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Everything posted by sarge

  1. That fckuer ruined my life!!! Because of him, now we all have to put up with looking at my stupid expression on all my posts! Thanks Jim, thanks a lot! . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  2. sarge

    Change of mind

    10-41 . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  3. sarge

    last post

    10-42 . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  4. For example, at SDA those outide packers lease that space from the dz, they pay for it, and it is the only authorized area for them to cunduct business. SDC will charge a 'packing company' like $250 or something for the permit during events, big weekends etc. and these guys have to collectively cover that as an expense before they start making any profits. whats disappointing for those guys/girls is that when teams bring in their own team packer... They loose a ton of potential business. what else, were you asking? . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  5. Yup,Yup! "And thats all I got to say about that!" -Forrest Gump . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  6. I'm sorry to hear of your bad on-line experiences, bummer! Because I can empathise! My on-line purchases include (best I can recall) two containers, a main, a dytter and I'm sure a couple odds-n-ends. The potential of being burned has loomed ominously in my mind in many on-line deals. Personally, this added anxiety has proven to be counter-productive on one occasion when I initially felt I had been intentionally decieved about the gear I bought from this guy! UGH! was I pissed!! I can say from my heart that this guy might just be a little bit of a goof. I don't know. But anyway, I trusted him, and for the most part, I still do. The whole thing turned out to be more of a major inconvenience than anything! However, If I truly believed that I had been deceived... well, let me just say, I'm glad that wasn't the case... I have been fortunate, I guess, cause despite that one experience, (and I hesitate to use the word luck) I have been mindful to cover my ass. I would offer this advice;... for the big stuff, go through an intermediary, rigger, skycat, whatever. For everthing else, don't spend what you can't afford to loose. $.02 . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  7. OOh.... Owwwww... hmmmm....? -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  8. sarge


    Hey Mujie, I would have responded sooner, but I had somewhat of a medical emergency shortly after cheking out your, uh, tattoo. The Dr says I should expect a full recovery but I have to wear this wrist brace for a week or so Oh, On the subject of congrats... I would like to lavish you with accolades on your "C"... (even though I'm thinking "D" and you're just being modest) . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  9. sarge


    What... ? did you say something about some chick with big hooters boogy-ing along the beach? Um, yeah, I'd be there for that. . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  10. Well my 'ol Grand-Daddy used to say, " Boy, what the hell are ya doin there!? Git yer damn hand off yer damn Dick!!" My reply of course was, "Huh?" "who...? me?" . . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  11. sarge


    Ahhhh! Beaches Suck anyway,,, you get sand in your shoes/toes, the shit never washes off, your canopy gets all crappy! Then you gotta drive- god knows how far back.... UGH! . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  12. Hilarious! Good for you. You got a hug... a kiss.. etc.. from mom, then you come crying here like it wasn't enough??? Now you want ackonwledgement as well? You shoulda gotten video! Geez.... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  13. Yo, look, I did not write FAR/AIM I have had some xposure to inspectors. There is is nothing to extrapolate. They are not 'open-minded' juries of our peers! You want to go after them, like Paul says, " my opinion, you guys should be going after the law itself. The law is outdated and meaningless..." Another thing; in this this context...except to contrive another meaningless debate that is resounding upon deaf ears, why is this even argued? Finally, the NPS has exerted a VERY conservative approach to BASE and other parachute activities on our NPS lands but it is slow to change in any profound dynamic... be patient,,, keep fighting,,, but pick your battles. . . . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  14. hmmmmm..... uh,,sorry...? uh, did you say something about a tatoo....? . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  15. He wears spurs. He packs He likes CCR. . oh yeah, , , , He likes to jump . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  16. Uh huh. I was just trying to be tactful... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  17. sarge

    Am I wrong?

    OOPS! sorry no offense, I only meant weird, I did one time blame a packer, I'll admit. One time! But in reflection it was my fault cause I was lazy. I'm willing to pay somebody I can trust so I can get the loads, keep my energy and concentration. On a busy day I'm using both rigs and I don't have time, energy or concentration to expend on my mediocre packing skills. I have no desire to excel as a packer. I can do it. I have done it (a lot). I will do it when I need to. especially if it were 30 mins between loads anyway. . with all do respect . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  18. sarge

    Am I wrong?

