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Everything posted by Peej

  1. I've actually got a friend from So Cal doing that right now, unfortunately between the SA post office and the US post office, wires keep getting crossed. My shirts just arrived back at her place after going round the world and never getting to me. It's happened with various things she's tried to send me over the years Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. breaks: What you don't want to do again. brakes: Those lines coming down off the trailing edge, which if operated properly, will keep you from doing that again. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. Good man Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. SM gives his reasons in the link, he says they have felt the economic situation but mostly he says he's tired of dealing with idiots who "just don't get it" Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. That's a great post and much respect to you for learning from your accident. Here's an excerpt from a PM that tonto sent me after i broke my leg a few years back, his words have always stuck with me: "I think it's finally true to you when I say: The ground is not fast - but it's patient. Or: The ground always knows where you are." You know now. You've gone from the "YeeHaa!" Marine excited about battle to the wounded survivor, worried about his wounded friends and who sees the faces of the dead before sleep. Ours is not an ideological struggle. We can never win this war. We have only each other, and the moments we share. The ground doesn't care. It never will." We can't always survive accidents unhurt, but at least we can learn. Be safe out there Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. You've still got time to order bro, it doesn't close immediately, he's still open for a few more weeks yet. You really should, my circle of friends over here in South Africa has been in love with the site for years, the only crap part is that they don't deliver here so whenever we have a friend in the US we try and get them to bring a few back for us. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. This is so sad, Sunshine Megatron, owner of T-shirt Hell is closing the doors to his company on February 10th. No matter whether you love the shirts of hate them the man is a genius. [url/] [url] Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. E, Shantaram is one of my favourite books of all time, have you read "Q and A" by Vikas Swarup? It's the book that Slumdog is based on. Check it out - well worth reading Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. Happy happy joy joy! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. Congrats, and yes you owe beer. I never thought i'd see my thousandth, i bought beer Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. Yeah right've been in the sport long enough to know~ NO VIDEO ~ IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Guess not a damn thing happened for the first few billion years of your life... OH SNAP! Hahahahahahahahahahaha Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. 0:6:0 All tandem vids Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. Happy birthday! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Happy birthday pal Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. Hey Lacy, Welcome to the forums! I'm assuming you'll be doing a tandem? If that's the case the best advice i can give you is listen to your instructor and remember to breathe on the ground, in the plane and in freefall. It will help you relax and have fun
  17. You should like Battlestar then because the producer of Carnivale is a producer on Battlestar. Cool
  18. i've heard from a few friends that it's really good but have never got round to watching it, i'll have to give it a go. Something that i did watch recently that i never watched when it was on TV was "Carnivale" - thoroughly enjoyed both seasons of that Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY MATEY! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. Aaaaaaah, another addict after a tandem, that's what we like to hear. I'm sure your tandem master must be happy that you're planning on taking up the sport. As a camera guy i have only ever had a handful of people that i have filmed come back and start for real but it's always nice to see Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. 0:6:0 First jumps of the year for me, six tandems videos Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. You guys should also give the book that the movie is based on a go, it's called Q & A by Vikas Swarup, it's an easy read but really good
  23. Welcome to the forums! So what made you choose skydiving as a sport?
  24. Welcome to the forums! I think no matter what age people started skydiving they wish they'd started younger, i started at 22 and wish i had started at 18 And yeah, it'll be different not having an instructor with you but remember this is what your training has been preparing you for, stay calm, breathe and you'll do fine