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Everything posted by sundevil777

  1. Is it possible that your hatred for Trump has biased how things "seem"?
  2. If a black person thinks the same thing, that the children won't be accepted by either side, are they racist?
  3. You really think that only "the sort of toxic masculinity that results in sexual assault and rape" is being condemned? Do you think it is possible for feminism to be toxic? You got it wrong, in a really major way. He didn't justify patriarchy by saying it is predicated on competence. I'm pretty sure that it was hierarchy, not patriarchy. That is much like when an interviewer says, "So what you're saying is...", then the person being questioned has to say, "No, that is not at all what I just said...". Even if he did say those exact words, he has also repeatedly said that about 5% of the gap is attributable to gender alone, and that there are many other factors that are predictive of pay besides gender. I think when saying the pay gap doesn't exist, he is clearly countering the assertion that the gap is due to gender only. It seems you are intentionally splitting hairs. From the context of the interview, his contention is clear. Let's imagine a weird scenario where people work at home, and there is no way for their boss to know their gender. This job requires a high degree of agreeability. They only communicate in writing, but are still able to convey their agreeability, or lack thereof in their correspondence. Let's say that their long term raises/pay is then examined versus factors including agreeability, It would be the men that would suffer, but it would be wrong to blame the difference on a bias against men.
  4. It is likely you were looking at this paragraph from wikipedia page: Peterson has argued that there is an ongoing "crisis of masculinity" and "backlash against masculinity" where the "masculine spirit is under assault".[20][121][122][123] He has argued that feminism and policies such as no-fault divorce have had adverse effects on gender relations and destabilized society.[121] He has argued that the existing societal hierarchy that the "left" has characterised as an "oppressive patriarchy" might "be predicated on competence."[20] Peterson has said that men without partners are likely to become violent, and has noted that "enforced monogamy", i.e. societies wherein monogamy is a social norm, decrease male violence.[20][121] He has attributed the rise of Donald Trump and far-right European politicians to what he says is a push to "feminize" men, saying "If men are pushed too hard to feminize they will become more and more interested in harsh, fascist political ideology."[124] He attracted considerable attention over a 2018 Channel 4 interview where he clashed with interviewer Cathy Newman on the topic of the gender pay gap.[125][126] Peterson disputed that the gender pay gap was solely due to sexual discrimination.[126][127][128] Writing for The New York Times, Nellie Bowles said that most of Peterson's ideas "stem from a gnawing anxiety around gender". What part of this causes you grief? Even as you summarized it in your post that I quoted above, what about that statement is unreasonable (your "give me a break" dismissal of Peterson). I think the last sentence in the paragraph from wikipedia is really awful, "that most of Peterson's ideas "stem from a gnawing anxiety around gender". Assigning motives like that is lousy, and some nasty comment that can't be supported like that should not be in a person's summary on Wiki. The reason you might find his videos boring is that he isn't out there just to get attention, he isn't flashy or loud. He is boring because he explains why he holds his positions and why those positions are justified. He does it in a way that is hard to argue against, except to say he belongs in the basket of deplorables. Consider near the end of the referenced wiki paragraph, "Peterson disputed that the gender pay gap was solely due to sexual discrimination." Why should this be controversial? To think it is solely, or even mostly due to sexual discrimination is what should be condemned. Peterson has said (in one of the videos I linked earlier) research shows about 5% of the gap is due to it. Some think the "hot button" issue against Dr. Peterson is the gender pronouns issue. I agree with his stance, it should not be required by law. So many times I've heard that you can't legislate morality. Why do so many think that politeness should be legislated?
  5. No, he got his doctorate from McGill University. If you are left with making fun of Prager U for not being a real university, you got nothing. Person 1: "What do you think of this Prager U video?" Person 2: "It doesn't matter, they aren't actually a university, so nothing they say can be trusted" Person 1: "Of course they're not a real university, they aren't trying to deceive anyone with that label. Do you have anything to argue against their assertions?" Person 2: "I don't like his personality."
  6. I understand you don't like his personality. Where exactly is he making the, "...then you're an idiot" assertion? There are issues where that type of assertion is justified, but why aren't you arguing against his assertion of how things are? The only argument you appear to be making is an appeal to emotion. Peterson will assert that there is a lot of evidence within his field of expertise to support his conclusions. He does this with the great confidence that is irritating to the left, but it is not what you accuse him of doing. Your second paragraph is largely doing what you don't like to be done as you describe in your first paragraph. It would be less so if you had any specific argument on the points of his video.
  7. It seems that criticism in this thread of Dr. Peterson is not on the substance of his positions, but instead his style/personality. A Prager U video from Dr. Peterson on post-modernism:
  8. Of course you get to call him what you want in the USA, if you mean what pronoun to apply. In Canada you don't have that freedom. As you have a strong preference for the freedom to call him what you want, then thank you for your support of Dr. Peterson's position. Strangers in socialist governments get to decide what an individual needs much more than governments where Liberty dominates. Thank you again for arguing in favor of Dr. Peterson's position. As Peterson has said, the issue is not about politeness. The left wants us to believe it is, but that is not true.
  9. I’m a 24.5 head. The Kiss XXL fits well and I bought one. The XXL G3 won’t go on. My old Z1 was bigger than either. Big noggins are tricky for fitting helmets.
  10. Related to the question is which canopy was the smallest. Please let us not consider canopies used for hang gliders and such. I would expect the KXX to be in the running, correct? For the custom design used for the around the world flight, couldn’t they have done better than a Phantom? Edit: it was said that only a tricon would fit, do we all agree that it is the smallest?
  11. The 30 minute video I posted covers a wide range of topics, not just those mentioned in the title. He even gets challenged on the comparison to socialist regimes that have killed millions. It is a positive that so many leftists demonstrate the awareness of this socialist tendency to kill so many of their own citizens. It would be even better if they didn't think it an anomaly.
  12. This is a reasonable starter:
  13. I remember a “Viking” from way back. Welcome back. I suggest not asking a DZ what will be required to jump again until you are actually there on the day you’ll jump, and bring video/photographic evidence of your prior skills. Some might say it doesn’t matter, the only way to get back means a very expensive way, but I think the person that actually makes the call is much more likely to be less strict in person. Be humble but confident in your abilities and they might just require you do a normal jump with an instructor, not be treated like someone that has forgotten how to fall off a horse. That was my experience when coming back.
  14. Never mind, the specifications say there is an activation delay of 5 to 7 seconds.
  15. Please don’t pretend to be certain to know what I think. The term “stunt” can mean different things to different people, of course. It is telling that the left seems to not realize how badly their reaction makes them look to the deplorables. Trying to win the votes of deplorables isn’t likely when they are so often reminded what the left thinks of them. It matters infinitely more what people do than what they think. Was there any reporting from residents in the area complaining about the very gracious act being a stunt? Maybe I missed that.
  16. That sounds like paraphrasing that is not an accurate representation of his statements. Many people will only be exposed to what others summarize about such statements. He is quite careful with his wording and explaining his reasoning. For instance, it wasn’t just “pressure” to use chosen pronouns. He made it clear he would call someone by their chosen pronoun, but not when forced to at the point of a gun (which is what laws do). I’m paraphrasing also. When the government tells you what you must say, the comparison is reasonable.
  17. I had forgotten about that version. It seems like it would be prone to activating before leaving the aircraft, as there can be significant time after the pin is pulled before exiting.
  18. Ok, the Baltimore Sun didn’t know their motives, however it appears you do. Since agreement appears not possible, clarity is quite valuable (borrowing from Dennis Prager).
  19. My understanding is that even the ACLU opposed that.
  20. Please elaborate, it should be easy to point out what is so awful since he’s being called a nazi by the left.
  21. "Whatever he says his motives were, Scott Presler’s presence in Baltimore reinforces the tired image that the poor people in this city can’t take care of their own neighborhoods," the Sun complained. Nicely summarized by one of the comments after the article: The Left: if limited government is so great, how come people don't actively help each other? Also The Left: picking up 12 tons of trash is racist.
  22. I think you meant to write that the volume of a parachute is a cubic function, and that you meant to say volume vs area. That is true, but not relevant.
  23. There was another thread a little while back, should be searchable. My guess is that it has less value as experience increases. I also psycho pack every time because it is so easy.
  24. I would expect it to be some variation of what are generally called 5 point harness releases.
  25. Also quite unusual for a fuselage mounted pusher on a tail dragger. the article is a bit loose with mechanical details, such as claiming about 10 moving parts for a 6 cylinder internal combustion engine.