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Everything posted by brothermuff65

  1. yahoo muff muff muff the muff brothers will be there for sure ,and looking for a good fun time and inducting a few new muff brothers . and yeah man i agree whole heartedly with johnny utah just be cool have fun be friendly and try to control the language around all the good folks who make us welcome in theyre town .all of you that know me know that there are quite a few words that i use a lot because to me they are not obcene, but i try to control myself around the good people of twin falls especially the kids . lets keep a good positive image while we are there as we have a lot of good folks there that really like us comeing to town so it would be a shame to ruin a good relationship the rules are easy and not hard to live with . i am looking forward to a fun time and seeing you all there as you all know its a great party ,so be friendly ,answer questions pick up our litter and any other stuff we see laying around ,and let them know we like comeing there and want to continue doing so AND above all be safe and have fun .hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  2. (Hey all you Pathetic Losers out there! Can Bernice and I come to your DZ sometime in June bearing beer and video?) hey yahoo beth yeah you can come on down to skydive city anytime . muff muff muff (can someone please post this for me on wffc board in answer to beth,s post ? thanx in advance till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  3. damn still cant post or sign in on board ,it would be nice to be able to post on the board before w.f.f.c. in august . i hate to be an asshole but this really sucks they should make sure something works before they change it , at least i could read and post on the old board ,this one wont even let me sign in even after doing the register thing . i know i am not the only person that uses aol ,i would have thought that would have been kept in mind before the changes were made . i hope it can be FIXED . thanx just the ramblings of an asshole .hope to see you all at our annual big kids summer camp aka W.F.F.C.04 . come join us at the muff brothers org tent for the real fun time of the convention .you will be glad you did and so will we .all of y,all out there make it fun for me and all the rest of us . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  4. hey ed yahoo muff muff muff got mine today thanx a lot ed. great job i like the way you edited all the different camera angles all in one continous video thanx till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  5. We are looking into making some changes so the two-- AOL & the WFFC BB-- speak a common language. Or at least use a virtual translator... Unfortunately, AOL needs to become more internet-friendly as well. all i can say is i used to be able to use the old one .it seems like in techknowledgyto fix something you got to break something else . i sure hope that you can get it fixed as this quit frankly is a pain in the ass i know when they changed the board on blinc meg i could never use the email part of it again i did like the part of being able to just go to the board and see all of the posts with out haveing to go to a seperate area for each subject and just reply when you want to i hope you FIX it soon so we can get back on the board . i know i am not the only person haveing this problem so i wonder how many others are in my same quandry and would like to go on the board i hate to keep being a pain in the ass about this but you all know what an asshole i am and i like to keep shit simple till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  6. but what are they going to ship to those of us who ordered and paid for a vhs tape?thanx in advance for the info as i would like to know if i have a video comeing or do i have to contact someone and pay for something else or what let me know if you can thanx till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  7. yahoo mufff muff muff i cant hardly wait thanx till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  8. yahoo muff muff muff the muff brothers would like to invite you all to join us at our annual family reunion at w.f.f.c. aka big kids summer camp . if you want t have a fun time just come see us you will be glad and so will we . we do low key fun dives with magic carpet rides inflatables and whatever else we can come up with . if somebody can cut and paste this to the w.f.f.c.message board i would appreciate it as i still cant get on it .they need to make it aol friendly or give us back a board we can work on .oh shit there i go again i said i wouldn,t bad mouth it but its frustrateing to not be able to get on it . anyway looking forward to seeing you all there it will be a fun time for sure for sure till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  9. muff muff muff hey asshole happy birthday jerm till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  10. i agree with that 100% i have drank a lot of coffee for as long as i can remember i drink coffee and red bull a lot dureing the day and on a lot of occasions i can drink most of a pot of coffee at night and when i go to bed i am asleep withen 5 minutes it just seems like a normal state of being just my 2 cents worth till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  11. muff muff muff thanx a lot looking forward to seeing it soon till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  12. i agree whole heartedly. as most of you who know me already know i tend to be rather free with a few words because to me they are not offensive . but to a lot of the good folks there they are and being in front of a bunch of kids i tend to try to curb it as much as i can when they are around.i hope everybody else there will do the same and try to keep up the good will we have in the town by being cordial and friendly and answering questions and by not leaveing a mess, and by picking up something that we see laying around . it helps keep up the good will . looking forward to seeing you all there it should be a fun time for sure .yahoo dave looking forward to seeing you there again. till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  13. yahoo muff muff muff ,i hate to be an asshole (no i dont cause i know i am one ) but i have seen posts about the bridge day video ,s being out and being distributed throuhg a store and a dvd being made but i still have not seen hide nor hair of the video i ordered and paid for sat night at the party at the holiday inn . does anyone have any ideah when i will have it or know something about it ? thanx in advance . i would just like to have an ideah of whats happening . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  14. i will definately be there even though i cant get on that f---ed up new board . i,m sorry i hate to throw out negative vibes and anybody that knows me will verify that but this is rediculous .i registered on it like it said to and was able to post one time but ever since it wont let me on . i hope they can fix it or give us back a board we can work on .the muff brothers want to invite you all to come join us at the muff bro,s org tent . i am looking forward to seeing you all there hopefully we can get on the new board soon till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  15. i know that they are working on it but i still think that it sucks that we cant just get on it and read what every body has posted .i liked it like it was but oh well thats just one assholes 2 cents worth. i hoper they fix it soon ,hell its getting closer every day .hope to see you all there come visit the muff brothers and have fun till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  16. bill was just one of those guys thhat you just liked from the start with a really big heart and the true muff brothers spirit .we really had some really great times over the past bunch of years ,and i know that these past few years since him and mindy were together were some of his happiest .mindy our thoughts and hearts go out tp you .and to you bill blue sky,s my brother until we fly again in that big formation upstairs .but as always you are always a number 1 asshole to me and you will be truly missed. johnny gates
  17. yahoo muff muff muff just a quick note to say i am looking forward to seeing you all at twin falls this memorial day weekend .i will be bring some earmuffs so lets get sme new muff brothers while we are there . i am looking forward to seeing don and his crew they really keep it fun . so i hope to see you all there . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  18. because there is usually someone on a skydive with me besides myself till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  19. yahoo ed sorry but they ar eall sold out for the year .but i will have some more for reunion19 st paddys day weekend next march . i only have a certion amount made each year and when they are gone there are no more till the next year . sorry you didnt get one till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  20. yeah and look at all the new muff brothers we sent back to ireland it was greast fun with all of you guys till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  21. myself and the muff brothers would like to thank all of you who showed up for muff brothers reunion18 .although the turnout was not really large due to some other happenings at the same time ,but let me tell you those of us that were here had a blast such fun and good vibes a few really fun formation loads what with building a set of muffs in the air and a really sweet 3 pt 28 way swirl dive organized by the (famous or infamous as the case may be boxman) thanx box it was a hoot that was a fun dive and so close to getting a still of the muffs for the book .the band was hot sat nite and the free beer and muff punch was flowing free .( i dont remember when i have drank that much } it was GOOD thanx to all the staff at skydive city, and to all the irish delegation that were there , and just a big THANK YOU to all of you who came and had fun you really make it fun for me so once again a big thanx to all of you . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  22. myself and the muff brothers would like to thank all of you who showed up for muff brothers reunion18 .although the turnout was not really large due to some other happenings at the same time ,but let me tell you those of us that were here had a blast such fun and good vibes a few really fun formation loads what with building a set of muffs in the air and a really sweet 3 pt 28 way swirl dive organized by the (famous or infamous as the case may be boxman) thanx box it was a hoot that was a fun dive and so close to getting a still of the muffs for the book .the band was hot sat nite and the free beer and muff punch was flowing free .( i dont remember when i have drank that much } it was GOOD thanx to all the staff at skydive city, and to all the irish delegation that were there , and just a big THANK YOU to all of you who came and had fun you really make it fun for me so once again a big thanx to all of you . till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  23. yahoo rick .yep they will be there sat nite . looking forward to seeing you there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates
  24. dont you all know that you should be at the muff brothers 18 year reunion ,with beer, band , muff ways ,muff t shirts ,magic carpet rides and whatever else we can get into . ,with the weather cooperating it should be a fun time for all so i hope to see you all there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates