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Everything posted by SDiver218

  1. So you only have to jump one of your pack jobs? I had to jump three of mine before I got signed off. No fair! In all seriousnous though, don't worry about whether or not it will open or if it will be a mal. Just enjoy the ride. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  2. Doesn't the 7 cell have a steeper glide ratio? (or is it the other way around?) Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  3. Just got my A, and I'm looking to get my first rig together. I've got the container and reserve, so all I need is the main (170- used). I've been doing a lot of research online, but I wanted to get the informed opinion of the members on what to look for in a first rig, and maybe even some recommendations. The advice I've been getting so far has been to go with either a Sabre or a Spectre. Any thoughts? Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  4. That just really seems like a lose-lose situation. The dz gets less money, and their customer pays more money. So, the claim is that it's all about advertising, right? How often do you clip a coupon out of a newspaper to pay more for something? If it's an advertising thing, then the dz should take that cost in themselves like any other advertising cost. Personally, I'd be pretty ticked off if I paid that much more money than if I would've called the dz directly. Patients who go through 1800 Dentist aren't paying more than those who don't. Itsa basic business principle. You're assuming that those extra customers would come to the dropzone anyway to pay the $180. Not necessarily so. Let's relate it to a a personal experience. For years Suzy Q thought it would be cool to do a tandem, but never did it. Why? It was never in front of her face. She never really thought about it much. She's sees an advertisement for a tandem (Skyride), calls the #, and gets scheduled for a jump. Here is a person that would not have done a tandem otherwise. That is the basis for modern advertising. There are many people in the market to buy a car at any onetime. So why do auto dealerships dominate the weekend papers with full page color ads (which aren't cheap)? Because it drives people to their business who might not have come otherwise. Do customers end up supporting the cost of the advertising? You bet your ass they ain't free. Whether its right or wrong, it doesn't matter. This is the way our economy works. If not for this general principle, we would probably be paying $2-3000 less on our cars, paying 10-20% less on produce, or saving money on a mortgage loan. Sadly, businesses need to advertise to get people in the door, and if Skyride is willing to provide that service, while still making a profit for the dropzones, then more power to them. Now granted, its not just advertising, but its the same principle applied to stockbrokers, staffing companies (my business), retail shops (mark up on products a customer can order more cheaply from a wholesaler), etc. If it was really a lose-lose situation, then market forces would most likely drive them out of business. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  5. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the service itself. The concept is similar to any number of brokering services out there. Looking at it from my perspective (as a recruiter) my company will put a consultant on contract with a biotech company (for clinical trials) and we might pay the guy $70 / hour while billingthe company $110 / hour. Would the consultant make more working for the company directly? Yes. Would the company save money paying the consultant directly? Yes. Would the company and the consultant find eachother without our service? Probably not. That's why its perfectly acceptable for us to operate with this kind of business model. For a company to do the marketing to wuffos who may have not considered a tandem before, and get that person to a participating dropzone, why shouldn't a reasonable spread be charged? These people may not have done a tandem anyway. I don't know what the rate would be, but just for sake of argument lets say that: Normal tandem - $180 Tandem through Skyride - $210, with $160 going to the dropzone. Normal # of tandems a month for ACME Dropzone - 20, which is $3600 in topline revenue Additional tandems brought in through Skyride per month - 10, which is an extra $1600 in revenue. If ACME Dropzone's net income off of tandem business is 25% ($45 a tandem), then: Without Skyride Revenue $3600 Net Profit $900 (25%) With Skyride Revenue $5200 Net Profit $1150 (22%) As a business owner, it makes sense to me, especially if the extra tandems brings in more AFF business, or at least more repeat tandem business. Granted, you could have people who went through Skyride who could have gone to the dropzone directly, but I doubt that it would be a significant #. I can say from my own personal experience that dropzones don't generally do a whole lot of advertizing, and many wuffos don't think about the doing a tandem unless the opportunity is staring them in the face. So if dropzones aren't getting the message to the marketplace, what is wrong for a company to go do the groundwork, and be willing to basically spread the cost of marketing (and admin, etc) amongst the participating dropzones, while making a profit at the same time? If it truly was a ripoff, then the marketplace would not sustain the business, as dropzones would be dropping Skyride as a service. DZO's aren't stupid, if it isn't making money, they won't do it. ****Keep in mind these figures are probably not accurate of what a dropzone makes off of tandems, or what Skyride gives a dropzone for tandem business. I'm only demonstrating the general business principle. