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Everything posted by brothermuff65

  1. i already ordered the vhs at bridge day but i would also like the dvd if 1 is made till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  2. 486ft. (bridge) till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  3. yahoo muff muff muff just a note to say merry christmas and happy new years to one and all and hope to see you all through the skydive season this comeing year till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  4. yahoo muff muff muff just a note to say merry christmas and happy new years to one and all and hope to see you all through the skydive season this comeing year till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  5. shit your just a youngster i got you beat .i am 65 and did my first base jump at bridge day 2000 i now have 60 most of them at perrine bridge in twin falls idaho also have 1 A from 1800 ft . i have been skydiveing for 22 years and have 3300 skydives. also jim guyer is 75 and has a base number and i dont know howmany total base jumps . so hop on in there you are NOT TOO OLD hope this helps out till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  6. yahoo muff muff muff get well soon jim and HEAL up them bones see you again soon till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  7. there is no comparison . the freefall is where it,s at and you dont get that with paraglideing . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  8. over the years i have jumped with quite a few black skydivers and i often run into them from time to time at different boogies around our skydiveing community and let me tell you folks they are no differant than any other skydiver i dont refer to them as african americans but only as AMERICANS and SKYDIVERS .they are just brothers and sisters in this big skydiveing family of ours . no better and no worse just skydivers and family . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  9. yep sure i may not be high school correct in the punctuation but most people can get the drift of what i am saying . and on the chest strap matter i started checking them a couple of years ago when we had a rash of people falling out of theyre gear because it was not routed right . not to check boobs or whatever else you might think. i look at everybodys male or female . so lighten up on that one . i have one friend who almost fell out of his . in the couple of years i have found about 4 or 5 and they fixed them .i have also found a boogie band gear tag around a guys pilot chute bridle that would have given him a pilot chute in tow (which is a nasty situation to be in ) . so you never know what can happen from time to time so dont be so eager in your young skydiveing life to think it cant happen to you . learn from others and dont ever ever think you know it all cause none of us do and never will . you will keep on learning your whole skydiveing life (and i hope its a long one ). once again just my 2 cents worth ( what ever thats worth ). i have been in this sport a long time and i am never too good to learn from someone else. so keep your eyes open and have fun cause this is a great sport full of a very careing family (that you are now part of like it or not )hope this is recieved in the spirit it is given in till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  10. you dont need to be so bitchy about it most people are safety oriented i know that i personally look at every body elses chest strap student or not and i have over 3200 jumps and always ask for a pin check on the plane before exit and i think that is a plan you should not be too proud to ask for one you never have too many jumps to be safe so bottem line is its not just because you are a new jumper we look out for all of our brothers & sisters young and old so dont be so uptight about someone careing about your safety i have seen gaer checks on the plane save a life before so instead of being bitchy and be more thankful that some one cares about you hope this enlightens you a ltttle thanx for your time just my 2 cents wort till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  11. yahoo muff muff just a note to let you all know that the muff brothers are going to be at the harvest moon boogie at blue sky adventures in st george s.c. this weekend oct 24-25-26 and we hope to see you all ther it should be a fun time for sure with some fun low key r.w. and maybe a few magic carpet rides and whatever other madness we can get into also the famous ( or infamous as the case may be ) tim horan and the skydive band will be playing on sat nite and the muffs will be playing dureing the days . so come join in the fun you will be glad you did and so will we so hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  12. yahoo muff muff just a note to let you all know that the muff brothers are going to be at the harvest moon boogie at blue sky adventures in st george s.c. this weekend oct 24-25-26 and we hope to see you all ther it should be a fun time for sure with some fun low key r.w. and maybe a few magic carpet rides and whatever other madness we can get into also the famous ( or infamous as the case may be ) tim horan and the skydive band will be playing on sat nite and the muffs will be playing dureing the days . so come join in the fun you will be glad you did and so will we so hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  13. yahoo muff muff muff just a short note to reply . i used to jump with glasses all the time . all i ever did was wear a craokie on my glasses under my helmet. and when i didnt wear a helmet it worked with just a croakie . i did this for quite a few years until i went to see docter joel and got my eyes done and now i dont wear glasses and i see better without glasses then i did with glasses before but thats another story hope this is a help to you till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  14. i have only had a problem 1 time and that was years ago way before 9-11-01 but not a problem since than although i have had a few friends that have had problems 1 just recently in kansas city but after they contacted uspa and tsa they have fixed the problem and tsa said the people there at the airport did not follow theyre procedures and have been TOLD the proper way . so there should be no more problems there again till later till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  15. yahoo muff muff muff just a note to say hi to all . i am leaveing in the a.m. for bridge day and am looking forward to seeing all of you there that are going . should be a fun time for sure for sure . so till later till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  16. yahoo muff muff muff just a note to say hi to all . i am leaveing in the a.m. for bridge day and am looking forward to seeing all of you there that are going . should be a fun time for sure for sure . so till later till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  17. well said jason . i know i have informed my family that there is to be no such stirring of the sh-t to sue or even think of it . we all know its out there every time we jump and it is up to us to accept and deal with responsibility for our own actions i also am sorry for theyre loss but in no way is anyone else responsible for his death just my 2 cents worth . hope to see you all at bridge day . