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Everything posted by storm1977

  1. When did Bush violate the constitution or go against it? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  2. Why won't the Dem make him the Senate Minority Leader? He is probably the biggest Democratic name right now. Why? Because he is too far left for the Party. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  3. Pro-choice conservative here.... Wendy come-on. Look at his last 20 years on voting against military spending. That alone is enough. Not to mention his voting against the war in 91 after it was painfully obvious something needed to be done. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  4. OK, I am a bush supporter, but this was too Funny!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  5. His voting record for One. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  6. See, here is the problem... It is OK for Black Churches to invite in Kerry, but not OK for Bush. There are many black churches which need to be investigated by the IRS after some of what went on during this election. You need to look at both sides. It was definately done by Democrats too. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  7. I don't think that is true. I don't think it is a matter of "Religious based Values". I am a prime example. I just think it is Values and Morals in general. Look at Joe Lieberman... He had a lot of values, and he stood up against Hollywood. The DEM party made him apologize (Back when he was running for VP) Remember Tipper Gore... She got the explicit Language stickers on CD. Once Al Gore became VP, TIpper almost had to beg the DNC for forgiveness. THere is something wrong there with the DNC. They certainly aren't looking out for my family. I don't think that is true either. Maybe some of them just thought the other issue were more important during this election... issues like the economy of Iraq. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  8. I live in ny, and I am an agnostic. I just happen to believe that a strong moral foundation is good. I don't pray to a god...I don't pray. But I don't think it is a bad thing if you do. I was raised catholic, and I am a scientists. My views changed over time. However, just because I am not religious doesn't mean I don't think religion is good. I think it is very good, and I think it instills a lot of values in children and in family. Listen to AD... look at the county by county voting. As far as secceeding...... THat is stupid. Look, the foundation of this country hasn't changed. So now with the influx of European thinking we should split up? No. My hope is that the FAR left moves... move to Canada or Europe with the people who you share views with. Don't try to secceed. I think and I hope America stays on track with its thinking, with its faith, and with it's morals. I know you feel different, but I don't think you are FAR Left. Howard Deans of the country however.... ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  9. Your right, it isn't the Governments Job, however, the people want the country to have a stronger moral belief system, and that is why we elceted GWB. GWB didn't appoint himself... the PEOPLE did. This is the problem with the Dems. They don't see it is the PEOPLE that want this. Not Government, the people!!! They know if they elected someone like Kerry or Dean they country would loose some of that. This topic is obviously important to a great deal of the nation, and like I said, until the Dems realize that, they are destin to fail. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  10. I think the real reason Kerry lost is because of one KEY issue. The USA is not a secular Country. Though the dems would like it to be, a majority of this country is of faith and share the same Moral values. Until the Dems realize this, they are destin to loose. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs which are still held by most americans. There is no Core belief system of the Democratic party. Therefore, there is no real focus. There is no ONE message. Instead you have many factions and groups supporting the cause. Groups like NOW, Planned Parenthood, The Anti-Christian coalition, NORMAL, etc.... What did these groups have in Common during this election? Only that they wanted GWB out of office. Meanwhile, groups supporting Bush feel united in there moral beliefs whether you are a Jew, catholic, Muslim, Hindo...etc. This is a cultural war between those with a strong moral belief system, and those looking to change it. It is sort of like the movie The Last Samuri (sp?). Traditional vs. Contemporary. Anyone watch Joe Scarborough Last night? Mike Barnical (sp?) Was on and made some excellent points about where the Dems have gone wrong, and how they just don't understand (fundamentally) how middle america thinks and feels. Example - The Janet Jackson ordeal. When poled, people in the Red states thought it was a big deal and something they didn't want their children to see. People in the Blue states tended to say.. Who cares... it is just a boob. The Dems just don't realize that most of us (Repub's) would rather not have our 14yr old daughters or 12 yr old sons subjected to smut on tv. We want some cernsorship in Hollywood, and we would like to see the rating system of movies work better. There is enough trash and smut and sex outside of our windows, that we don't need it pumped into our houses on network TV. By having Kerry out Campaigning with the likes of P-diddy, and Eminem, it makes people and families in this country feel that he has no