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Everything posted by somethinelse

  1. IS this typical?? Helps to cope with the coming drudgery of the work week, tho! Went to the DZ last Saturday...Couldn't jump- trying to spread my thin little paycheck around so I can get more jumps in this coming Sat. But it was fun hangin out! Never did that just to do that before. Intially, was just gonna put some money down towards this coming weekends jumps to hold some spots for me...BUt I'm glad I satyed around...I'm still feeling happy and mellow from all the cool people and good vibes from this Saturday. THis weekend's gonna be a blast! My birthday weekend, and I hope to with 3 jumps (maybe4?) I'll move up in my skills and progress to maybe a solo jump, too!
  2. Ya know, I stood my first landing the last time I jumped... And the thing that was different was not getting so nervous about the ground rushing up that I fixed on the ground below me, but looked straight ahead of me instead. NOW if I can only do that again this weekend!
  3. WOW. Maybe it's the "ALPHA-TYPES" that tend to cut each other down due to their aggressive 'top-dog' personality tendencies? But "ALPHA-TYPE" doesn't apply to me, that's for sure...I gotta try really hard NOT to be a more of a "SLACKER-TYPE"!
  4. Hmmm... I thought in a previous posting you'd said that the the skychicks at your dz were really COOL. But with a larger number, you are gonna see a wide display of ALL kinds of behavior/attitudes/etc. RIGHT??? But actually... WELL, considering the ratio of men to women in this sport...Often women can be rather insecure about being compared to other women, and maybe not being portrayed in a positive light... Perhaps back biting is done because of that reason? But then again, I haven't met many other women skydivers yet. ...But the women I've met AT MY DZ are all friendly and welcoming and there's warm kinship among us.
  5. Had a real Bad vibe at the old dz I'd previously been training at...LOTS of issues there! THEN I ran out of money to train AFF.... So, in the meantime, I was able to give it lots of thought, asked for input, then checked out a different dz to train with static line jumps. But it is all good now!
  6. Just a nagging little thought about people's histories and their choice about getting into this sport... ...It is REALLY eeiry how similar some people are, who initially you'd think are very dissimilar. Just very wierd, sometimes...Have you felt this way before too?
  7. For crying out loud! Have a heart. The guy is HONESTLY asking for some positive get-up-and-go "motivation". Seems to me that YOU ARE KICKING HIM WHEN HE'S DOWN! Enough already- ! Good grief, guy.
  8. Hey- I read a lot of the posts, and may not respond...But don't let the negitive feedback from the gungho types rattle or bum ya out. You do gotta lot to offer, dude. Maybe if you were to jump only for the FUN factor rather than for EARNING you would feel more RELIEF. You sound heavy-hearted ...when you feel that light-heartedness you'll be able to see and remember the JOY that skydiving brought to you before. Buck-up and Chin-Up skybro.
  9. I live in Michigan now and we all call it POP. But once i lived near Boston ...and they all called it TONIC there! Never could figure that one out, but then again, they got lots of funny names and ways of talking in New England! HA! - lILA.
  10. Ever wonder if most of the people drawn into this sport are: Those who tend to be those who push towards "the edge" -types -OR- Those who have addictive personality types? Anyhow, it really seems like lots of people that I've met in the last couple years I've been around the sport. What do you think? And Why do you think that this could be?
  11. Can't solo jump at another dz yet. I'm still on student statis and not licenced, yet. Probably doing solo jumps pretty soon though. AND I'll always HAPPY for advice and jumping help/coaching too! Hint! Hint! Lila.
  12. I needed to deal with issues regarding exiting and my confidence. I am feeling much betterNOW! I was stressing out in AFF due to "over load" of multiple tasks to do in free fall. I need confidence first in my ability to exit and to get myself quickly under canopy. So I decided that Static could help me thru this plateau I was finding myself on. P.S. REGARDING"SAT"- I'm sorry, I had awkwardly wrote my sentence, I meant, and on Sat. as in on SATURDAY, I did 2 static jumps. YOU SEE, SATURDAY WAS A REAL BREAK THRU FOR ME! I really can see myself solo and with coach jusmps really soon...How awesome is that??!
