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Everything posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. The altitude of the formation loads will be determined by the size of the group.The big-way prices also cover the organizers and camera slots.Also I am not charging a huge registration for the big-ways.I tried to do this as cheap and as fair as possible.I hope everyone will be happy with this.
  2. Thanks for editing,other people just reacted
  3. CSpenceFLY


    My Feb. issue was very late this month
  4. That is completely false.Registration is $25 Lift Tickets $20 Chopper $40 Balloon $80 Big-way and formation loads $23 to $24 I thought about dumping a load of sand and saying we had beach jumps but I just didn't think that was right.
  5. Don't rock the boat man.I'm surprised we all haven't been thrown off this train.
  6. This weekend Feb. 26-27 Skydive Monroe,Ga.The airport has been closed for repairs for a few weeks and has reopened and our own Chaquita is moving to Phoenix.What does this mean...We must have a PARTY!!! I'll be doing a little RW organizing and I'm sure we can get someone to do some Freeflying.We'll be cooking out and will have a bonfire.Whos coming?
  7. The marketing possibilities are endless.How about the Boobies of the Dublin Boogie Calendar.
  8. Why in the world is the subject of my breasts on the Dublin boogie thread? Boobies....Boogies....look at the similarity....it's like they belong together
  9. What freaking alternatives.Show up at Dublin or be heckled by your friends.Show up at Dublin or receive drunk dials to beat all others.Yes we will have an official drunk dial phone number list for all to see.We might even post non-attendies numbers on Dropzone.comYou should come to Dublin to avoid the alternatives.
  10. I find it to be a genuine question. // It ranks right up there with the time the Co-pilot asked the Pilot"Hey what do you think that goat is doing up here in that cloud?"
  11. Had a great time this weekend Vic.For the people that believe the weather man,you got screwed out of a good day of jumping on Sun.
  12. HAHHAA!!!!! Nothing is "wrong" with belly flying!! I just prefer to be vertical! WHOA WHOA WHOA, hey spence, are we letting these crazy "vertical" people come to dublin? As uncle Jimmy says"Welcome Welcome All!!!"
  13. No one would expect me to make a post like this but....I'm a Chris and I think we should do a Chris only jump at the Dublin Boogie.
  14. Positive outcome for who?Oh you.There you go only thinking of yourself again.You should know by now it's all about me.
  15. Hell I thought you were starting a new Dublin thread.
  16. I'm sadwe have not been able so suck skymama in yet.Although I am happy she hasn't locked some of these threads yet.I told you I wasn't behind all of them
  17. RV hookups,limited.We can get you power and water but you probably won't be able to run you AC unless you bring your own 10ga line and circuit breaker.There are two showers that I know about.I'm sure there is a small cab service.
  18. I'm waiting for a call back from the hotel.I think they are going to block out the rest of the rooms for us but I would go ahead a make reservations.
  19. Oh we will have a grill.Someone tell him about my grill.The carbones will also be there to feed us.
  20. I keep trying to tell him there has got to be something he can teach the Special Forces dudes in Dublin.