    I really love this question when it comes up. Cause I do know the rides and fees cost enough. But c'mon, I'm trying to get as many jumps in as I can when I can. I hate packing slippery @sshole canopies!! I envy the jumpers that are tying their stows while I'm still wrestling my shit into something that will even fit in by d-bag!!! I have had weird 'packer' experiences, but I watch very closely on how they're putting other peoples stuff together before I give them mine... blah,blah. I use 'em all the time, and tip... I think that helps, especially if I'm doing numerous back to backs, they smile and ask if I need 'em when I come back...? . whatever... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  19. The best I can determine from a general undertanding of what differentiates FAR PART 103 from PART 105 is that definition of what an ultraliight is. A parachute is of course an upowered device intended to manned by one occupant (tandems exluded) "...for the descent of a person, to the surface from an aircraft in flight, when he intends to use, or uses, a parachute during all or part of that descent" There is an inspection that may be requested under 103.3(a). My reasoning would be that upon said inspection, the result would be well, "heck, thats a parachute, not an ultralight" go back to PART 105, have a nice day... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  20. Hmmmm? i'm wondering,,, maybe it was packed backwards... in the wrong direction? . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  21. sarge

    Dive loops

    Personally I'd check out a few things first. Like what is the actual riser length, too long? Could be that if you have a set-up that was taylored for another canopy; your risers could be suspect. Loop position after that. The next thing is maybe 5 inches isn't enough, (or at least thats what she told me...?) on the matter of steering lines on your canopy. Another thing, how deep on the front does this phenomenon begin to materialize. You could use a rough guesstimation from that point to explore a steering line/riser length equation for your canopy. As you seem well aware, the steering lines are ultimately the culprit of the bucking in the front riser displacement. Geez, just be grateful you don't have blocks! . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  22. It is worthwile for me to mention that I have a built-in cynicism that responds to the alarm of a sometimes inaccurate 'hink-o-meter'. The reason the sky-surf etc did not make it as a product i feel has been well documented, at least, to my satisfaction. Simply stated, in economic terms; a "pathetic total failure." nobody could make $$$ off it. Not producers, sponsors, advertisers or participants. It is an entirely inaccessible product for any mass target market segment(s). Absolutely correct, BMX'ng, skate, and rollerblading is well, gag-me-with-a-spoon accessible! Could you see your town, building a swoop pond?? But they're using tax dollars in municipalities all over the country to build Skate Parks... Enter 'Pro-swooping.' Now i totally believe Swooping should be a USPA sanctioned competetive event. However, it was not i that coined the phrase, "follow the buck." Using that axiom in this application seems very appropriate. My reasoning is, that swooping competitions are (for some good reasons) essentially exclusive to a select few participants. Generally those participants enjoying the greatest success are funded and supported by corporate sponsors who enjoy the exposure their product receives. There are many other residual benefits as well. But few if any of these benefits are meaningful to Joe-average skydiver and laughably any whuffo! I can't beleive these aspects are being ignored? Look at NASCAR, F1 or Airplane stunt/racing as a few examples of my argument. These are products plain and simple. Totally inaccessible to Joe-average guy in any worthwile context as a (participant) consumer. What, do you think, 'oh thats cool, I'm gonna go buy a 10 mil $ F1 and go race?' LOL!! Those in the business of NASCAR, F1, or stunt flying, employees, sponsors, producers and advertisers are the only ones making any $$$. They would'nt be doing it if were'nt... or even more to the point if it were limited to even a smaller 'community' of profiteers, well then more $$$ for the elite. I am totally amiable to participants being qualified, 'not to kill themselves, or for the benefit of the future of the event.' But, considering that... beyond ones own expense to train and equip with the most expensive equipment on the market (coincidence?), and to be truly competitive he/she must have at least a few wings for any given event under any given atmospheric conditions! AND. to have to pay even more to get the subjective 'papal blessings' of what seems to me to be a popularity contest anyway... Humbug! Here's my cheer: GO USPA! GO big DZO's! GO Pro-Swoopers! GO swoop my @ss! Love and Kisses... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  23. Is this a 'press release' or an advertisement...? . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  24. sarge

    Tit-ee bar(NSFW)

    Should the question of 'natural' be resolved: there is nothing more natural than two models with brown roots in a tub together getting all soapy... . So this chick with these man-hands starts going for it, I mean she's really rubbing me down, ya know? "I'm thinking, hey?... have you always been a chick???" .... no offense, just asking. . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!
  25. well, never flew a cobalt myself. Heard about .... 'sesational' opening issues (like numbing sensations) Try the, "gear reviews" section in this site..? Most experienced hi-po pilots I'm aware of fly x's anyway... the rest of us humbles prefer whatever... . -- I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!