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Everything posted by bigway

  1. Are you from CANADA? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  2. ok, so thats what one american thinks....i love this. So what are you guys doing about it? it will only get worse if nothing happens. Do you think in ten years the statistics will be in your favour? or will it be worse? i have heard mc donalds is changing the golden arches this week to a golden question mark. what is this for? maybe it means ' will you die if you walk in here every day because we dont know'? ??? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  3. and bloddy tv man, i mean come on the one thing your country does need is american television...the english comedy is just not funny, yet i might ad the papers in this country are well funny....and desperate. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  4. were you on the second course? you work at nzone? It aint me .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  5. yeah i have noticed, i think it is because you have a massive drinking and pub food culture maybe. I sometimes work as a chef while staying in the uk, and all the pub food is microwaved food. I have worked in many pubs while here and all the food comes from brake brothers. The places i have worked with fresh food seem alot more expensive than your average pub. Do you think it is all the pub food that might be doing it here in the uk? beer and food? i mean you do have a massive pub culture in this country. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  6. Well going on that data i realise that i should word myself in a political correct way. i am sorry for saying fat as this is probably not a nice word. I shall say obese. Those charts are something. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  7. did a search could not find anything on this so here goes. just watched the movie'supersize me'. This movie claims americans are the fattest nation in the world. Now it asks a question and this is why i am posting. It say that people always tell you openly that smoking will kill you and you must stop, well smoking deaths are now met up with fat deaths as it is on par with each other. So they ask is it alright then to say openly to a fat person, god you got to watch what you eat, it is going to kill you. So you can tell strangers that are smoking that they should stop as it will kill them, Can you tell a stranger who is fat that they should not eat what they are eating because they are fat. Also does it mean anything to you americans knowing that you the fatteset nation in the world? This was a great documnetry as i eat a lot of mcdonalds but am not overweight, i will never eat mcdonalds again though and also am going to do my best not to have a smoke ever again. please tell me what you think of this movie if you have seen it. I would like american views as i am not an american and can not count on movies to tell me the truth. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  8. i am not an instructor so what i say is only an opinion. I belive you at your weight you should be on a 150 when you have your a' license, Or even a 170 for a little while. Do not however be in a rush to downsize to much. All this swooping makes alot of students want to start getting into this but, everything takes time. You will have no problem jumping a 150 anywhere as this is a pretty standard size canopy for someone of your weight...but maybe you should think about jumping a 170 a few times to see if you really want to go down to a 150. Always ask your instructor because they are the only people at the moment that know your capabilities and what you should be using. Never hurry downsizing though. The time will come. I have just bought a 150 and it arrives in a few days, i usually jump 170 and am nervous about the downsize but also cant wait. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  9. bigway

    Sex on the DZ

    I may be a prud Ya think? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  10. it is that star next to your name .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  11. damn skydiving rocks! Great clip to be watching at 2:30am Look forward to the rest. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  12. Quote Are there any rules about what size canopy you can jump well, common sense will take care of that, if not any decent jumper will only let you jump what you are familiar with. If your jump profile is correct you will also find you will need your license and most definetly your log books and reserve card fi jumping your own equipment. Out of curiosity, what size canopy are you thinking of jumping? I am imagining you are not crazy enough on 20 jumps to jump anything below a 135.....are you? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  13. I got a stack of 100 pound bills but i dont think they will taste very nice eating so i am sorry but i guess i can not help you out on the food thing. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  14. Instead of posting a thread, i am thinking this might be a good time to ask? Have any of you ever hit a drogue being deployed? i am thinking it will be like hitting concrete and am just wondering if i am correct on that. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  15. One way to get this to SC.. VALLERINA FOR PRESIDENT!!! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  16. LOL .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  17. becareful alot of people could easily belive that statement .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  18. bigway

    Sex on the DZ

    .....but the only way we could test for people imparing themselves with sexual activities would a very dirty horrible job. Where would you find someone that would be willing to partake in such an roll to the dz? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  19. we got a Digger out our dz. can you imagine how much fun you can have with a digger and a 'skygods' shitty old car .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  20. yes, you will be cold and will not beable to arch your body or be stable. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  21. 811....laptops suck .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  22. imax, their films never go away .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  23. dman maybe bush was right, you should show michael moore this evidence so he can take back everything he has ever said .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  24. just watched the trailer, it looks like king joe jennings camera work. can anyone tell me if he was part of the filming? I cant wait to see this, present for mums xmas i think. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  25. to be quite honest, if it was any more than pot the dropzone would be off limits to me...only if this was going on and then jumping. the reason is not because they are having a good time and nothing is going wrong, it is because i do not want to be there when something does go horribly wrong. I know it could well happen one day but i do not want to see someone go in and this is one thing i can take away from the equation to better my chances of not seeing this happen. At my dz we had our second cypress fire in a long time a few years ago, to us this was a big deal because it should not have happened. Now if someone went in and the autopsy said they were high or drunk, well i want nothing to do with this dropzone. I hope i will avoid it but if i do not avoid it well it is just the same as anything in life, i mean when i use to take acid as a teenager i also drove my car while peeking and nothing ever went wrong. Mybe i will be lucky enough not to see anyone at my dz go in because of drugs. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .