop paying rent, you have to go. It is just like any other business transaction. Once you stop paying for a service, you are not entitled to that service anymore. We are no different than you car insurance, cable service or the bartender. Once the $$$ stop, paying, the goods and services stop. It seems more personal because some ends up in the street. The simple fact is 2 tennants not paying rent at the same time would put me very short for money. If it went on for a long period, I would need to look ways to raise the money. This is my business. Sad to say, I cannot afford charity. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  9. It's great that he still jumps; but, it is even nicer that he seems to still "live" life. I hope I am having as much fun at that age. Conrats and Happy Birthday Mr. Meyers!! The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  10. Not sure what happened; but, I'll keep you both in my thoughts. Hugs to both of you. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  11. You are 100% right on everything except the questions about fire arms in the home. It is a valid question. If you have guns and store them properly, just show them the lock box and be done with it. Now the rest is just silliness. My parents were great. They encouraged exploration and trying new things. They also knew that kids will fall down and somtimes get hurt. That is part of life. You play the game to the best of your ability. If you lost, you shook hands and lost with dignity. If you won, you were expected to act with the same dignity. I was never chastised for failure. I was chastised for how I dealt with failure. Our first baby is due in September. I will many of the new safety "rules" (bicycle helmets, etc). I will not sit over him and protect him from ever getting hurt. He will fall down. He will eventually get hurt. He will sleepover at friends houses, and he will sleep in a tent in the back yard. We'll camp out and eat hot dogs off a stick we just broke off a tree. Don't let it bother you. It is their children that are missing out. You made a kind and generous offer. If they chose not to accept it, it is their loss. Now go buy lots of ice cream, chips, soda and everything else. Worry about making your daughter's B'Day one she will cherish. B The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  12. Throw a Bachelor Party. That's what I did. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  13. Nobody will bother Peter. He is as good hearted as they come. If there is any Karma in the world, Peter will be safe. I on the other will PM my info. I've used up all my good Karma. I will PM my info. I'm on 52nd street and 6th ave. I can take you out for a beer after work. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  14. Most homeless people I have dealt with have had some obvious issues. He seems normal and intelligent. I guess he has his issues. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  15. By my office is a homeless guy who sits on the benches by the side of the building. He reads all the newspaper everyday because as he says, he has time and they are free (people give them to him). I give him a cigarette when ever he asks. Today, he asks what kind of car I drive. Then he asks what I think about the price of gas and heating my home. I told him that "The price of fuel hurts". He then said, next time you go to vote, look for a President that has a "real energy" policy. We shrug off Iran and Venezuela and have not got oil flowing steadily from Iraq. He then asked why 20 years ago Brazil moved toward ethanol. Why is solar power just a "niche" market here in the US. I have to admit, it was one of the most intelligent 10 minute conversation about the energy issues I've had with anyone. I left and I felt a little sad. Who knows what his problem is. The fact is, when you take the time to talk to him, his is clearly intelligent. Hopefully he can solve his own problems. I think I'll be chatting with him a little more. I know I can't fix his problems; but, hopefully we will both learn a little. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  16. Come to the Ranch, and find Larry Hoskins. One of the nicest guys around and he spends tons of time working with the new people. I may never skydive as good as Larry; but, I will share what I know when I get better at RW. If your DZ has a 4 way competitions, make a 4 way team. It will give you something to work toward. And it is a lot of fun. Find someone who is good at RW and do jump drills with them. Start simple, work on staying level and 90 degree turns. Work on keeping eye contact. Start simple and build. I have heard that tunnels are GREAT. Unfortunately due to location, time and $$ not everyone can do it. If you can do the tunnel. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  17. It would be nice to return the favor. Maybe a little skydiving related gift. Or a case of good beer for their next BBQ. Good neighbors can only help you out. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  18. So we packed up our rookie 4 way team and visited Sky's the Limit in the Poconos. Lisa jumps there and was sweet and helpful showing us around. If you have not visited Sky's the Limit, take the trip up there. Everyone was nice and the facilities were very good. I had a lot of fun visiting. Now I need to get my 4 way skills up to snuff. Thanks everyone!! Brian The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  19. Hey wait, I wasn't at the Ranch and it rained???? On Good Friday, I got two jumps in. Second, I decided to get out at 5.5 with a few others. I landed just as it started to rain. The rest of the load got out at 13.5 and was soaked!! Only part that sucks is drying out your canopy. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  20. Well, my dad is 72 and still going strong. What we do is send some $$ home to my wife's family in China and we have discussed having my dad move in with us when the need arises. He is very independent so it seems like it is out of the question. We have gotten some one to come in and clean for him, run errands and cook for him one day a week. This way, we can get an independent report on him and he has the little bit of help he needs. Yes it is "spying" in a way. But, we only want to know that he is doing fine since he is 600 miles away. I owe everything to my family. It's a privilage to be able to give back a little. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  21. I almost forgot, Thanks to your wife. I am sure she has helped so much. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  22. Great job!!! Thanks for serving our country!! Almost equally important, thanks for being such an inspirational person. All the best to you!!! Brian The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  23. I picked it up in my thirties. I say go for it. Des, I have to say, I have never heard that "skydiving has moderated my drinking" before. Brian The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  24. Either laser it off or get a real cover up. Putting a "Void" over it is not the answer. You will always have another woman's name on you. Some will also think it is disrespectful. You did love Anna at one time. On a side note, why would you tattoo anyone's name on yourself???? The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.
  25. I am driving up to the Ranch on Saturday morning. If you want a ride, I can pick you up in Manhattan or Brookyn. Free ride, great people, fast planes. What else can you ask for. PM me if you want a ride. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.