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  6. Okay…I’ll try to make this my last post on this thread (and I apologize for the length), as I think the issue is getting a bit convoluted, as I was only trying to make a simple point in the beginning. To everyone who keeps reminding me that the people on TV are actors… No shit Sherlock. I hope no one actually thought that I was saying we should ‘emulate’ that would be an obviously large assumption. I never made the claim that we should try to emulate them, but one must realize that pop culture/media does not exist in a vacuum. Why do shows such as the Man Show and Monster Garage appear on late night cable TV while the networks are airing shows such as ‘Raymond’, The Bachelor, etc during prime time? Because TV reflects society (to a certain extent). The ‘sensitive’ shows will get more mainstream exposure because, as a general rule, the viewing public has a distorted view of what a man really is. Let me pose this question: On the majority of sitcoms where you have a couple, who is ‘generally’ portrayed as the person with more common sense, spunk, and initiative? Who is the one who is (again generally) portrayed as the dullard who has to continually be prodded to do the right (or smart) thing? The male or the female? Who is the one that the audience laughs at? ***And by the way people, do not assume that I am saying that women can never be smarter then men. If you do, you are missing my point entirely.*** Which brings me to my main point. I hope everybody read my first post, where I said that I DID NOT AGREE WITH THE MAJORITY OF WHAT THE AUTHOR OF THAT ARTICLE SAID. People are making the assumption that I think metrosexuals are going to be the end of society. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to be a metrosexual, then have at it. All I am saying is that it is a shame that having a traditionally ‘manly’ outlook on life is looked down upon by a large segment of our society. Before everyone flames me on the ‘manly’ outlook on life, I DO NOT mean being an asshole, getting into fights, drinking to excess, beating on women, etc, etc. I am talking about the guy who holds a door open for a woman, or insists on paying on the first date, or even the guy who needs to get away one night a week to go play poker or go to a bar with his buddies (oh no!). Is there anything wrong with that? Hell no! My problem is that when a man tries to act like a ‘stereotypical’ man, a growing segment of our population will label him a chauvinist, or perhaps even a misogynist. Does that mean that metrosexuals are bad? Of course not! Would I want to be one? No. Billvon, am I saying that the Pilates instructor is not a good person? Of course not. The only point that I am trying to make is that growing segments of our population look down upon these ‘male’ qualities, and it saddens me to see that. If anybody would like to respond to any of my minor points, feel free to. Many of you have made some good arguments, and I am not in disagreement with much of what has been said. I am just trying to make a simple point that, if we stop trying to argue the small stuff (which I am guilty of too), we should all see the larger picture. And that is….Being a guy is okay, and society should stop telling us that its not. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  7. Schwarzenegger? He’s about as much of a regular guy as Freddy Mercury was straight. He is certainly not who I would want representing me as a man. He’s a caricature. Now don’t get me wrong, there are movies and TV shows who portray men in a good light (read my post), but it’s drowned out by all the other man bashing shows. Go watch network TV, and count how many programs that show men in a good (and realistic) light. You could probably count them on one hand. Hmmm….. The Matrix? That comparison is so off base that I wish I hadn’t even acknowledged it. Have you been paying attention to popular media lately? Be thankful you don’t. I don’t know who this Molly is, but allow me to retort… Sigh… Do you actually think that I meant the mere fact that I have a penis is a source of pride for me? Methinks you’re fishing for something to argue about. Being a man (in the traditional sense) is saying what you mean and meaning what you say. It’s pride, honor, and nobility. Its being a good father. Its “guts”….”piss and vinegar”. It’s not backing down from what you believe in. It’s being more like our grandfathers and less like the guy who teaches the Pilates class at the local gym. Do some research… from Aristotleon courage to Sir Thomas Malory on love, honor, and chastity. You could read Shakespeare on leadership or John Cheever on adolescence. What about Jane Austen on pride to Theodore Roosevelt on family life? You will find that being a man has little to do with having a penis. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  8. Here's the jist of it... "Men used to be real men. Then women came along and stopped letting us conk them over the head and drag them around by their hair. Now men are all pussywhipped. I miss the real men." That help? And yes, Remster, there is a whole lot of shit floating around in there. Different kinds of feces, all mixed together. What a shit-pile. Ciels- Michele How about we read the article and understand the underlying message, before refering to it as a shit pile. Critical reading? Anyone? After reading this article all the way through (long F'ing read by the way), I can see where this guy is coming from. Before you all start flaming me, let me explain. FIRST OFF, THIS GUY IS NOT 100% RIGHT. NOT EVEN CLOSE. has an element of truth. Namely, that men over the years have been forced to become more 'civilized'....whether that meant getting manicures, or