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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. I got it from a Facebook post, I did not know it came from Guns and Ammo, that said, what difference does it make? G&A just parroted the Obama's CDC's report on gun violence.
  2. What hole? Take time out from grading 19 year old's papers at your community college, and explain to me in granular detail (because I am just a slack jawed hayseed) the hole I am digging. Dunning-Kruger effect indeed.
  3. In what way did I lie? The first line from my post was: "Here are some key findings from the CDC report..." I did not say "here is the CDC report", you were kind enough to provide that. You ripped it off from another source without attribution. That is called "plagiarism" and is dishonest. "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you it means" pla·gia·rism noun the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. If anyone is guilty of plagiarism, it is Guns and Ammo. From the CDC report: Between the years 2000-2010 firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups... Guns and Ammo The vast majority of gun-related deaths are not homicides, but suicides...
  4. How can NOAA acknowledge the "pause" while simultaneously claiming temperature rise is rapid and unprecedented?
  5. News flash! The planet has been warming and sea levels have been rising since the last Ice Age, long before man burnt his first lump of coal.
  6. Greening of the planet = observable fact Potential downsides = speculation
  7. In what way did I lie? The first line from my post was: "Here are some key findings from the CDC report..." I did not say "here is the CDC report", you were kind enough to provide that. You ripped it off from another source without attribution. That is called "plagiarism" and is dishonest. So if I provided a footnote, stating I got this from Facebook, you would be onboard?
  8. Like this?
  9. In what way did I lie? The first line from my post was: "Here are some key findings from the CDC report..." I did not say "here is the CDC report", you were kind enough to provide that.
  10. That is true, I should have said they think they are the smarter ones.
  11. Here is some corroboration to your OP published 22 June 2016. They won't even read it, as it did not come from a left leaning source. Now if it was the HuffPo or the Daily Kos, they might take a gander
  12. In what way did I lie? The first line from my post was: "Here are some key findings from the CDC report..." I did not say "here is the CDC report", you were kind enough to provide that.
  13. Facebook post? There's your problem. Why is that a problem?
  14. It is counterintuitive to their world belief system - They are not able to process it without bias - so this is the result. It's hilarious watching those players say that the evidence on climate change is detrimental to the world, all the while belittling people that have cynical minds and don't believe the whole story. They have so much contempt and ire toward them. Then when they are given their own arguments back - they rear back and insult and claim they are afraid to express their true feelings about soon they simply disagree with. And the best part is their utter lack of self awareness. They really think they are the smart ones.
  15. WHAT YOU POSTED was a cut and paste of a spin job from Guns and Ammo written in 2013. That may not have been where you got it from, but that is where it originated. It then went the rounds of the loony gun-nut sites. You are intellectually DISHONEST by claiming it was from the CDC and by not admitting that you plagiarized it in the first place. If it were not for forum rules I'd tell you what I really think of you. BillV please suspend the forum rules for just this one time, I really want to know how awesome Kallend thinks I am.
  16. What a surprise Please don't tell me that you can not get your head around the difference between "editorial commentary" and a summary. What is your point? Let's just say I got it from a FOX news website, does that invalidate the CDC study? I know it must be difficult for you, BillV, Kallend and others, when your world view runs into the cold cruel wall of reality, but you are just going to have to get over it.
  17. No I will not, editorialize and summarize are not the same thing. I can't believe that I am wasting my time responding to someone who is not even European anymore ed·i·to·ri·al·ize (of a newspaper, editor, or broadcasting organization) make comments or express opinions rather than just report the facts sum·ma·rize give a brief statement of the main points of synonyms: sum up, abridge, condense, encapsulate
  18. Yes it is, you can read it yourself, BillV was kind enough to post a link.
  19. Do you mean this? "defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies (Kleck, 1988; Kleck and DeLone, 1993; Southwick, 2000; Tark and Kleck, 2004). " Now I know it doesn't say, "Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker.", so I understand if you can't make the connection, but trust me it means the same thing.
  20. Show me, if I am wrong I will gladly admit it. Show me how all of the other points were not valid and I will be more than happy to concede. After all I am just interested in the truth, or as close as we can come to it.
  21. The information is from the CDC, I was made aware of it via a Facebook post, in much the same way you were made aware of it from me. I know the truth hurts when it does not comport with your world view but that is just something that you are going to have to get used to.
  22. I'm sorry Bill I am not sure what your point is. Are you disputing the findings of the CDC? Again an apparent message/messenger inversion. Please refer back to my National Review/Mao's Little Red Book reference. My only agenda is the truth.
  23. Bill looks like you might be starting to have a messenger/message inversion, better sit down and drink a glass of water, you have had enough Kool Aid.
  24. I just googled Boris, and saw a photo. Now I understand this sign I saw earlier! Can we please trade? Please!?