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  1. Section 6-10 of the SIM explains the relevance of wing loading.
  2. Not sure if this was what you saw, but it's a good read none the less.
  3. You will need to consider outfitting your helmet with a cutaway as well.
  4. You're size shouldn't be a problem at all. Most schools have student gear with adjustable harnesses. Choose a school that can provide you with a 260sqft or larger canopy. Preferably a 290. As a paraglider pilot you're probably familiar with wing loading. Ideally, student wing loading's should be .85 pounds per square foot of canopy. (0.85:1) You're "exit weight" will be most likely be 265+ once your're all geared up. You're instructor will be able to advise you accordingly. Let the adventures begin!
  5. As above ^^^^^, Damien will have his balloon at Skydive Little Washington in Washington NC on March 3rd for balloon jumps.
  6. At our DZ, we teach: Never cutaway under 1,000'. If you find yourself with an unlandable main canopy at less than a grand, just add more fabric to the situation by deploying your reserve. Above 1,000', you may cutaway at your discretion. (Your DZ may differ due to terrain or other hazards. Check with your staff) This applies regardless if you are equipped with an RSL or MARD (skyhook) or not. Never rely on your RSL. ALWAYS manually activate your reserve by pulling the reserve handle. Try to make your decision by 2,500' though. :)
  7. Go for it. You won't regret it. I have one in both of my rigs. Great customer service and still the best choice for total cost of ownership compared to Vigil or Cypres. Yes they are new to the US Market (3 years I think), but M2s have been in use in Europe for much longer. Plus, the company has been making a military version for nearly 20 years, so they've got a long track record as a company. Vigil's menu is a little easier use if you're constantly switching modes or retrieving stats from the last jump. However, if you're not constantly poking around in the config, you won't miss it. I only put Vigil 2nd to M2 based on cost and the fact you have to send it in at 10 years for a new battery. Cypres....meh. Just my .02!
  8. As you're probably already aware, the RSL is a 12"-18" lanyard that's connected to the main riser, whose function is to pull the reserve pin in the event of a cutaway. In a dual out situation, since the reserve has already been activated, the RSL is no longer providing any safety advantage. In fact, it's now become a liability. Here's why: When you have two out, you should be prepared to cutaway at any time. Especially if it develops into a downplane. If you fail to disconnect the RSL prior to cutting away, that 12+" RSL lanyard is just one more thing that can whip around and entangle with the reserve and prevent you from cleanly separating from your main. TIME & ALTITUDE PERMITTING, disconnect the RSL in dual out situations to limit the chances of this happening. Here's a video that shows a near entanglement with the RSL. Pay close attention to :16-:20. Fortunately the guy was able to free the RSL and it didn't get tangled up in the suspension lines or slider. Good luck with your training and keep asking questions!
  9. The following article says the guy stated someone had hooked his gear up wrong and that he didn't catch it on his gear check. My guess is that the white string may have passed through both the small and medium rings. That would explain why there was excess pressure on the cutaway cable. If the string was trapped between the middle ring and the webbing after the cable was released this would also prevent the small ring from falling forward and releasing as designed. Relieving pressure on the release system, by pulling on the riser, allowed the string the slip out. Glad everything worked out for him.
  10. This has always been a "pick your poison" situation. Pros and cons n both sides. I've flip flopped many times on how I will handle this, and I'm still a bit wishy washy. The only way to really solve this and determine the best course of action is through statistical data or test jumps. None of which, to my knowledge, have ever been collected or undertaken. Back in 1997, PIA, PD and US Army conducted tests to see how canopies interact with one another in the 3 various "dual out" scenarios. This yielded a lot of useful information on how to deal with these types of malfunctions. This study is often referenced in PCIT malfunction discussions and articles. However, the missing piece to the puzzle in figuring out the response to a PCIT is how simultaneous main and reserve deployments turn out. Statistically, are they more likely or less likely to entangle with one another if the main is attached during deployment or if the main is jettisoned(cutaway pulled) during deployment. Jump tests by a few cutting edge canopy manufacturers and daring test jumpers, similar to those that conducted the PIA test, could give us the answers we need to make the proper choice as to chop first or just go for silver. Any takers??
  11. The best kept secret in skydiving - The Mars M2. Even in spite of it's successful safety record, excellent price point and rapidly growing popularity, I couldn't help but notice there was no mention of it in this article. Also noticed it's not in the gear reviews section.
  12. kpitchford

    Solo II

    Great audible altimeter. At first it seemed cumbersome to configure, but there's really not much to it and simple to use. Good and loud. Fits securely in the Cookie Fuel. On the ground, there's no visual indicator to tell you it's on. As a result I've packed it away a few times forgetting to turn it off. Stayed on for over a week. Manufacturer says it's not a problem because it uses very little battery when left on and idle. In the air after passing 1,000ft you'll get some beeps and the ready light will blink letting you know its activated. It's gone off twice under canopy during normal glide. Not really a big deal though. Just caught me by surprise a little. configurable for 1 to 3 altitudes. I have mine set for 2. If all you need is 3 alarms and are fine with increments of 500ft, this is the audible for you.
  13. How can you post a review for gear that isn't listed under the Gear section?? Example: I want to post a review for the MarS M2 AAD, but there's no listing for it under Gear-AADs. Does a site admin have to create it? Thanks