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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    The ability to focus on sports is completely different from the ability to focus on school, because in sports, while you may be playing the same game for an hour or two, the situation is constantly changing, so it is not as affected by ADD. Elementary and junior high school tends to be more interactive than high school, and therefore, more engaging to kids with ADD. With high school, there are more lectures and more distractions, and it's harder to focus, so grades slip more, and teachers aren't as pro-active about helping students with problems. There have been a ton of advancements in drugs for ADD. It may be worth exploring them and sitting down with your son and his doctor and getting all the information. Like Lisa said, he's already self-medicating, so give him the opportunity to make an informed decision about whether he'd want to try medication that's actually been developed for and treats his condition. This isn't the end-all, be-all kind of thing yet. If he fails to get it together this way we'll discuss ADD treatment sometime in the future. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    We've talked about the drug part. I don't think he buys it and I'm not going to try and spoon feed it to him. The grade slipping thing has to do with how much work he's willing to put forth, not necessarily his intelligence or ability. He coasts and has a 2.5. Now he's gonna have to pedal Believe me its not all hardass grandstanding on my part. Hard discussions, for both of us. I guess you'd call it semi-tough love. We met with the guidance counselor prior to this incident and he's slated to take a full boat next year. AP courses almost all. He won't be able to coast thru that. If he's serious about wanting to enter an engineering program he's going to have to learn how to bust his ass in class. BTW...if I haven't mentioned it...thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions. I really do hear all of them. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    Which is classic ADD behavior. Medication would make it possible to excel at things that he DOESN'T want to do. I understand what you're saying. I just believe the correct answer isn't "here, instead of taking that drug, take this drug". Seems to me there's a drug for every problem anyone has these days. And to just medicate someone sends the wrong message, and that message is "it's not your fault, its (insert whatever syndrome you choose here) fault." Should he take the meds forever? Everytime he hits a rough patch should he take some more meds? I'm sure something along the lines of Strattera would help him. I don't think he needs any more help than knowing where the fence is built, and how to open the gate if he wants to. That's how his life will be, better start getting with the program now. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    He's self-medicating with weed already. If he's anything like the ADD folks I know (including myself), you can take away the car, the tv, the money for college... if the weed makes living with his ADD mind and the consequences of his ADD related actions (or inactions) easier to deal with it, he'll continue to self-medicate regardless. If his vision was less than 20/20, would you be against him wearing glasses? Medication for ADD is no different. It allows the brain to focus on the stupid boring stuff when it needs to focus on the stupid boring stuff. Being able to focus on the stupid boring stuff makes success in school easier; success leads to not needing to numb the pain of screwing up yet again with weed or alcohol. I get all of your points. Based on his history he can do well if he wants to. I don't believe the ADD gets in his way if he is motivated. When he was in 8th grade he came home and said he wanted to play football. We'd already tried baseball and basketball. He didn't take to them because he wasn't good at them, and wasn't interested in trying to get better. WHen he said football I thought "here we go again". To my surprise he has done well with it and stuck to it all through HS. My point is when he want to do something he accels. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  5. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    Thanks Twardo... Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    No need for a test. He's most definitely ADD, just like his dad Not interested in the fix. I've always felt the drugs for ADD are almost as bad as the problem you're trying to cure. Just work through it as best you can. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    Nothing is foolproof. There's no perfect solution. But I know from personal experience he's making decisions that will effect the rest of his life. I was going to go to college...instead it was easier to get a job and sit around in the evenings and get high with my friends. He scores a 30 on the ACT and has an overall GPA in his junior year of 2.5! He's bored with some of his classes, who wasn't? He needs some motivation. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions. We started taking him to see different colleges last weekend in the hopes it would get him fired up. And I think it did. Now, in order to get his car back he must finish his junior year with at least a 3.2. I know he'll go off to school and drink and get high. It's like a right of passage. We've already agreed to set a level of acheivement in college that will earn him the privledge of having his mom and I pay for it, with different percentages of us paying for different GPA's. You say maybe we should ask why he chooses to get high. There's a long list of reasons that I won't get into here, starting with the divorce 4 years ago. We had a conversation a couple of weeks ago about college and making money. I showed him what my business had earned for me last year. Wasn't much. I don't know if you have any idea of what its like to sit and explain to your children that you're not as successful as you'd like to be, and lack of a college education is a big factor. How I'm shutout of alot of job opportunities simply because I don't have a sheepskin. It's a humbling experience. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    Trust MUST go both ways if it is to mean anything. Drug testing your kids is not trusting them. I had a conversation with him yesterday about trust. He had my trust and violated it. Now he must earn my trust again. I would never test my kids just because I wanted to know if they were getting baked. It's different now. I know he is/was. I'm really trying not to be hypocritical on this. There's potential for further problems I know. Hell, everyone I know as an adult had some experience with weed when they were younger. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    We've talked about the random drug test thing and I've decided that I'm going to do it once....this summer...unannounced. And I'll only do it once. It's totally to see if what we're doing is working. If it's positive I'll know he isn't going to change and no matter what I try it will be useless. He'll be 18 in November. I won't subsidize his drug use. ANd I won't be paying for him to go party at college. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    Our school system has e-mail updates for absenses and tardies and I can look at a website to check my son's grades. You might want to give your son's school a call to see if they have something like that so you can sign up for it. In Ohio they use the Pinnacle system. I check it often, and he's not missing school. I was referring to the sneaking out part. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    I get that part. Problem with that is word spreads fast in High School. What parent is going to want their kid hanging around with someone who is known to have smoked pot? Seems the only ones would be those parents who either don't care or are not paying attention. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    The frustrating part is he doesn't live with me. I have to go on what his mom says...and as far as I know there's none of that. He told her who he got it from, and who he smoked with. Experts say we should contact the parents. Still mulling that one over. I'm concerned that he'll be "branded" by his current friends and fall in with new, less desirable ones. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. airdvr

