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    BASE Jumping
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. Does anyone have any new updates on Jim Guyers condition? I can't seem to get any replies from the home e-mail. Hope he's doing much better Thanks in advance. Tony Herring BASE 516
  2. Dang Man, You have no idea how this news disturbs me. Jim has gone out to Idaho with our group for the last two years and has been on several of our adventures. I figure if the entire North Korean army could'nt stop him, one cliff strike can't slow him down very much. Jim's the toughest old dude I know. Get well soon brother, my prayers are with you. Like T.J. said, hurry home and we will try and score us a lid. I promise I wont leave you back at the gas station or motel next time. Tony Herring BASE516
  3. Put me down for a dvd. Don't mind paying the extra bucks because it's so much easier finding your favorite scenes. thanks Tony Herring BASE 516
  4. Does the official bridge day video crew have a link to order the d.v.d. or video yet? Thanks, Tony Herring BASE 516
  5. Thanks to Jason and all the volunteers for the smoothest Bridge Day I've ever attended. Absolutely no complaints whatsoever. Though I had a staff pass, I never even needed it because the line moved so fast. After working from 9:00- 11:00 am. at the exit point, I still got 3 really fun jumps and got to watch a bunch of my Carolina friends make their first base jumps. Two things that I liked the most were 1). The videos that the official video crew shot are great. Especially the really cool exit angle taken from the ground. Really glad that they said it would not be a boogie video, but a technical video.(exactly what I wanted). 2). The line monitors down at the buses were worth their weight in gold. In the past, I've seen more people almost get injured fighting over a seat on the bus than landing in the rocky d.z. With the line monitors, everyone was calm and cool knowing that there would be no breaking in line. Jason Bell and Vertical Visions ROCK!!!!!

    time to pull?

    Hey Franko, usually, if the people are the size of ants,--it's time to pull. if the ants are the size of people, -- don't bother. Base-Rigger
  7. Congrats. to my fellow Base Brother Mike Bartlett BASE 515 for completing his 400th base jump last night. Thats pretty impressive. Yep, I taught the boy every thing he knows.Really and truelly all the locals around here owe him and BASE 570 a huge thank you because together they opened about 98% of every thing we jump in the Carolina's Way to go Bro! Tony Herring BASE 516
  8. Hey Blair, I guess you better get hiking back up the hill because I know for a fact that there is a little piece of white nylon hanging from the hand rail of the "span" we jumped last sunday and I'll bet it has your DNA and a lot of sweat all over it BASE 516