  13. HI- YA! Ladies, come on over to Mt. Pleasant to jump. I'd love to actually have another woman to jump with - or at least see jump! Hey, guys, you're great really...But I really would appreciate the friendship with some jumping skysisters now and then at the dz too! Come on skychicks! Check out Mt. Pleasant. I DO love this dz.
  14. I need some info about what is immediately ahead for me in my training... So far Ive had total of 5 tandem and did AFF jumps thur level 5 And SAT. I did 2 static jumps, they went great, and the trainer said I did well. After one more static I can do IAF jumps. The DZO said that I could be doing solo jumps by the end of summer- exciting thought!- but nerve-wracking too... Is IAF just like AFF? How is it different? Is it the same in regard to working on skills and getting the proficiency card filled in for A-licence? THANX-LILA.
  15. It 's really weird how some people's brain works regarding skydiving/skydivers...! WE might joke amongst ourselves to let off steam- But when it comes from non-jumpers- it can be aggressive and hostile. I was gonna have some neighbors(/friends?) come to my dz to see me jump but they and their kids kept laughingly saying, "What if you splat?!" As if I was some cartoon character or something. They knew what they were saying and the implications. They just didn't care. Of course, I changed my mind about them coming to the dz with me!
  16. HE-HEH...I am less nervous about the door on static- for I guess obvious reasons... But for some reason, instructors, better prep and the dz has a good vibe too... I just exited a lot faster and enjoyed the whole canopy ride down. NOW if I can figure out approaches better!
  17. Prior to these Static line jumps I did a handful of tandem and AFF jumps. I was "helped along" in some manner in all the other jumps. One particularily stressful AFF jump took me about 20 seconds to get out and into the air... SO thewhole jump became pretty problematic & had to pull at 7K to get back to the dz...!
  18. When did you do your first tandem? Are you in a warmer weather state where you'll be able to get in all your jumps before weather prevents you from finishing? I was in an AFF program and couldn't finish it due to weather and mula. But now I'm training again and do some static jumps. Actually, I like it better...I can afford more jumps more often!
  19. YEAH! Started back into training AGAIN...Did 2 static jumps saturday! Very cool! I knew this would be a Milestone for me.... Exiting has always been a MAJOR issue for me. IF I could get past the anxiety of getting my own butt out the plane alone, I'd know then that I had the nerve to be able to go forward in this sport! Second jump was the clincher for me though...My 12th jump and I finally got my stand up landing! I'm so pysched! I can't wait for the next step in training my way towards being a solo jumper...and my A- Licence
  20. hey, even as "innocent" as it may/maynot can really shovel out some major dodo on yourself by saying ANYTHING NEGITIVE about a dz. After saying some negitive stuff I had to deal with cyber stalker/lurkers following me and harrassing me! SO better be POSITIVE....Better safe than sorry! PS: what's a TROLL???
  21. Hey great in-put! I've had a lot of the same concerns as JETH, when it comes to looking ahead to the time after training... PLUS it's good to be reminded about being on top of getting the proficiency card filled out right away when you've learned/done something that counts towards that A-licence! Thanks from ALL us students...GOOD LUCK JETH!
  22. This is a very friendly DZ! There is also a really interesting diversity to the people who jump here. I feel comfortable and welcome here either by myself while getting trained and waiting for a jump or just stopping in with my litle kid to schedule and talk to staff. Everybody there do all they can to get everyone into the air and to have a good time. Interesting, too, is that there are different student training options and they are very thorough and safety conscious. Central Michigan Skydivers in Mt. Pleasant Michigan is good place! Check it out.
  23. I'm back at it again! I'm still feeling the buzz from freefallin'...and it's been three days ago...WOW- I really missed it.... Definitely gonna follow up with the program and get my licence by end of THIS SUMMER!
  24. it's bee almost two years since I jumped last...So it was necessary