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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Al Gore would agree with you, at least in public. So would T. Boone Pickens. Oil = wealth, windmills = ruin
  2. Are you telling me we have spent $22.5 BILLION dollars on climate change and we nothing to show for it? Follow the money indeed!
  3. You forgot to include climate change profits
  4. Only the ones who depend on government grants for their research aka livelihood.
  5. The US produces nearly twice as much electricity from nuclear as France. In this instance, per capita may be a more useful metric; or perhaps as a percentage of total energy usage.
  6. I expect the US will be energy independent in Trump's term. At a $75 a barrel price point, we will be an energy exporter!
  7. That puts an effective ceiling of $75 a barrel for the next several decades. Stable energy prices are a boon to industry and jobs.
  8. A trillion dollars of recoverable oil and gas, at today's prices. "The best thing about the earth is if you poke holes in it, oil and gas come out"
  9. Which resulted in more food - fact. Less tornadoes - fact. More polar bears - fact. An actually greener earth - fact. No statistically significant change in: droughts, floods, wildfires, disease, sea levels, and zombies - fact. Oh BTW driving an electric car changes nothing - fact.# Solar panels on your roof changes nothing - fact.# Carbon tax changes nothing - fact.* Wind mill generated electricity changes nothing - fact.* # other than wasting taxpayer money * other than increasing ones power bill
  10. Will we then balance the statistically non-existent damages vs the very real benefits, (more food, less tornadoes) and then cut a check to "Big Oil" for the difference?
  11. Yeh, and Trump is so stupid that he doesn't even know that his daughter is Jewish.
  12. We are going to have the hottest First Lady in the world!
  13. She said that before he got the nomination, when the smart money was on Jeb. (Her husband's golf partner's son)
  14. I saw him with EJ, and did not know who he was. I looked him up when got home...Wow. I wished I had done that before the concert.
  15. She did say that she was proud to call republicans her enemies. (included in that list was Iran, so it was not just political adversaries)
  16. Nobody is saying that California doesn't work, I am saying that it just doesn't count. How many times did HRC or Trump campaign there? It is a reliably blue state, in much the way Texas is reliably red. The difference is made in the purple states. BTW I appreciate your rant, it chaps me when the "hard working American" monicker is applied to folks who are neither hard working nor American.
  17. All the more surprising that the left leaning MSNBC would hold him up as a stalwart of moral character.
  18. Simmer down June bug, stay on the porch unless you have anything of substance to contribute.
  19. Just watched MSNBC hold up Glen Beck as an authority on character.
  20. So, identifying the man by his religion and race, one different from white working class Americans, means he would be an inappropriate choice? Only fair skinned Americans need apply? No I'm sure that he is the best choice, Bubba LOVES the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panthers.
  21. The Democrats are considering a far left-wing, African American, urbanite, Muslim, Black Nationalist with ties to the Nation of Islam as the next chair of the DNC!?!? With eight Democratic senators up for re-election from red states in 2018?!?! Democrats to the world: "Hold my beer."
  22. This is why I listen to and watch left wing media and eschew the right wing echo chamber. I need to have my views to be challenged, not reinforced.