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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. At least not until the costs associated with those behaviors are born by those engaged in them.
  2. "people who hold off buying coverage until they get sick." A direct result of Obamacare. Remember the "no denial for pre-existing conditions", what did you expect? This from just a few hours ago "Government Report Finds That ObamaCare Medicaid Enrollees Much More Expensive Than Expected"
  3. Something closer to home for BillV "Premiums for Californians’ Obamacare health coverage will rise by an average of 13.2% next year — more than three times the increase of the last two years and a jump that is bound to raise debate"
  4. Don't be so pedantic, the point I was making was that science has nothing to do with consensus. I guess if "majoring in the minors" is your only card, I suppose you have to play it.
  5. "Body temperture"? Who is twisting now?
  6. I think you mean western-civilization-a-phobia. Do short skirts cause you to lose your mind? Do you feel the need to kill your sister because she gets horny? Do gay people compel you to kill them? Do you have a desire to have sex with a 9-year-old? Do you have an uncontrollable urge to grow a beard and blow yourself up? Then perhaps you have an inflamed Islam. Take 700 grams of arsenic and call me when you're knee-deep in virgins.
  7. What if you were? Would you still be able to say no? What if it was a wedding of a KKK bride and a neo-nazi groom?
  8. Less than fully informed: using an increment of change as a discussion point, when rate of change is what matters. If temps go up at the rate of 2F/century (a randomly chosen value for the sake of illustrating something that should be obvious), then you get to enjoy the rest of your life. In a couple millennia (a relatively short time on a planetary scale), no humans will be enjoying any life. A notion based on nothing more than your feelings... Thanks for playing. FYI, this human (and his family) have been able to withstand a 20 degree F rate of temperture rise on this very day, the horror....
  9. They were however in nearly unanimous agreement that it was not a bird of prey. Until they were not.
  10. Source? "Previously, experts had believed that the child, whose fossil skull was found by Professor Raymond Dart in South Africa's North West province in 1924, had been killed by a leopard or sabre-tooth cat"
  11. No, you are right it was closer to 100%
  13. 97% of scientists determined that the Taung Child was killed by a large cat. 97% of scientists declared Piltdown Man the missing link. 97% of scientists declared nuts to be unhealthy due to their high fat content. 97% of EU scientists claimed that drinking water did not prevent dehydration. 97% of scientists said that the earth was the center of the universe. 97% of scientists stated that white Europeans were a superior race. So forgive me for not joining in on your groupthink circle jerk.
  14. What I said was, "With ten million enrollees and a loss rate of 50,000 per day, it would actually take 200 days." That is just math. Anyway the real pain doesn't doesn't come until 2017, when the training wheels come off.
  15. No need to wait. "A thorough repudiation of the (un-)Affordable Care Act comes from, of all places, state-run National Public Radio. Timed to be buried by Super Tuesday coverage, NPR this week released a new study that indicates that Obamacare has failed on almost all levels. The poll, by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, shows that three quarters of Americans think health care in their state has not improved under Obamacare. The survey says more people think health care has gotten worse (26%) than better (15%). Forty-nine percent of people think health care has stayed about the same. And I hope you haven’t been making plans of what to do with that $2,500 a year you’ll be saving on premiums. The NPR poll confirms that that was just another in Obama’s litany of lies. Forty-five percent of respondents said their premiums had gone up, while 46% said their premiums had stayed about the same. Only 4% said their premiums had actually gone down, as Obama promised they would. Along with higher premiums, co-pays and deductibles have gone up for 35% of people. Fifty-six percent say they’ve stayed about the same. Again, only 4% of those surveyed said their copays and deductibles have actually gone down. Meanwhile, the increased benefits Obama swore we’d get apparently haven’t materialized. Seventy percent of people said their benefits have stayed about the same. Twelve percent said their benefits have actually decreased. Only 16% of people polled said they have better benefits now than before Obamacare."
  17. I know a lot of people on here do not go back that far, but this is exactly what the R's were saying when Medicare was passed. How many people in this country would vote to dismantle Medicare? Jerry Baumchen Some googling turned up: [I]"If you don’t stop Medicare and I don’t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free." -- Ronald Reagan 1961 "socialized medicine." -- George H.W. Bush 1964 "Having given our pensioners their medical care in kind, why not food baskets, why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a ration of cigarettes for those who smoke and of beer for those who drink." -- Barry Goldwater "I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare . . . because we knew it wouldn’t work in 1965." -- Bob Dole 1965 Source: "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it" Anyway it goes bankrupt in 14 years leaving Gen Xers and Millennials a bunch of worthless IOUs. Ask them how awesome it is to be financially raped by their grandparents.
  18. Pssst . . . airliners are also motor vehicles. I'm reasonably certain you wouldn't have made a similar joke about 9/11. Like Bill Maher did?
  19. The best possible outcome for the Dems is that they win the White House and the Senate, the House of Reps is out of reach, so no legislative solution, and as jerry pointed out, no legislation no Obamacare fix, no fix... Obamacare dies.
  20. Ok I sharpened my pencil, and it turns out that my ten day prediction was less than precise. With ten million enrollees and a loss rate of 50,000 per day, it would actually take 200 days.
  21. It was a rhetorical question.
  22. I'm not predicting, I'm just reporting.
  23. Why doesn't Obama make the needed changes? As you know, politics is the art of the possible. Nothing will change until the system crashes down and it MUST be changed. That has not happened yet, it won't until sometime in President Clinton's second term. At its current rate of collapse, it will be dead in ten days.