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Everything posted by funks

  1. Boo hoo, you have got to be fucking kidding me? I feel so bad for you. Now how about telling me how it really affected your life? And I am not referring to the miniscule childish shit you mentioned above. Write your local fucking congressman and then perhaps take that issue to speakers corner. Perhaps you should be bitching and moaning about the people that gave her money? Time to clean the sand out of your vaginas people.
  2. I cant believe you people really give a shit about this. As if the world didnt already think skydiving was dangerous before Shayna Richardson came along You people are a bunch of drama craving whiners. If it really bothers you so much, perhaps everyone here should just shut up about this issue and let it go away. Why the fuck arent you crying and whining about all the videos on realtv? That shit airs on a daily basis, round the clock. Unless Shayna Richardson is lobbying to have my dropzone shut down i dont give a fuck, and neither should you. If she wants free gear and manages to get it then more power to her. Its her life, and whether you want to believe it or not it has absolutely NO EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE. You have two choices. Let her do her thing whatever it may be and get on with your life. Or you can make up all this drama and pretend that Shayna Richardson is this evil person hell bent on destroying the sport of skydiving. If you choose option #2 can you please explain to me exactly where that will get you? Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. This kinda reminds me of all the drama laden day blazing object burning base threads.
  3. Screw all these places. California Tortilla fucking rocks!
  4. I knew it! I was right along.
  5. Why are you dicking around with those sites anyways when our very own RL is single, hot, and bothered? Get to work bro. Or can you not handle it?
  6. funks


    Global destruction. Or at least something like that
  7. Apparently has worked wonders for people also.
  8. resisting all urges to post useless advice that will provide no assistance whatsoever to your current dilemma
  9. funks


    Liar. It didnt work.
  10. Oh my fucking god. Did you not learn your lesson yesterday with all your sniveling and desparate ranting about your chips and salsa date two weeks ago. You just had to go and post this didnt you. Go stand in the fucking corner now!
  11. funks


  12. What the fuck were you thinking??? You should always use underage children to transport your stash!! Never ever do it yourself
  13. funks


    I wonder how many peoples various online accounts could be accessed simply by using the password "skydive" ....waiting for madrush of people to begin editing their accounts
  14. No. We're just irresistibile So...did you answer the question? When do you say, "I love you?" o irresistible one? rl I dont say it. I show it. Actions speak louder than words. How was that? That was pretty fucking good wasnt it?
  15. that's normally when I much? Fuck, they still make me pay up front.
  16. DO NOT LISTEN TO MICRO. Please proceed and post any and all incriminating pieces of evidence.
  17. Since half of my shit ends up getting deleted I think I should be able to return the favor I want mod powers dammit and I am willing to compromise my integrity to do so. edited to make sticky.
  18. I dont know what got into me there. The correction is greatly appreciated
  19. Your IQ appears to drop with every post you make. Step away from the computer before you arrive at room temperature.
  20. That right there is the problem. See, what you fail to understand is that not only does alcohol help a guy lower his also helps women do the same. You obviously did not meet the requirements.