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    BASE Jumping
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  1. it has been raining or blown out all week over in Broward County
  3. I think it is the old BASE jumper that can blame himself that the "new" generation isn't prepared. People become mentors and take the extra time to teach...It isn't a noob that is asking you a question; it is an opportunity to teach and earn respect, so people will listen to you in the future. Do you think people care when a tenured base jumper says you can't jump that in the day or on weekends? The sport is going to keep growing expedientially and if you want it to remain the same then that is respectable but, you are also a fool. Change is going to happen, bad choices are going to get made and yes people are going to die. I would never jump at bridge day it isn't my style, seeing another jumper on a jump even bugs me, it is a for me sport. I don't knock people who video or even want to day blaze with 8 people that is what the sport is to them. I prefer to jump alone and have my memories for me. If you want the Carl story out there then get it out there. Learn from the past and grow. “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year.” - John Foster Dulles
  4. the only things to jump down here are building, lots of towers and cranes...gets rained out quite often.
  5. yexotay

    Week in photos

    Johan Vervoort on yahoo news pictures of the week. Go to and check out the photos of the week.
  6. yexotay

    The BASE Zone

    Paragliders use a zero P rip stop nylon with a sprayed sunblock treatment...the color really matters on how fast the wing breaks down.
  7. Anyone that has been injured knows that recovery is slow and the darkest days of life. I have been on the heal for about 21 months now and still can't walk that well and with lots of pain. I still have one more surgery...does it get better? wanted to return to my normal life by now.
  8. yexotay

    south beach diet

    any locals for south miami...some questions please pm me.
  9. yexotay


    matt, I think they are called little people:)
  10. Tom, I remember watching you off the power tower slider up...maybe flight at 70'
  11. yexotay


    dude...I have been learning how to walk again and have been in and out of the hospital for almost 18months now and am just getting to where I am considering a jump....It can always be worse
  13. yexotay

    Miami Locals

    I am also moving to Plantation on Wednesday. I am still banged up but wanna know what is going on.
  14. Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Chocolate in one hand - martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!" -Michelle
  15. what is worse? Legal punishment or a human in the desert rotting, family without closure? I would rather go through a couple thousand dollars then live with the fact that I left a human in the wilderness to get eaten by rodents and birds and not have a final resting place.