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Everything posted by MarkF

  1. MarkF

    A BK update

    Good thing you've got a good vet and an understanding pharmacist and maybe now you're getting some of the drugs down BKs thoat. Anyway I thought I'd post this in the vague hope that no-ones seen it before (yeah right ) and that you get a bit of a laugh out of it...
  2. Us spaghetti (sp?) bigots are staying pretty damn quiet too.
  3. MarkF

    A BK update

    OK it seems that you've tried all the standard "Recalcitrant Pet" tricks. Now it's time to trot out the big gun. Vegemite. Yep the food of the gods from down 'ere is very salty and STRONG tasting and very nearly all dogs 'n cats love the stuff. Mix up the Vegemite with the drugs and smear it on the cat food. Try the Vegemite first though - you may have the only cat in the universe that doesn't like the stuff. Ooroo Mark F...
  4. I'm aghast. You mean these people, whomever they are, would go so far as to INTENTIONALLY DESTROY a King Air ??? The utter, utter bastards. Ooroo Mark F...
  5. I probably qualify as a geek after spending 25 years in system admin. At home I have... An OpenVMS cluster consisting of :- 2 VAX Station 3100 systems with 48 and 32 meg RAM. CPU runs at 75 mhZ IIRC. Running OpenVMS VAX 7.2 1 DEC 3000/300 (Alpha) with 96meg running at 175mHz running OpenVMS AXP v7.1-2. Shared among the systems are a dozen 1 gig drives. All disks are mounted on all systems. A Linux box running Slackware on an IWill P55 UW (UW SCSI mother board) Cyrix P120, and 1 gig of ram. Disk is 32 UW SCSI 1 gig spindles configured into 8 2 gig RAID 0+1 sets. Used as a file server / firewall / gateway / database server / whatever else. Yeah I know that it's BAD practice to be running this stuff on a firewall / gateway box but...
  6. No mention of OpenVMS or OS/2 either...
  7. MarkF

    Car towed.