wearing copious amounts of hair gel, or having the perfect shoes. Look at most movies and TV shows, and you will see regular guys (guys who go out and drink, watch football, would never be caught dead paying more than $8 for a haircut) getting ridiculed. Men like this are seen as uncouth, uncivilized, backwards.... And then this little thing called the metrosexual comes out. Now all of a sudden, you have women watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy...and trying to force their boyfriends and husbands into wearing f’ing Bruno Magli shoes. Let us be men. That is why there are shows like The Man Show and magazines like Maxim. It’s for men who want to remain men against the growing tide of estrogen. I liken the metrosexual to the female body builder. While there is nothing wrong with a woman who is healthy and physically fit, who works out and builds muscle mass, there is something aesthetically unappealing when taken to the extreme. She looks masculine. To me, all of the lifestyle characteristics of the metrosexual man make him look feminine. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let me say that I'm all for some dude getting a manicure. Fine…go for it. Pee sitting down if you want to. Cool with me. It’s the friggin' negative image of a man as some derelict idiot with condiment stained ties that bothers me. There was a time when being considered a 'Man' could make one swell with pride. Now, I'm afraid that being considered a 'Man' is becoming more and more synonymous with "dumb/unclean/uncivilized/boorish/abusive." When it comes right down to it…I want to be left alone to be a man. The only time I want to say the word Jasmine (with a straight face) is if I’m apologizing to my girlfriend about something I did with a stripper. So let me make this last point clear. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED ARTICLE, BUT IT HAS BECOME SO POPULAR TO MALE-BASH THAT I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING. Know that I've got that off my chest, feel free commence flaming, especially if you only read the first sentence of my post and assumed I’m some woman hating mysoginist. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  9. I hate this to be a me too post, but I have to agree. Tighten your leg straps. I had the same problem when I started. Once I started tightening the shit out of the leg straps, my problem went bye bye. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  10. I'm not from Chicago, so I can't give you any help in determining where to go, but I can give you some general advice, considering the fact that I've spent years training (kickboxing (western & Muy Thai), pancrase/shootfighting, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu). I assume that you would be looking at training to learn self defense (correct me if I'm wrong). In that regard, you have some options. You can take a course specifically designed for women's self defense, which will give you the basics of defending yourself from attackers. Its mostly a hodge podge of techniques from different styles. Its a good course if you only want the basics, and if you don't want to devote much time to training, but all you will learn is a few techniques for specific situations, and it is much better to learn self defense on a more fundamental level, where you can absorb a styles basic principles and apply them to any situation instinctively. IMO, if you are willing to devote the time and energy, you will be better served by delving into an effective style fully, then by just taking a weekend self defense class for a month. If you decide to devote the time, the next step is to determine what style to train in. Each style emphasizes different qualities and approaches. Karate is a generic term referring to a large variety of styles that primarily emphasize the "hard" skills of punching and kicking, such as Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Shotokan, Goju-ryu, kickboxing, and boxing. So-called "softer" arts: Jujitsu, Judo, and Aikido emphasize close-in combative arts that prepare you to escape from holds, take an attacker down to the ground, and immobilize him with joint locking arts, nerve pressure and organ striking techniques. Then of couse you have the hybrids - schools that teach a mixed combination of the "hard" and "soft" styles. Examples would be pancrase, Jeet Kune Do, shootfighting. These are typically your more effective methodologies, as you won't be stuck with one style of fighting. For my money, I believe the most effective form of self defense is to find a place that combines a style like kickboxing (western or thai) with a healthy dose of ground fighting (Jujitsu would be a better choice for a woman than judo, IMO). I wouldn't go to a place that specializes in women's self defense, because those classes are generally less intense than if you actually trained with 'the boys'. The way I look at it, if you can skydive with 'the boys', you can certainly train with 'the boys', instead of learning in a sanitized three hour women's defense course. One more thing, spend some time researching before you commit to a school. Talk to many instructors...most will offer you an introductory class. Take the class, and see if you feel comfortable with the intructor and the rest of the students. Ask the intructor what he/she thinks about other styles. IMO, you don't want an instructor who thinks his/her style is superior to everyone elses. Anyone who says that one style is better than all others is dead wrong. You're better served with someone who is able to teach effective techniques from a variety of styles, particularly an instructor who can tailor your instruction to your body style, flexibility, fitness level, etc. Lastly, make sure you challenge yourself, and don't just blow through training. Just like skydiving...commit to learning this stuff to the point where its instinctual. It may save your life someday. If you would like to know more, just let me know. