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Everything posted by cesslon

  1. Does anyone know the names of the politicians backing this $4million waste ? I'd like to write to them expressing my oppinion of how my tax money is spent, They give out free needles to drug addicts (which I agree with) so why not give a tower to Base addicts, would be cheaper then $4mill wouldnt a $4mill preventive system actually make the jump more encouraging ? like "hey they spent $4 mill and couldn't stop me" ?? I can just see them spending $4mill then standing up in parliment in 2 years time and saying how no longer are people getting killed because of all the thousends of jumpers landing on people who just happen to be swimming below the bridge at 2am lol Also its ilegal to jetski in the harbour (because of the yuppies who don't like the noise out the front of there $20mill water front mansion) so will jet ski riders who happen to ride ilegally and sustain an injury have to pay for there medical help ?
  2. cesslon

    Wheelchair Jump

    Awesome video, this is the second jump of Russ's jumps that I've seen, one of his other jumps is in 1 of the ABA DVD's but this 1 is by far the best of the 2. how was the chute on the chair deployed ? also who is holding his pilot chute, is it someone from this forum ? always good to put faces to names
  3. cesslon

    base kids..!?

    Hi Lee, cool video, Once again a good job by your crew on video editing.
  4. f$#& my taxes are going to pay for this $hit why don't they just spend $30k to put a big(40 m) retractable over hang on the top of the bridge (134m) and have anual tourniments. they always want that bridge shown on international tv as a land mark, not much would get it more attention then a BASE tourniment each year. I'm sure if they said "anyone jumps the bridge gets 10 years jail and the yearly legal jumps get banned" then that would be a lot cheaper then spending 4 mill lol $4mill at a local hospital would go down better. its not like no boats can pass under the bridge because of thousends of jumpers every minute. if it was free I wouldnt mind to much as they are simply preventing ilegal act's but spending that much cash on something that is only going to hurt the offender is stupid.
  5. someone else will be able to fill us in, as this chute definatly wasnt white. when jeb did his jump did he wear his helmet ? does he always wear it ? like even if he is imminently going to land on water ?
  6. Jeb Corliss has done 5 reverse sommersaults of the bridge with a round parachute. Footage can be seen in one of his videos. Slim once did 4 reverse sommersaults with slider down square chute and later did the same jump at a 400 ft cliff in Moab. Hi Thijs I just got home from work and threw the tape on, its definatly 5 reverse sommersaults, has slim (dressed in white) doing 3 then next jump has a person who looks like slim, dressed in just shorts and rig, no shirt or shoes etc who does 5 sommersaults then deploys (very low) off screen, ya can only just see the chute, its a yellow chute and is only just a blur inflating in the bottom of the screen, I can't tell if its a round or square, looks more like a square inflateing then a round. so is this Jeb and not slim ? I have no idea what jeb looks like, to me his simply a black object, black clothes, black helmet lol.
  7. Hi tom, thanks for the info, I love that jump had no idea he was wearing a wingsuit, can you tell me how high that tower is and also how high the wires were where he crosse. his helmet cam view was awesome. and to others who have not seen it, you can see more of it on the 2001 ABA video and the 2003 ABA video. out of the 4 aba videos I think the 2001 vid has best dwain and slim footage. is it slim who does 5 backflips off the bridge ? and if you know the jump I'm talking about is there any footage of that from the ground or from the bridge ? he must have had 1 hell of a short canopy ride.
  8. When the tsunami hit Thailand the world pulled together to send aid immediately. I've been hoping to see something similar happen for Louisana and Alabama. It's sad to say that this is one of the only efforts I've heard of so far. Hi, don't take this as some political remark but as a personal friendly observation. when the Tsunami's hit, they hit countrys and area's that have enough trouble feeding there own people, so everyone chipped, australia chipped in $1 billion and I remember Bush chipped in $10 million, I think after a few weeks Bush gave in to international pressure and chipped in more. anyway, the tsunami country's really could have done with the aid so people sent it. the US has a military budget of a few hundred Billion $'s and is like the richest nation on earth, I don't think they'd need 3rd world nations to chip in. I think the USA can afford to raise enough relief cash internally and I think Asylum Designs is setting a good example for everyone else.
  9. Hey all, Just a simple question. when I used to spend time at the dropzone someone was once showing me the gear (skydive) and I asked if the reserve had a cutaway handle the person said "NO!! there would be no use for it!!!" anyway was rewatching some BASE vids, and was watching the jump dwain made where he passed through the guy wires of the A and landed in a cactus (cacti) what ever. anyway with that landing, he seemed stuck in the cactus, and he told 1 of the other jumpers to pull something, and I'm pretty sure I seen the Yellow cut away cables. So did his rig have a reserve or have a cutaway handle incase ya hung up and need to cut away or..... did I see it all totally wrong ? thanx
  10. cesslon

