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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Why doesn't Obama make the needed changes?
  2. It just keep getting better and better This from a few hours ago "Illinois Obamacare plan, Land of Lincoln Heath is closing down after three years, leaving around 50,000 people without health insurance. The company lost nearly $91 million in 2015 and more than $17 million through the end of May." Sorry no clicky
  3. But there is racial bias regarding police use of non-deadly force. And you wish to ignore that fact. Deadly and non-deadly....what are the other options? What don't you get about the force part of law enFORCEment? Some of use would like to see more emphasis on "protect and serve". What are LEOs suposed to protect us from? Right now there's an LEO outside my house protecting motorists from running into a tree branch that came down and blocked the street during tonight's storm. Is that tree branch selling "loosies" and pirated CDs with an illegal handgun and resisting attempts to remove it from blocking your street?
  4. But there is racial bias regarding police use of non-deadly force. And you wish to ignore that fact. Deadly and non-deadly....what are the other options? What don't you get about the force part of law enFORCEment? Some of use would like to see more emphasis on "protect and serve". What are LEOs suposed to protect us from? Yourselves And perhaps a bit of force may be in order to affect that outcome.
  5. But there is racial bias regarding police use of non-deadly force. And you wish to ignore that fact. Deadly and non-deadly....what are the other options? What don't you get about the force part of law enFORCEment? Some of use would like to see more emphasis on "protect and serve". What are LEOs suposed to protect us from?
  6. But there is racial bias regarding police use of non-deadly force. And you wish to ignore that fact. Deadly and non-deadly....what are the other options? What don't you get about the force part of law enFORCEment?
  7. Jim Crow has been gone longer than the draft, you need to visit more.
  8. *** ** The Washington Times is owned by a shell corporation that is in turn owned by Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. You really need to take off your tin foil hat.
  9. Believe it or not I heard about this study when I was watching MSNBC this morning. They gave it short shrift so I googled race, bias and NYT, the link I posted was at the top of the page. You added additional context, thank you.
  10. Still playing the man... First the CDC, now a black Harvard professor.
  11. "A study by a Harvard professor released this month found no evidence of racial bias in police shootings even though officers were more likely to interact physically with non-whites than whites. The paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, which examined thousands of incidents at 10 large police departments in California, Florida and Texas, concluded that police were no more likely to shoot non-whites than whites after factoring in extenuating circumstances. “On the most extreme use of force — officer-involved shootings — we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account,” said Harvard economics professor Roland G. Fryer Jr. in the abstract of the July 2016 paper. Mr. Fryer, who is black, told The New York Times that the finding of no racial discrimination in police shootings was “the most surprising result of my career.”"
  12. More on Obamacare from today! Just in the past few hours! "Oregon's insurance regulator closed the co-op late Friday due to poor finances, meaning that 15 of the original 23 co-ops have collapsed. The closures have cost taxpayers more than $1.5 billion in startup and solvency loans."
  13. Some can do it. Maybe anyone can do it. But everyone cannot do it. The system does not work that way. Not with that attitude. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"
  14. Yes Wendy, I've got mine, and if everyone else got theirs, we would be in a much better place. It can be done, I did it. My high school graduation gift was some soft luggage and a watch; luggage to pack up my shit and a watch so I would not miss my bus. Five days after graduating high school, I was gone. No car, no college, no money. 34 years later, and after a lot of hard work and even more deferred gratification, I am semi-retired and living comfortably. Why? Because I had to. I had no trust fund to fall back on, no welfare check, I could not even rely on my wit, charm and intelligence (as Kallend and BillV are fond of pointing out I am bereft of all of three), I just worked hard, SAVED and INVESTED. It's not that hard. Take the money from a daily pack of cigarettes and a six pack of beer and save/invest it. Forgo the new BMW and drive a ten year old used Honda if you want a Mercedes in the future.
  15. Yes, Pakistan. That makes perfect sense. A political figure in one of the most impoverished nations on the planet, should not be seen getting top dollar healthcare.
  16. No I actually can afford it.
  17. I will concede that other countries may best us in a contest of mediocrity but in a contest of excellence, we have no peers.
  18. Ten years ago when my dad was in the Cleveland clinic, I shared a hospital shuttle with some Saudis. I asked them what brought them to the States, they essentially told me they wanted the best health care money could buy so they passed on Europe and came to the US.
  19. "You can your healthcare good, fast or cheap...pick two"
  20. ' But don't worry, when the inevitable financial collapse comes your country will be forced to fix it. With free stuff for everybody! I can hardly wait. I sure hope HRC has a stash.
  21. I will not give advice, but I will share some perspective. I was at a boogie about 15 years ago and was talking to a British ex-pat who was a full-time skydiver. I said that he was "living the dream," then he confided that it was more of a nightmare. He was 40+ had no house, no healthcare, no savings and no options. What seems unimaginably cool in one's 20s may not be later in life.
  22. Hi jerry, Thirteen failed co-ops, and more on the way. Something tells me it may be something a bit more systemic.