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  11. Gotta hit Z-Hills... The vibe is killer. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  12. Given the extraordinary amount of activity that this board recieves during working hours, and taking into account the fact that many of us are 9 - 5 professionals, has anyone ever had to deal with any consequences as a result of browsing/posting on this board at work? Has anyone ever gotten disciplined/canned because of this board? Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  13. By far one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. I was hoping to be able to say that I've gone through life without ever having to see another man's taint. Thanks bastard! Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  14. Well, this really isn't a serious quote, but it is a good one to use before you get on the next load. "Napoleon once said you must do one thing before every battle. Take a leak." Nothing sucks worse than having to hold it in during freefall. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  15. That was funny as shit! There's a lot of truth to that... Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  16. Welcome to skydiving! I finished my AFF course a few weeks ago, and my advice is to relax, and not be so nervous. When you make you're first few jumps, of course you are going to be nervous. But don't let that effect your performance. When learning to freefall it is very important that you stay relaxed. You will probably be pretty nervous on your first couple of jumps, but what I've found is that once you jump out of the plane, the fear goes away and you are faced with the exciting fact that you just jumped out of a plane! Enjoy it... One more thing...don't second guess your instructors. These guys have made many many jumps, and from what I understand these guys have to go through a lot to get their AFF rating, so they certainly know what they are talking about. In terms of the social aspect of skydiving, if people hang out at the DZ after the last load of the day, then definitely hang out with them and buy your instructors plenty of beer. They will appreciate it, and you will learn a lot from them in that more relaxed setting. You'll learn a lot more than the student you just shows up for an AFF level and then leaves, without hanging out with the regulars. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  17. You're is some cool ass shit. BTW, how's the DZ's up in St Louis? I might be headng up there early next year to visit a couple of buddies of mine. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  18. Given the average skydiver's propensity to drink (at least at the dropzone I frequent), and my own love of the hootch, I figured this would be an appropriate link. The Modern Drunkard Magazine Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  19. Welcome! ...and congrats on the finishing your student jumps. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  20. I graduated AFF and did my first solo jump a few weeks ago, and instead of practicing turns, tracking and whatnot, I just kept in a stable arch and tried to truly experience what it was like to freefall. I remember that it was the first time that I actually realized the full impact of what I was doing because I wasn't focusing on anything other than enjoying the freefall. I spent the entire time just looking around, watching the ground come up to meet me (although I know its actually the other way around). I can honestly say that although I didn't really do anything significant, it was the most fun I've had on a jump... It was during that jump when I realized that jumping out of an airplane is by far the best thing I've ever experienced. I'm hooked. Does anyone else have any first jump experiences they'd like to share? Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  21. Where do you plan on jumping? Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  22. I'm on jump 25, and for my first jump I wasn't really that nervous. It was on my second jump that I was scared. After that, it just eventually went away, particularly on my solo jumps. When you do your first solo successfully, and realize that you don't need anyone with you to complete a skydive safely, then your confidence increases tenfold. Now there isn't any real fear...just the occasional apprehension (which keeps me on my toes). Although I will say that the first jump of the day is always the worst. Once I get that out of the way, my comfort level goes way up. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  23. No no misunderstood me, I was just ADDING a funny line to yours BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, relax man. problem bro. I feel better knowing that you weren't trying to pick me up. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  24. Two more six packs and your boobies will look fabulous. - CrazyIvan I don't think you'd like my boobies very much...I don't have any. I'm a dude. Thanks for the thought though! Maybe I should change the avitar... Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal
  25. Well....never went the crackhead route, so I really couldn't tell you whether or not the analogy works. I can say its addicting as hell, and I usually spend most of my time during the week bitching because I have to work instead of doing what I really want to do....jump. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. - Benjamin Franklin Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk. - Barney Gumbal