    OZ Accident . . .

    cool, what kinda time frame we looking at for a release ? weeks, months, years ?
  11. I believe that might not be true, how ever I think jumping in national parks is.
  12. I'd assume that most familty/acquaintance rapist rape as they don't expect to get caught, how ever if they have a steal thing stuck on there shlong they would think they would get caught... so maybe it would be easier for them to kill the defender and dispose of the body then use some house hold tools to remove the barbs and keep it all a secret till there dick either heals or gets infected and falls off lol I personally think carrying a gun or knife would be safer, a gun can shoot 2 people, this medievil weapon will only get one person, and if its a gang rape, I'd assume the other rapist may beat the crap out of the defender, then help the other attacker remove it. and if a woman accidently left 1 in, it could reuin a relationship also if the device was outlawed it wouldnt be any different to carrying a gun or knife. so I think carrying a gun in such places is a far safer idea for the user.
  13. My old man just informed me that on the radio they said an aussie base jumper is in a bad way stuck on a cliff in the B*** M******** , said his been there a while (since this morning I'd guess) 80m's up, has a few broken legs and a broken back. Lets hope its just the radio makeing it sound worse then it is. good vibes to the injured jumper
  14. I believe the 12 apostles is down to fewer then 8 as they occasionally collapse
  15. if he had 1 of those rigs with a reserve could he have cut away ? or would he have risked falling onto wires directly below down lower ?
  16. nah just bored and thought I'd muck around in notepad, all the diff people off the cliff are all diff jumpers, just incase someone thought it was all meant to reprasent a diff stage of the 1 persons jump lol. cliff obviously isnt to scale lol I was gunna do the cliff a lot bigger but wernt sure if people would like it or not. the tower looked good, just needs some people
  17. if you make one, be sure to put it inbetween "code" tag thingy's otherwise the site will automatically strip the white space wierd thing I find on firefox is that I need to refresh the page for it to all show correctly ??
  18. %%% %|% | @ _?___ / / / / | | -=-@ \ -=-@ | \ / | \ \ / * | \ | {} \ \ | -=-@ | / | \ | \ \ | \ \ \ | | \ \ _______ | /_|_|_|_\ | | | \ !\=/! \ \@/ \ | \_ / \ | %%% | %%% %%% %|% %%% \_ %|% %|% | %|% | | | | | \__?______?___?___?_______ Can anyone beat me? and yes I'm very very bored I hope no one can identify this one, the lens was a little blurry so I think I'll get away with this photo
  19. Haha nick that image is classic, I enjoy reading your posts for there informativeness (if thats a word) and also your humour, did you make that stick ?
  20. Australia could have plenty of 1500 foot S's if someone has some cables that are 1 mile or 2 long, there is actually heaps of 1500ft + mountains that are right next to each other all accross the country, the issue is most are lucky to have 100 foot cliffs on them
  21. Come on man surely you have to be trolling, I read these 3 pages and laughed, then I'd stop laughing and think "maybe he is serious" then think "nah he can't seriously be" and start laughing again. I seriously hope your just trolling, letting a 16 yr old with no sky dive experience is insane, letting anyone doing a BASE with no skydiving experience is crazy, I think you said she had like a 5 second canopy ride ? when I did my first skydive, in the first 5 seconds of canopy flight I had simply undone me breaks and thinking "woh" took me probably 30 seconds before I had even steered both ways. how you could have expected her to judge the right height to flare is beyond my thoughts.
  22. OZ Base jumpers are the best, there is plenty of objects, probably atleast 20,000 150 foot clifs I actually have a 330ft smoke stack literaly over my back fence although not everyone in australia has 1 of these if your in melbourne realise that there isnt many big mountains near there, there is some objects, but wether you'll find any jumpers that'll allow ya to actually go watch them jump melbourne objects might be a little hard to find.
  23. cesslon

    OZ Accident . . .

    awesome, don't let anyone take to many risks just for a good shot lol. I want fancy stuff, not just a back flip or a front flip, plenty of twists and twirls with flips in between, if you have any dwain footage that you have the right to distribute that would be great.