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Everything posted by darkwing

  1. I've been jumping a long time, in the old days with motorcycle helmets, protecs in between, and a good full face in recent years. I prefer the modern full-face skydiving helmet. I get fewer bloody noses. The protection is vastly better than with no helmet, better face protection than with a hockey helmet. And, if you want to try it, I am willing to hit you in the head with a baseball bat with and without a bonehead gunner, and you decide if it is worthless. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  2. sooner or later you will run into a hassle over it. Just get your license(s). USPA does far more good than harm to the sport. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  3. I guess my quick response is "Do we have more people bouncing because they cut away, or because they didn't?" -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  4. It is unfortunate that two people (at least) who believe that tickets are for sale also feel that there is only pain to be gained by outing the offenders. Still, I stick strongly to my view that it is ones moral obligation to protect the innocent victims here. I would feel pretty bad if I didn't "out" the DPRE for this and somebody got hurt. At the very least couldn't you talk to the DPRE and let them know you believe there is a serious issue here? If they know they are under the spotlight they might change their ways. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  5. how many pack jobs? It may be due for inspection at the factory. Can't set a price until after they look at it. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  6. That is a very extreme statement. In my world, if I thought I knew such DPREs, I would feel morally obligated to do something about it. Lives are at stake. So, what you gonna do? This isn't a case of gossip about people's private lives, this is a case where you clearly state that there is a serious, life threatening, breach of safety. The FAA wants to know, and so do I. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  7. There are several factors that contribute to canopy volume besides square footage. Seam construction, fabric type, reinforcements, suspension lines, etc. Even for two "identical" reserves from the same manufacturer canopies can have maybe as much as 10% variations in volume. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  8. Make sure you have "risk management" know the difference between management and elimination. The only way to be risk free is to be dead. Also, make sure you are not adversarial until you absolutely have no choice. Tell them the students will skydive with our without the club, and give them some numbers about student skydiving. Then say that the clubs prime functions will include safety education.... -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  9. That would be a start, but you'd have to have the main be made of the same materials as the reserve, which means F-111 type fabric and different suspension lines. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  10. Most riggers would not pack a reserve in a container that had been treated with that. Not because it is known to cause problems, but because it is Not known to NOT cause problems. I would put it in the same category as dyeing a rig. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  11. Do what I did when I decided I was going to build canopies (a long time ago) -- go out and measure/inspect every different canopy you can find. This forum will not give you the answers you seek. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  12. I would question why it doesn't have a TSO label on it. My first guess is that it is stolen, and I sure wouldn't want that much bad karma on my reserve. I can't think of a good reason to remove the label, only bad reasons remain. Does the seller say why there is no label? What does the seller say about the canopy? Number of jumps, age, etc... -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  13. You want to speed things up, use the front risers on your Sabre2. Sell the stiletto. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  14. ahhhh.... sport death from the early 1970's.... Everything just keeps on coming back every generation. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  15. Glad to have you back... -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  16. I didn't change height, but I did change weight by 40 pounds and didn't have an issue with my rig. As said above, the real answer is you can't be sure unless you put it on. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  17. how big is the window? I'd be really worried about wings, engines, and tails. The word "possible" leaves room for an answer to be yes, even if the chance is 0.0000000000000000000001 Run down the aisle, blow open a rear door, and exit that way. It would look cooler on film anyway. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  18. The $30 gear charge raises an interesting question for us. What DZ did you book at? Did you find it via the internet? Can you give us the name of the place? -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  19. I recall that during my senior rigger practical in about 1976, I was told by the official FAA DPRE I could seal the reserve and put it in service after I completed packing it, but according to the logic of some in this thread since I wasn't a rigger when I packed it, it couldn't possibly be legal. I understand the reasons for the mixed views, but long standing practice does have weight with the FAA. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  20. ask your rig manufacturer. This question comes up pretty regularly, and there are a wide variety of answers. A search would give lots of results. Still, ASK THE MANUFACTURER. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  21. pre-meds aren't doctors, I'd estimate at least half of them never get to be doctors, mostly they get off on the prestige of telling people they will be doctors. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  22. I'm not sure why this bothers you. I am Jeff Wragg, Jeffrey L. Wragg, J.L. Wragg, and other, ruder things to my friends. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  23. It isn't hard, but if you are learning to sew, there are things you will learn by doing, and part of that is making mistakes, or doing things the hard way, before you figure out the easy way. Make some simple things such as logbook cases, helmet bags, etc. in addition to jumpsuits. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  24. Sure, it is a great idea. You will learn a lot. I recommend you get some E-thread, and a #18 needle. It will be a great learning experience, and you can modify it after you figure some things out. Just borrow someone's jumpsuit to look at for ideas, and go for it. -- Jeff My Skydiving History