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  18. although i have only been into base jumping since b.d.2000 at which time i first saw dwaine jump i have admired his ability ever since and have been there especially at twin falls and seen him jump many times i only recently (labor day at twin falls ) got to meet him and interact and be around him at a close range and laugh and joke i really got to appreciate how great he really was at this sport as well as being one hell of a nice guy that was willing to help others and show them things to be safer dwaine you will be sorely missed by all of us that you have touched blue skies and fly free brother till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  19. he was a skydiver and did sign the waiver till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  20. although i have only been into base jumping since b.d.2000 at which time i first saw dwaine jump i have admired his ability ever since and have been there especially at twin falls and seen him jump many times i only recently (labor day at twin falls ) got to meet him and interact and be around him at a close range and laugh and joke i really got to appreciate how great he really was at this sport as well as being one hell of a nice guy that was willing to help others and show them things to be safer dwaine you will be sorely missed by all of us that you have touched blue skies and fly frr brother till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  21. although i have only been into base jumping since b.d.2000 at which time i first saw dwaine jump i have admired his ability ever since and have been there especially at twin falls and seen him jump many times i only recently (labor day at twin falls ) got to meet him and interact and be around him at a close range and laugh and joke i really got to appreciate how great he really was at this sport as well as being one hell of a nice guy that was willing to help others and show them things to be safer dwaine you will be sorely missed by all of us that you have touched blue skies and fly frr brother till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  22. i read a disturbing article today in skydiveing about some members of the family of tim kalendek (the guy that was struck and killed by the rotor of the helicopter last year) while i feel bad for them i feel worse for those who witnessed it because they had no choice HE did HE was told not once but THREE times NOT NOT NOT to go out there but he snuck out and hid in the corn and jumped out when the chopper took off and unfortunately got killed .to think that a bunch of lawyers has probably fed the family a load of crap to go on with this B.S. suit is just WRONG WRONG WRONG i know the procedure that they take on takeoff as i have been on the chopper many times and have watched many times and know that when ther was room it was allowed to take pictures and video when the pilot knew at all times where the camara person would be but at rantoul there was not as much room so they would not let anyone i repeat not let anyone out there but he unfortunatly made a wrong decision and hid where they could not see him so the crewman seeing that the way was clear signaled the pilot that all was clear and he took off as he took off tim jumped from the corn to get his video and the worst possible event occured i say that the pilot should be commended as his coolness in a very high stress situation saved the lives of all on board the helicopter so once again i say that this lawsuit is WRONG WRONG WRONG and folks though i feel bad for you you need to forget the pressures of attorneys and drop this baseless lawsuit to go for deep pockets all you are doing is creating more grief for all involved including your self the one family member who said he saw him talking to the crew just prior to take off you know that you have stretched the truth a bit maybe you saw him with them earlier as they were telling him not to go out there but not as the aircraft was takeing off just my two cents worth thanx for your attention till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  23. thats easy put it in a gear bag and carry it over your shoulders till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  24. isnt that a rush i get goose bumps every time i fly in one of theyre airplanes when you just sit and think about it the only others that jumped them years ago only did so cause they had to and now we get to go for the fun of it and to help keep them flying its a real thrill everytime i am in them i have also jumped theyre b24 the dragon and his tail the only one still flying in the world 4 times and a few more than that from 909 and get chill bumps every time glad you liked it they will be at the wffc in rantoul this comeing year again hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  25. muff muff muff just a note to say hi to all and remind you that if you did your muff bros jump and didnt get your muff card contact me at [email protected] and let me know what dive the day and plane and name and address and i will get your card in the mail to you also you can sign in at and put in your name and number and whatever other you want to looking forward to seeing a lot of you this weekend at twin falls idaho for the labor day get together at the 486 ft perrine bridge should be a fun time for sure for sure till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates aka coolo rodriquez till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates