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    South Africa

Everything posted by bergh

  1. bergh


    Hi Probably a year ago someone post a link to a site that does kanji tattoo translation. The site showed some horrible mishaps. If you know of the site please post the link. Thanks _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  2. One other thing don't do the ad linking on the preview post page as user can then check the preview to see which word they need to get creative with to avoid ads link. ps. Also try to match and remove open close brackets with nothing in between or just spaces in between. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  3. Dam you just replied before me but you're missing two possible cases where a word is at the start of a line or end of a line, in other words no leading or trailing space. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  4. Hi Sangiro Maybe try doing pattern maching the sold word by specifying that it has to Either be at the start of the line and needs to end with a space or it needs to start with a space and end with a space. php e.g. preg_replace('/^Icon /', $replacementText, $string);//Replace any Icon at the start of the line with the content of $replacementText preg_replace('/ Icon /', $replacementText, $string);//replace any Icon that is between two spaces preg_replace('/ Icon$/', $replacementText, $string);//replaces any Icon that start with space and ends the line. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  5. What is your name and your nickname? - Name: Riaan Nickname: Newbie When is your birthday? 18 Feb 1978 What is your eye color and hair color? Blue-green eye's and Red hair(Fading to brown as I've aged) Do you drink? Smoke? Social drinker and I smoke(still trying to quit) What city do you live in? Centurion
  6. Peej It starts at 12:00 noon and will finish at 12:00pm or even later! The SA bands are purely supporting bands. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  7. I've been waiting for this for a long long time !!! _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  8. Hi I understand what you're saying but personally I went there for the tailgate aircraft. I can almost garentee that if they had informed people a day before the event that their so called confirmed aircraft had cancelled very little people would have gone. Besides R395 is alot for regestration and only being able to do 2 jumps in a day is a JOKE. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  9. Positives I completed my C license requirements. Registration was quick and easy. Accomadation was well organised. Negatives I spent alot of money on two birdman weekends to prepare for flocking dives out of tailgate. By the time I left no flocking had started, due to aircraft shortage and slow turn around times. I was looking forward to doing at least 20 jumps I only managed to get 3 jumps in 4 days. Conclussion I probably won't support this boogie again until it has proven itself. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  10. Right of admission is reserved. A DZ/DZO has the right to choose with whom he does bussiness. It's that simple, if you are not happy with the way they do bussiness go to another DZ, if other people feel the same the DZ won't last very long. Eg. I don't like the Golden Arches I choose not to support them. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  11. bergh

    75 Bands

    White Zombie .... _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  12. bergh

    75 Bands

    How many can you spot ? _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  13. I'm up to 24 Hours ... wish me luck. Trying to kick the habit. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  14. In South Africa we're mostly weekend warriors only one 7 day a week operation ... skydive Cape Town and it's a 12 hour drive from Tonto's place. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  15. More jumps than posts ... I obviously read more than I type ... _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  16. Congrats Dude ... see ya on the 3/4 December. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  17. I don't mean to flog a dead horse but is my sketch correct ? Is this what people tried to explain ? The circle being the wright. Top triangle being canopy and bottom being hareness. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  18. Flock base reporting for duty ! Exit weight: 78 kg Height: 1.68m Wingsuit jumps: 18 (10x Classic , 6x GTI 2x S-Fly). Suit to be used: Unsure (S3 is calling me ... ). Preferred Suit: GTI or S-Fly Best Fall rate: 53 mph in GTI Longest Flight: 103 sec from 11000. Experience level: Low Enthusiasm Level: Very High See ya there !!! _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  19. I have to disagree with your comment. I think they make a great team! Besides we now have dedicated podcast. Lets not get to picky ! _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  20. Hi Check out the nice write up of our floking weekend at JSC. It was written by Taz. Check some of the attached photo's grabbed off DV cam footage. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  21. Hi Taz Thanks for the kind words but don't underestimate you hand in things. It's easy learn from someone who has a great passion for wing suiting! Your tips and encouragement also made a huge difference to my first experience with wing suits. Thanks again, I knew between you and Tonto I'd be in great hands. I also need to thanks the rest of people on the five way for there willingness to jump with a newbie birdman. _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  22. Hi All The past weekend I did my first wing suit jumps with Taz as my BMI. This has been a long wait for me as I wanted to birdman since about jump 110. SA rules require a jumper to have at least 300 jump prior to doing a birdman jump. I had been managing my expectation as much as possible to avoid any let down. It was so not necessary, from the moment I opened my wings for the first time after exit I knew I was going to be hooked. I borrow Tonto's BM Classic demo suit for the jumps. The first jump which include the two dummy touches went very well and I averaged a fall rate of 109. For the second jump Taz gave me a few pointer on body position. The second jump went even better, I played with my body position and managed to average a fall rate of 83. On third jump we were joined by Tonto who did some camera work, once again all went well and I managed an average fall rate of 79-80ish. The forth jump is were things got interesting Taz ask me if I'd like to join a five way folk. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. I was told that I would lead and not to worry about the rest, just fly the pattern. What an assume jump, I think I am addicted. I just like to say thanks to Taz and Tonto for the help and the training! Cheers Newbie _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  23. Actually you people have very little to complain about the price of gas in the US is much lower most other countries. Try R5,66 a litre litres -> US gallons | 1Litre = 0.2642 Gallons Rand -> Dollar | R6.50 +- = $1 So always look on the bright side ! _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...
  24. Hmmm Doesn't that avatar pic come from a comic series called, bondage fearies ?
  25. I am in VCR mode ... _______________________________________ You are unique, just like everybody else ...