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Everything posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. Glad you made it,now get back here and pack for me.
  2. Well it took 3 months but we finally sucked Peanut and Lucky into the Dublin Boogie.Hey Peanut do the folks over a Rec. call this the dark side?
  3. We need a Roaming Gnome for the Boogie.Free jump for the first person to show up with one.
  4. 15 days to go.Unless your showing up early.I'm sure we'll hace something to jump
  5. WooooHooooo we hit 20000 views.Skyride thread here we come.
  6. We don't need no stinking rules!!!
  7. I hate to step up and play the DZO here but please keep in mind this is a public airport.I'm not coming to get anyone out of jail.
  8. Depends how good you are.Do you have to do things you don't want to?If I only have to do the things I want to do I'll give him my pay-pal account so I can get started.Do you have to have permission to put insurance on someone?
  9. Car bashing is approved by the Sheriff's dept and the Airport Authority. Strongly suggested that the headlights and windows be removed. Game on....I get first hit just because. Bolas you gonna help me with that hit?????? Well find you a little hammer that you can lift
  10. I'll see if I can find the guy who is in control.It sure aint me.
  11. You have not bee in this 3.It's fast.30 plus jumper to altitude in 15 min.We'll even work a deal on the price if you old F@#$ers pull off a 20-way or better.
  12. DC-3 was my first-ever jump plane back in '77. Got my first lovin' from a skychick in it. I'm on even if just for the memories....
  13. The car smashing is on.We do need to find someone to come and get it though.Bolas,let me know if you need help with that.There is someone in Dublin I can put you in touch with.All the money from the Car Smashing,the Dunking booth and the gear raffles will go to Jump for the Cause
  14. Ok here is what you do.You get a PA system,put the speakers out on the lawn in front of the building.Then you put the Mic. up to the ceiling and turn up the volume so they can hear their noise coming from in front of the apartment.I think it would be classic.It would be great if you could have a bunch of people out on the lawn when they look outside
  15. Well here is the other half of my .02.I don't care how good looking someone is, somebody somewhere is sick of their shit.
  16. Well Vic hit the nail on the head.It is the Southern Cross.It is being inspected right now and barring any setbacks it will be in Dublin the weekend before the boogie starts.So all you people that have never jumped a DC-3,stay tuned,buy your case of beer(I like Heineken)and start making plans to be in Dublin.
  17. Pursue...it's just another word for STALKING
  18. Thanks Randy, Hmmm...that would be the same year that two Casas were in Ga together.Only 16 days to go.
  19. I thought she was talking about me.Don't worry Kelli we notice alot from atop our pedestals.
  20. I've been jumping 6yrs and I know there has not been one here in that time.Does anyone know?
  21. Good idea.We need some different size hammers too.For the kids.
  22. I don't know what your talking aboutBut I might tomorrow