    My Ex called...

    ...and told me she found weed on my 17yo son. I know it's not the end of the world...but we were able to agree on the consequences. 1. Car is gone for the rest of the school year. He can take that yellow car that's already paid for. 2. Grades have been slipping (classic sign I know). If he wants his car back he needs to end the year with a 3.5gpa. He just scored a 30 on his ACT so I know he can do it. 3. Has to get a job this summer. Not sure whether that's going to help or hurt but he needs a schedule. ANyone have any other ideas? I'm not going to be hypocritical. I invested plenty of money in Mexico, Columbia, and Jamaica at his age. But the alternative is doing nothing, and I would be derelict in my duties as a parent. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. airdvr

    What if

    Buffett. The true philosopher of modern times. Just got tickets to his Pittsburgh show... time to stock up on 1800. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. Bullett is good....have you seen Ronin? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. Interesting you should bring that up. I haven't been bothered by spam in quite a while. Maybe the law did do something. I must be doing something wrong. I get spammed constantly Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. I was just thinking about SPAM. Remember when SPAM was all the rage? Too much of it wasting our time. I know..let's pass a law! That'll take care of it. This is typical of government these days. Problem? Pass a law. I personally think congress could take 10 years off and no one would notice. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. My folks got married in 1951. They bicker and argue constantly. I don't think they like eachother all that much but after 57 years I kinda get it. I think, for them it's kind of like being institutionalized. After that many years its easier to stay together than leave. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. airdvr

    Cash Cab

    Let's say you won a new car. $30K for example. You're gonna get a 1099-misc for $30K worth of income. Also, you're gonna have to pay sales tax on the car wherever you title it. Sales tax at 6% would be $1800.00. So you'd probably have to provide some sort of proof that you're good for the $10,800. I have no idea how they'd do that. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. You've reached the proverbial crossraods in your jumping career, and you've reached it really early. Wasn't until I had about 500 ro so jumps that a friend went in, and it was tough. I can't imagine dealing with that at 13 jumps. Stand down? If you want to go ahead. I don't recommend it nor do I condone it. Strictly personal decision. Either way the next jump will be more difficult than the last...and I'm talking about the ride to altitude, not necessarily the actual jump. Once you're out the door it'll all be OK. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. Both Expedia and Travelocity charge more than if you contact your local travel agent. I've seen it as high as $300 for airfare and a hotel on a 7 night stay. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. There is a website, damned if I can remember it, where you can rant about a certain business that has fucked you in the ass and embarrass the crap out of them. Nothing like bad and negative publicity, which they deserve, to straighten this out if they haven't already. Still, that's fucked up shit. I've used Travelocity before but I've been lucky not to get screwed by them. I've been using Expedia for the past few years though. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. Isn't there an RSL issue with Racers? I was told by someone I consider very knowledgeable that RSL's and Racers don't like eachother. I forget the reason's why...anyone care to re-enlighten me? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. I was in 4th grade. Edited to add: Anyhoo, I'd still like to see a bunch of drunk skydivers out in the landing area under the moonlight dancing to this song!