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Everything posted by sunnydee123

  1. Hey Carlos - yup, I'll miss you and the Chocolate Factory Five but you know what's been my PASSION this year so I am taking it all the way to the end, with a HUGE smile on my face.
  2. So I guess I'll be geting a bunch of surprises this weekend in Lake Wales then huh ~ oh goody! or doesn't anyone want to play with me ...that's ok, I've played with myself before and it's not so bad . Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  3. Just wanted to put a little "tickler" out there about the last CPC meet for the SE region this coming weekend. Of course I'm wondering who is coming but surprises also work for me I'll be there Friday around 1pm, hoping to make some practice jumps, if anyone else is interested in playing with me See ya soon gang! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  4. saWEEEEEEEET! Well I booked my flight on Southwest direct from Orlando to Colorado and get in Wed. late afternoon. Gonna get some warm-up runs in Thursday . I might follow your lead on the grossing people out - but I'll do my best......right on! The over planner in me also called and booked a room at the Marriot (shut up Ian - you'll thank me one day for my over planning skills!). No discount on the first night so I'm tossing that around but it's currently booked for Wed-Sun (double beds). Nice pool and hottub for our weary bones after each long day. Gonna try my negotiating skills later and see if I can get them to give me the skydiver rate for Wed. night also. I head out Monday morning. I didn't reserve the car yet but I'm not stressed over that but I will, just cause I am a planner like that. Soooo there is the plan Stan. First come, first serve. I get one bed - the other is yet to be claimed. See ya soon chancho! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  5. So just wondering if people are thinking that far in advance because if you are and you are from the FL area, Southwest is running some good deals from Orlando. I imagine as it gets closer, I'll also be interested in coordinating car and hotel sharing... Regardless, my flights is booked and I'll be hitting Longmont Wed. 8/16 and heading back out with at least a smile, Monday 8/21. Look forward to seeing everyone soon. Hope all the rest of the CPC meets are good ones for us all....Later kids, D Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  6. Not sure who from the FL region plan to head out to CO for this event but Southwest has some good deals on flights right now from Orlando. Would also be great to coordinate some car and room sharing. Talk to me gang. Who is planning to go get there swoop on in August? Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  7. you guys need to stop cluttering this one time cool thread with your girly babbling back and forth banter ...........Yeah - I said it - "girly babbling banter"....and Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  8. Where is Roy and those pictures? Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  9. I'll be there with my notebook and video camera . I need to start giving the Southeast CPC boys more of a challenge So when do we start the "who's sharing a room with who" talk? Hey Colorado folks, where is the best place to stay for the cheapest $$$? See you soon! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  10. Congrats Brad - I also am competing for my first year with a Katana 107. Might not have all the "umph" the crossed braced guys have, and I am not wing-loading much but it all comes down to the flying. I'm hoping THEY all will continue to "go big" and I can just sort out how to keep my butt down inside the gates and score
  11. YEAH - it was a great weekend on so many levels, despite the teasing by mother nature throughout it. My first Whirlyball experience was a BLAST! I got to swoop a little with the boys (I'll like video reviews better when they lean in my favor ), then headed to Thomaston "in style", was greeted by a line of bare asses , tons of friends and an awesome wedding recap video. It was worth all my slight panic attacks when trying to sort out rides and stuff...Big thanks Kristi and all those who helped dissolve those slight attacks Congrats again Brie and Travis - love you guys tons! What a good weekend this was!!!!!!!!!! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  12. I had to catch my ride out Saturday night before getting to see or hear Chris's normal schpeel after a fun day of competition and weather holds...anxious to see the results (hint hint) . I personally was very happy with my performance despite the 2 weather rounds that kicked my light wing loading ass. I left the Farm knowing I am continuing to fine tune things, although the scores might not show it ....still need some work getting all the way down IN those gates but I think I actually had 2 video review runs which made me happy. I'm getting there. Even did the HAPPY DANCE last round when I made a gate over the water, a zone with style (legs lifted out in front to slide in on my ass and make the zone) and wrapped it all up with a little applause from the crowd - all after thinking I was going to have to bail on the whole run...but I never gave up and it paid off in my eyes. Watch out guys - I'm watching, listening and learning from ya'll............See ya in Lake Wales. Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  13. Hey Grant......seems I might get to meet you afterall. Remember, was supposed to meet you and the guys in Elsinore a few months back....anyway, I'll be in CO but just watching this year - THIS YEAR Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  14. hmmm.......seems I've heard that somewhere before See ya soon! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  15. Lots of things are a "tad off" these days but I'm not such a dork about everything matching anymore - cause what happens when it gets wet and you have to dig out the old stuff and NONE of that matches .....all I can say is I am having a blast and still very much in my learning curve so I enjoy the "love" from the guys when I get it ("run D, run"), don't just TAKE the trash talk and keep on smiling! This sport is STILL great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  16. I gotta get in on some of this swoopy swoop action......I'm still learning so I might not look as "cool" as some of the others but this is my first official "hitting the course" shot... ..oh yea - I'm excited! and as an added note..........I think Team Phukit ROCKS! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  17. So does anyone have a room Saturday night they might want to share
  18. I sent him a couple emails too cause I need to know incase I need a rental car.....but I'm getting excited about the whole weekend - see you soon almost married little chica! Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  19. Well I sure can't count on skydivers to plan ahead so here is what I've got on the books - if anyone needs MY help while I have some to offer: Flying in Friday morning and if all else fails, I will rent a car and drive my happy butt to the Farm for some practice runs (rollcall would be nice to see if there will be folks around to do practice jumps
  20. *****bumpidy bump******** Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  21. Now THAT would be "ideal"......................... Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  22. Hey Florida folks - just curious who is driving there and wants to share the ride? The next question would be, if you are going to the comp, are you pals with Travis (who competes) and Brie who are getting married at Thomaston and will you be going to partake in the festivities? And then, when would you want and/or need to head back to FL? Here is my ideal plan: I'd like to leave EARLY Friday morning to hopefully get to the Farm in time to do a few practice runs. Then Saturday AFTER the comp, I plan to haul ass somehow to Thomaston (2 hour drive I think but heard something about potentially having a Farm plane for the ride) for the wedding party. Thought about just flying in again but Delta pilot strikes are making me nervous - the planner ahead in me is already thinking about it all Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  23. AAAwwww CRAP IN A HAT! I get so bummed thinking about this - and all because I didn't pay attention better. GO KATIE! I wish ONE comp this year she and I could go at it together Have fun kids, be safe and I want to see scores! I'll think about ya as I am shredding the slopes in Park City or Brighton or Snow Basin.....wherever I'll be riding the rails in Utah. smooches......xo, D Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...
  24. Actually I HAVE pondered it............ I want to check out the swoop park Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...