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Everything posted by ianyapxw

  1. I don't get this :( Since it was posted on some golf forum I guess it has to do with the fact the guy's a golfer?
  2. I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree. There are huge flaws with the system, as can be seen on reddit. 1) People won't vote on relevant information, they end up voting on popular opinions. Imagine, in the triple proxy flight incident, if we had such a system. The thread would just be flooded with people parroting "proxy flying is bad". 2) Not everybody bothers to read what others have to say, there is a huge tendency to skim through and make a snap judgement to up/downvote. Some posts may be insightful, but might be difficult to understand, which people would just downvote mindlessly. 3) Voting system discourages long, insightful posts. As people are more likely to read, and thus vote on a short post, people who want to be heard are more inclined to write something short and cut back on content. I think it's a much better system to have a mod, or even respected community members, create a first post or edit the first post with relevant information. For example, "news report on post 3, eyewitness account on post 15, S&TA report on post 33, etc...)
  3. I'm curious about this. This will complicate things if a jumper passes out under a reserve when flying an above average wing loading? I personally would have assumed reserves are designed to land softer, what's the design philosophy behind this? I'm curious why they did this, are there certain situations where he would go for reserve instead of main and then be able to cut away the main. I would assume he would always go for main first, and I'm unsure of the rationale behind a reserve cutaway.
  4. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4597258#4597258 http://www.dropzone.com/safety/Disciplines/Freeflying/The_History_of_Atmonauti_Fly_559.html Control + F "tunnel" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HHTAQypFgk Enjoy! edit: I think it may be possible to adopt a tracking position and spin around your head; I may have done this before but not 100% sure.
  5. I'm only a beginner skydiver and I've been watching this thread. While explanations have been given about the 'boob grab' and the drogue pitches, I haven't actually seen anyone discuss the sit-flying on a passenger. All the drama aside, I'm legitimately curious about that action, is it legal and/or safe?
  6. Pot, meet kettle. Wow, JP. I've always had more respect for you than that. Coming from you I take that as an unnecessary insult and don't feel it was deserved. Oh well. Then think before you yell at me at the top of your voice that I don't know what I'm talking about as an instructor in front of staff and customers, when maybe, just maybe your experience wad a bit more dated than mine. Perfect. You've succeeded in demonstrating my point quite clearly. *breaks out the popcorn* Holy cow some of you old timers love your drama. I see you haven't posted in a while
  7. That is my interpretation as well, however, I'm a effectively a whuffo. I think you mentioned somewhere else that you BASE jump, no?
  8. Don't feel ashamed to shop around for a DZ, you should visit multiple and see which fits you best! Maybe you're interested in certain things like CReW that not every DZ has a solid community. On another note, I heard 3k is the closer figure. edit: Yes, it's expensive, but for certain things you only get one chance in life. Sometimes past opportunity is that, past opportunity.
  9. "Last Login:Apr 18, 2014, 7:32 AM" He's not the first.
  10. It wasn't like think clouds, IIRC it was those thin clouds that are here and there.
  11. Nah a lot of places (in Australia) use wrist cam now. I think outside flyers are getting less and less common, no?
  12. What are the rules for USPA? As an APF student I've been through clouds 3 times. Not the super thick kind though.
  13. I know there are earplugs that supposedly can block loud noises and allow ambient noise through. I used one before that had like a hollow tube in the middle kind of thing. Looked similar to this: http://www.ishn.com/articles/95039-hearing-protection There's also far more advanced technology, found this in a google search. http://www.gizmag.com/etymotic-hd-15-electronic-earplugs/19699/
  14. About getting certified, I would say A license in a week can be extremely intense. Sometimes after I jump I just want to sit down, relax, reflect. I could jump again if I forced myself to but it wouldn't be as pleasant. I would suggest spreading it out if you can. Currency is the biggest issue if you spread out your jumps, if you spread it out over a few months it could be an issue, depending on how spread out it is (bear in mind weather plays a part too). After your first jump, ask yourself, could you go back up immediately? Would you want to go back up? Would you enjoy yourself? For me, I would rather spread it out, it's more fun that way. If you do back to back jumps, make sure you get enough sleep at night, not too much alcohol, snack regularly as adrenalin burns blood sugar. Welcome to the sport! Have fun and enjoy yourself
  15. Hey, it's great that you're trying and you want to get the most of the experience
  16. Well said. Was really surprised the very first time I encountered current.
  17. I don't get why so many people come here and start raging during their first few posts...
  18. Don't, such information is extremely useful, not just in terms of specific information, but also raising awareness about scamming techniques in general. Thank you.
  19. I'm inclined to believe it's fake. Firstly its extremely dangerous for the train conductor to do that. Secondly he exposes himself to criminal charges. Thirdly the camera is to steady for it to be believable.
  20. That's because the Asians had no idea about how water conditions are like. Try living your whole life in a place where waves don't go over your ankle when you tiptoe and current at the beach is as much as a swimming pool. Sure, you can watch all the movies you want but you'll never realise how strong current is until you're in it.