morals.... These are people who make their living off degrading woman, cursing habitually, and speak about shooting eachother. Don't even get into the Ben(ifer) guy. I think that is the fundamental reason why the Dems lost. There are too many people in this country who care about a strong moral foundation. Who believe in freedom of speech, but believe with it, comes responsibility. People like P-diddy and Eminem were just examples, but they are people without much responsibility. I think the Democratic party needs to take a long look at itself and needs to find out how to get back ontrack with America. This is not Europe.... We as a people (the majority of us) don't feel that everyone should just be able to do what ever they want. Chris ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  11. Oh well, nobody likes the Tough guy on the block. Why do you hate America? It seems clear you do... What caused that? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  12. And as you know the same is true of the US. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  13. You have to cut PK and the Other Liberal some slack.... They are having a bad week. They Just realized their party is in shambles with no organization, and MORE than half of this country is for GWB. He's having a hard time with all of this... ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  14. Ok, the moral issue isn't a good one... I would question my chartible donations. However, They are not the issue. Gates and all his wealth (which you libs hate) Is pushing for the common person to pay for this, saying we are morally obligated to do it. I say BS... put your money where your mouth is. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  15. Actually I live in NY and wouldn't really move to NJ.... Have you ever been there??? (IT smells bad). I am not making assumptions here about Alberta. However, sabre was implying unemployment is out of control here and it is soooo much better in his region. I happen to believe it isn't. And, looking at the numbers I just posted, NJ has a better unemployment rate than all of or any of Alberta. That's all I am getting at. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  16. I voted Bush... I am a big time Republican, however I am Pro-Choice. I don't think Bush will be trying to have that decision overturned!.. I wouldn't be too concerned by it (My Opinion) ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  17. Low unemployment???? Alberta: Calgary 5.1% Edmonton 5.1% N. Alberta 9.9% S. Alberta 5.7% No for let's say New Jersey: State unemployment rate - 4.8% I think I would rather live here thanks!!!! Where I can worry about my self, keep most of my income, and I don't have to pay for a boatload of social programs. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  18. While we are on the topic, the thing I found most disturbing.... CA tax payers will now pay 3 billion annually for stem cell research which private institutions could have done with some government money. Some of the Biggest proponents of this bill were people like Bill Gates. If it is sooo vitally important, why couldn't Gates and his peeps foot the bill? Why should people who are morally opposed to it pay? Why should the people of CA who are already strapped for cash pay? I love how these Big $$$ guys/gals do this.... absolutely incredible. Chris ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  19. I am only telling you what he did and why... Up in St. Johns that's what the prices are like. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  20. What makes me laugh is how People down here think the Health Care system in Canada is Free. HAHAHA.... Have fun waiting at the hospital in line with the rest of the world... Have fun pay ridiculous taxes to cover the so called free health care. Have fun paying insane tariffs on everything in Canada to cover other social programs.... Nothing is FREE. My old boss was from Nova Scotia. Moved here 8yrs ago. He just took a job in Newfoundland, and was amazed at the price differences. Before he left here he bought a new Computer, a new Refridgerator, and a new stove. Had all of that moved up there with him to his new house.... Why??? Because in Canada products like these are 3-4x more expensive. Sure he will have to pay a fee to bring them across, but nothing like what they would cost if purchased up there... Don't you love socialism. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  21. You mean BRAINWASHED Kallend. Come on Say what you mean!!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  22. If you are moving due to election results, you'd be far better off going to Canada or France... They Like Kerry are socialists. Have Fun..... Be sure and change you residencey so you can't vote in 2008 :-) ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  23. What if Hillary runs and has Her husband as the VP? Then if Hillary dies, Slick WIlly will be Pres again. Just what the Democrats want!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  24. Seriously??? Damn, I am getting married in March. Is it too late to back out? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  25. So, contagious or not, I can protect my children from what i want. There will come a time when they will be free of me and allowed to do what ever they want and explore what ever they want. But They will be protected under my watch. So, Ripple wouldn't be invited into my house to discuss his sexual theory or beliefs....that's all. FYI - This is an analogy... I have no Kids. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty