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Everything posted by pds

  1. first thing... goggles or glasses: stay with clear lenses for a while. you need 110% of your depth perception to avoid putting divots in a perfectly good landing area. so, later, when landing under fire comes natural.. gatorz with a strap under a well fitted helmet have worked well for me. If it is getting dark, i just pull em down (on a strap or crokies or whateva, dontchaknow?) once under canopy. unless you have an odd shaped hed, you can find a pair of gatorz that seal against your cheek. if not, stick with goggles. namaste, motherfucker.
  2. #21 - my first jump at eloy, my first jump with a license, first time anybody ever handed me a container and canopy seperately. my first canopy hookup. didn't really know how to hook up a canopy but, hey, i think for a living, shouldn't be too hard. right. it opened quite nicely and flew fine.... backwards. i knew immediately. argghhh. so i let mcgowan get a few more frames of me flying backerds, cut it, and landed out. i got to meet a lot of people that day who really wanted to teach me how to hook up a canopy. #504 - never was fond of packing even before taking a few years off. it took a few times through for it all to come back. almost. packing for the third jump of the day dude says 'you have stowed your lines backwards'. sho nuff. stowed down towards the opening instead of up the flap. oh yeah. that's right. my question is: did i just have a brain fart and had stowed them correctly on the previous jump or did i just get lucky? either way, i probably won't make that mistake again soon. shuddup, i heard that. i said that mistake. namaste, motherfucker.
  3. oversized gear can kill you dead. trust me. if the dz has no gear that is appropriately sized they should have declined to put you in the plane. shame on them. part of me wants to say 'talk to em and get em to aquire some smaller gear' but most of me says fuck em, go somewhere else. either they don't know safe or don't care. there is enough for you to deal with without swimming around in a rig that is too big. 2:1 can get you hurt too. getting pushed back into something you don't want to be pushed back into is first to mind. but what do i know? namaste, motherfucker.
  4. 8 - blown out topskin on shitty gear 17 - ball of shit induced 6 twister before inflating 21 - perfectly good, flyable canopy - just hooked up backerds. hey, nobody is perfect. none since and at 500+. namaste, motherfucker.
  5. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    Off key? off key?! I don't sing off key! ask anyone (as long as anyone is my mother)... for comic relief you can step on me toe at the end of each bar and make me squeak like a rubber ducky. man, this thread is like a budwieser commercial; a few cool guys and all the hot chicks! namaste, motherfucker.
  6. back in phoenix by way of a couple years in soueast asia. i need to come to tucson. we need to sit in big chairs and drink. namaste, motherfucker.
  7. i am happy to help ya. might be able to handle it here, but can remote assist if needed. first, try going to . this might put you on your router's config page. just open udp same port that utorrent is on. what is the brand and model of the router and was it supplied by your broadband provider"? namaste, motherfucker.
  8. Why would you have to pack if you had nothing out? you pretty sharp for a noob. keep it up. cool pics. i had a recurring dream that lasted from age 7 to about 15. Fall off a mountain and fall for a long time without worry and just kind of bliss o ut before i hit the tops of the pine trees. always pine trees. vivid oversaturated colors. then there was the other one where i am in the 5 and dime buying a gumball and a train piles up outside and i just KNOW that i have to get it cleaned up before my dad gets home. lasted about as long as the other. the only other recurring dream i had, and funny enough, they all went on during the same part of my life, i am running through city streets, fleeing really. now that i look back it reminds me of brooklyn though i have never been. anyway i am running and running and there is a cut scene of like a solid block of something with a channel running through it and there is a bullet shooting down this channel and it is coming for me. just running and runnning. wtf. i liked the base dream better. namaste, motherfucker.
  9. disappearing. namaste, motherfucker.
  10. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    choos on the bottom, meat on the top. see tip of the day and pic attached..... asshole indeed. this sho is nice, the old gang all in one thread. i may just get drunk and sing kumbaya. namaste, motherfucker.
  11. Oh, wait... you said you DIDN'T want to turn this into a 'would you smash this spider post'. my bad. I met this guy on my porch and he warnt doin to good. fed him up for a week and let im loose. namaste, motherfucker.
  12. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    OK, I officially have the warm and fuzzies. I could keep this post bumped for an hour by huggin everyone back in turn but... HUGS back to ebbybody (except wingnut, he gets a reacharound)! I probably wont be jumping at the rate i used to but you'll probably see me around once in a while. so nobody knows who da guys in the jumbotron are? (tb: jt picked the song, but i like it too ;-)) namaste, motherfucker.
  13. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    next pic.. namaste, motherfucker.
  14. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    Please.. we dont need to feel any more inadequate then we do already... Hey Sky! Hows things?
  15. pds

    Shaking off the rust

    Found myself in vegas this week helping a buddy with his trade show booth and hooked up with JTVal. This is what it looks like when you havent flown in a coule years pds tip of the day: when jumping in the desert in tevas, don't drag your foot as a flare gauge. toes bleed. VIDEO namaste, motherfucker.
  16. yup. just started for the same reason. but still keep the multiblade disposables handy for quickies. a buddy of mine swears by vintage safety razors. gets some crazy sharp japanese blades offa ebay. http://www.badgerandblade.com/index.php?page=faq namaste, motherfucker.
  17. im not going to read the entire thread but you can get your passport in less than 3 days via an expediter. just google 'passport expedite' namaste, motherfucker.
  18. Look up Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham and give yourself a reality check. Start with what you actually know. Edit: In fact, here - this is what a hero looks like. jason capped the grenade with his helmet and then laid his body on the helmet. dude willingly sacrificed himself to save others. i am not even going to try to convince anyone. if you have to ask you will never know. and that's no BS. namaste, motherfucker.
  19. i have known my truth (there is no god) since i was a child. there have been days that i have wished that i was wrong about everything but i come up with the same donut every time. oh well. i like xians just fine. i especially like mormon people, they are nice.
  20. pds

    back in the saddle

    what, me, spam? i don't even email my mom much less send frivolous emails. even to my favorite bitpusher. rather than reply to 4 posts i will say: monkey: why you gotta do me like that? i was fixing to have the longest all chick thread (keith, i am not fogetting you, but this whole 'homo' thing caught me by suprise) tunnel bunny, i regret to say i punked out after 5 loads again today. i AM a big pussy. sunny, cora and rebecca - i know you want me. it is sooooo good to be home. thank you guys. i AM home and i WILL tip a beer with all yall sooner than you think. p.s. i am shitfaced at the pool here in eloy being harrassed to get in so i gotta go. isn't technology great!? hugs and kisses to all that want. chest bumps to those who are fighting with keithophobia. namaste, motherfucker.
  21. pds

    back in the saddle

    woohoo! i am still the mack daddy chick magnet! (
  22. pds

    back in the saddle

    hey, i hear your a homo. sup wi dat? thanks keith and shell, it's good to be home. namaste, motherfucker.
  23. pds

    who's up?

    11:30 pm here in eloy. it's a fucking ghost town here, it being summer and all the boogies goin on. but that's not entirely a bad thing. namaste, motherfucker.
  24. omg. i am in love. a purty jumper girl with a big rack and a gun. i am moving to texas. (hi amber) namaste, motherfucker.