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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. This was happening at the same time at the same time you were penning your cute snarky reply. Or did I imagine this too? "Oregon’s nonprofit ObamaCare health insurance co-op is winding down operations due to financial problems, the second such announcement this week for the troubled co-op program. The announcement is just the latest in a long string of failures of ObamaCare’s co-ops, non-profit health insurers set up to increase competition with established insurers. Before this week, just 10 of the original 23 co-ops remained functioning... Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) announced Friday that it is taking over the insurer, known as Oregon’s Health CO-OP, and will liquidate the company. The plan’s 20,600 enrollees will be forced to find new health insurance" Yawn...too easy.
  2. Bullshit, you also were talking about medicaid. How the fuck are those people gonna be taken care of? Sorry, my bad. I conflated Medicare with Obamacare. What I meant to convey was that the only people benefiting from Obamacare, are the ones getting government subsidies. Those who are actually bearing the true costs are being screwed and are dropping out, without legislative fixes, i.e. taxpayer bailouts of the insurance companies, it is doomed, and predictably so.
  3. I'm talking about results not intentions "With providers fleeing and rates rising, the individual marketplace for ‘Obamacare’ policies is ‘a looming catastrophe of astronomical proportions’" From the AP: "Enrollment has been lower than hoped for, and customers turned out to be sicker than expected. Some major insurance companies have cut back their participation, and 13 of 23 nonprofit insurance co-ops created under the law have folded. Premiums for 2017 are expected to be significantly higher." Ring the bell, class in session! Higher premiums = lower participation = higher cost = higher premiums It is a little thing I call economics. Class dismissed!
  4. Yes, those "free stuff from the government" people who were denied coverage because of preexisting conditions: Yes that would be the "sick" component of "old, sick and poor" So... it's not a good thing that old and sick people are being helped more than young and healthy people by Obamacare? Because, y'know, I kinda thought that was the whole point of medicine in general. Similarly, helping poor people who didn't have good coverage get better coverage was, I believe, closer to the intention of Obamacare than helping rich people with good coverage get even better coverage. Sorta thought that was obvious... You need to understand the American right wing white man. When he says "poor" in this context, he is speaking code. He means urban, and black or brown. And "those people" are all about living off the backs of society. Racial hatred is at the root of America's lack of universal healthcare. No I mean those on Medicaid and those getting subsidies, only a racist bigot would equate economic status with race.
  5. Yes, those "free stuff from the government" people who were denied coverage because of preexisting conditions: Yes that would be the "sick" component of "old, sick and poor"
  6. Had he spent his time on reducing entitlements and tax reform, he would be labeled by the GOP as the president who killed thousands of Americans through his negligent gutting of support programs for the most needy - and he would also be crucified for NOT reforming health care. Obamacare will certainly change going forward (it already has) but it is too late to kill; it has done too much good for too many people to be abandoned completely. When Obama took office he had tremendous support and a war chest of political capital. The stimulus package, S-CHIP, Ledbetter, all passed with bipartisan support. His approval rate was north of 65%. He pissed it all away. First, with his failed attempt to close Gitmo and then by shoving Obamacare down the throat of the American public (who never approved of it). He was subsequently rewarded by loosening the House of Representatives and then the Senate. The only people that are currently being helped by Obamacare, are the "free stuff from the Government" crowd. The young, healthy and wealthy are not enrolling the old, sick and poor are. So....put that in your actuarial tables and smoke it!
  7. America needs Canada. It gives young men a safe place to hide from the draft when your war machine gets over revved up. Obviously you have been partaking of too much medicinal marijuana. We have not had a draft for nearly a half a century. Although I know that to burned out aging hippies, it seems like just yesterday.
  8. I would agree with you, it is only about half dead, so Obama will be safely out of office by the time Obamacare meets its just and predictable demise. Which is a shame because he wasted all of his political capital in the first year of his Presidency on Obamacare. Had he focused on entitlement and tax reform, he could have gone down as one of the greats. The legacy of Obamacare is that in the end it will be the first step in the journey to real socialized medicine in America. Canadian style. You're welcome. So one day the US will be as great as Canada... Or Belgium for that matter. Thanks?
  9. I would agree with you, it is only about half dead, so Obama will be safely out of office by the time Obamacare meets its just and predictable demise. Which is a shame because he wasted all of his political capital in the first year of his Presidency on Obamacare. Had he focused on entitlement and tax reform, he could have gone down as one of the greats.
  10. leg·a·cy ˈleɡəsē/ noun noun: legacy; plural noun: legacies 2. a thing handed down by a predecessor. "the legacy of centuries of neglect" synonyms: consequence, effect, upshot, spin-off, repercussion, aftermath, by-product, result "a legacy of the wars" If Obamacare collapses before he leaves office, will it still be part of his legacy?
  11. Religion (atheism included) is like a penis; it is fine to have one... it is even fine to be proud of it, but don't whip it out in public and please don't try to shove it down my throat. Attn Kallend! I would have put quotation marks and provided attribution, but the exact wording, and source are lost to me in the fog of my fifty two years.
  12. "A sharp-shooting Army veteran is being hailed a hero for saving a bald eagle that had gotten tangled in rope 75 feet up a tree. Jason Galvin used a .22-caliber rifle to fire 150 shots at the rope and branches surrounding the feathered creature — America’s national bird — after spotting it dangling upside down close to his family’s cabin near Rush City, Minnesota, on Thursday." Happy Independence Day!
  13. If this is all true, then why do Republicans hate Obama so much? It is all true, and you must have missed the "lefty's characterization" part.
  14. More poverty (born disproportionately by minorities) More income inequality More wealth inequality More wars Record deportations of the undocumented Record CO2 levels Our lands raped by Big Oil via fracking 140% increase in domestic firearm production Wow..... It sounds like a lefty's characterization of what a Republican would do.
  15. BillVon was kind enough to post a link to the CDC study. We can discuss the CDC study or the other nonsense. One choice is productive, the other is not. Derek V The last thing Kallend, and others, want to discuss, is the Obama's administration's CDC report. This is what they think of the CDC report: (replace Sith with NRA),
  16. It is 3 years old. Why are you now bringing it forward as this earth shattering scientific study putting an end to the gun debate? If that was the case, wouldn't the debate have ended 3 years ago when this report actually came out? And one wonders why the NRA backed 1996 ban on the CDC doing research on gun violence has continued under the GOP controlled Congress (which refused to fund Obama's request for the research to resume), if the CDC really finds that guns are so good for us. That is why the result were "shocking"
  17. No that is a ham-fisted attempt of obfuscation.
  18. Wow the CDC report must have really left a mark. More than 100 posts and you guys are still playing the man and not the ball. I know it is tough, science was, once and for all, going to put an end to the gun debate and it backfired, just acknowledge it and we can move on.
  19. Why is how the information so important. This seems like just a distraction from what you don't want to admit. So fucking what - it was a paraphrase - and yes, anyone with a brain can see the statements are not exactly identical, but they are both correct in spirit and meaning. Sorry you don't like the message - but it is what it is. Sorry you have to now try to find a way to discredit a government organization. Get over the stupid semantics of the issue and address the content of what the CDC actually did say. They can't process the information, their collective minds are blown and their panties are firmly bunched. They feel confused and betrayed, the CDC report was not supposed to come out that way. Kallend, per usual, has to resort to ad hominem attacks as he lacks the capacity to engage on an intellectual level, and BillV can't get beyond Guns and Ammo.
  20. Can you give an example of our debt going down?
  21. Would you care to comment in the CONTENT??? Didn't think so.
  22. All of those posts and you have yet to address the CONTENT of the OP.