    That's my sort of car...
  8. Hi there, Please consider NOT using gets(). It does no bounds checking and could therefore be quite dangerous in a situation where a buffer overflow could lead to an exploit. I know that in this case the use of gets() is not going to cause a problem but in a few years when you're working on something where there may be an issue..... If you never, ever use gets() you'll not run into issues with it. "C" and its relatives are bastard languages. There's no strong type checking and there is no built in bounds checking. Just about all of the discovered buffer overflow exploits have been found in programmes written in C ( or a relative ). Anyway. I had a very quick look and I _think_ that gets() is possibly getting an EOF from stdin. Perhaps an fflush(stdin) before the gets() ?? Better to just use either fgets() or scanf(). It works like a charm if you use scanf(). ie. if(choice == 1) { printf("Please enter your name:\n"); scanf('%s", &name); } Ooroo Mark F...
  9. nope. this is most certainly a db2 deal. Wrong again..
  10. >>Defcon 6****** >>No pain. No real feeling of illness. Your sleep last night was a mere disco etc... That's brilliant. Ooroo Mark F...
  11. What you need is a big bowl of porrige with a handfull of dates cooked in with it. Much safer than bagels.
  12. Well I had an "Interesting(tm)" day. It was almost bordering on "Exciting". Shudder. The scale runs, in order of desirability, "Boring" (very good), "Tense" (jumping is VERY tense), "Interesting" (for when it's all looking like it just might all go to shit) and "Exciting" (No shit. There I was...). Now that I've got home and had decent meal it's time for a bit of substance abuse. Bundy 'n beer chasers methinks. Perhaps something to smoke to follow.
  13. Well I dunno about the other Aussies but I'm NOT odd. Strange or wierd, maybe even eccentric but certainly not odd...:-) Perhaps not eccentric either. Allegedly you have to be rich to be able to be properly eccentric and I certainly ain't rich. Just stepped outside for the first time since 08:00 (it's 18:30 now). What a glorious day - light wind, clear sky about 25C. Perfect jumping weather. Tomorrow they reckon it's gonna be 33C and I'm taking the day off. There'll probably be a howling northerly blowing though... Ooroo Mark F...
  14. Mornin', or whatever Michele...:-) Be VERY bloody carefull with that bagel. They can kill or at least choke you know. Just be sure to practice your emergency procedures before the first bite just in case..:-) Ooroo Mark F...
  15. Best thing a bloody starling could do - be someone elses meal / snack. Indian Minahs come under the same heading. Nope. Empty stubbies. Heavily armed is a longneck (26 fl. oz.), empty of course. For real mayhem use Fosters (swill of the south) longnecks and leave 'em full...:-) Ooroo Mark F...
  16. Ohhh groooaaaaannnnnnn.... Morning, and it IS morning here folks, from Melbourne. It's gonna be a fantastic day apart from the fact that I'm in this here data centre with no windows. Ooroo Mark F... Who's NOT eating baagels ever again...
  17. Evenin' / Mornin' Nacmac. Nothing like a "No shit, there I was..." story to get the day started. Today was Melbourne Cup Day - the day that, in Victoria anyway, denotes the start of the holiday season. Between now and Easter Vic. seems to go into "Even Slacker(tm)" mode. The time of BBQ's, beer gardens and other Good Things including jumping in a couple of months.
  18. Evenin' (or whatever time it is) all.
  19. His batting has been below par for a while now. The real problem is who to replace him with in the close in catching positions. This last few days cricket has been bloody interesting. Shane Warne is bowling like a demon but so is another young Victorian. The young bloke took 4 for not many while Warne only got 3 for a few. Mark Waughs replacement, Darren Leahman, made a few but so did MW. Leahman is the current highest first class run scorer with around 18,000 runs on the board. If he gets going he scores a LOT quicker than Gilchrist. Speaking of Gilchrist he needs to look out for the Vic. 'keeper who keeps to Warne and the other leggie all the time and is really VERY good. A lot better than Gilchrist in the keeping stakes but without the batting skills. If the poms can get it together it should be a good summer of cricket. The prolem with the poms is that they have a team of REALLY good individuals but they don't seem to play very well as a team. Ooroo Mark F...
  20. Call me naive, but I have no idea what either of those are . But enjoy them anyway! Bundaberg over proof rum and some quite fine Queensland Heads (dope) to smoke...
  21. How fast is the internet in Australia? The norm here in South Africa is 56K dialup - anything faster costs too much for the ordinary Joe Bloggs. That said, most people are happy if they get more than 2k per second, even though the theoretical max is five . So what is Oz like to South African visitors? I'm thinking of visiting sometime next year. The usual method of connection here is 56K dialup but we are getting ADSL all over the place now. There's also two cable carriers - Optus (Optarse / sloptus who I'm with) and Telstra (hellstra). The mob I work for is a QUANGO that administers the whole of the Oz address space. Every DHCP lease is reported back to us and we do the smart routing, shaping and most importantly the billing for all off-shore traffic. The whole STOOOPID deal is because The Worlds Greatest Luddite, our Minister for Communications, Richard Alston has decreed that the internet shall remain under some form of government control and that we should keep all traffic. Little does he know...
  22. Do not feel alone. I too am oe of the chosen ones. Yup, even on this Saturday night, some of us have a deadline to meet . So what are you up to? After three months of planning and a couple of months disaster recovery testing we had no choice but to move one of the largest data centres in Oz from one side of Melbourne to the other. We just couldn't put it off any longer. I spent last night (it's 08:45 Sunday here) configuring near on 100 TB of disk (should that be tera-byte of terror-byte ??) in a disgustingly huge 'n fast (gotta love fibre channel SCSI) SAN which will be populated as and when required over the next month or so while the move is actually being done. The bottom line is that the online systems must NOT become unavailable. If they do then the whole of Oz loses internet connectivity. Hmmmm now that could be a bit of fun for a few minutes......perhaps not, then.
  23. Harumph.... While you bastards are out enjoying yerselves I'm the one that was chosen to keep the wheels of commerce turning. I might tell you that it's damn boring too. Three and a half hours into a twelve hour shit and it's aready got O L D.... Well don't let me interfere. Just go out and enjoy yerselves - it'd be a bloody shame if I was to put up with this purgatroy for no result.
  24. Remember. As long as we only get rain Tues to Thurs inclusive. Next Tues is OUT it's Melbourne Cup Day. Just keep those simple things in mind and it'll all work out for the best, I'm quite sure. Ooroo Mark F...