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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. You have to look at the words they use: "extremely" "barely getting any air" This isn't something like having a bad day at work,... This is exactly what someone having an asthma attack says, this is what someone in dire distress says,... C
  2. My 2 cents, deal with the "backlash." You stand a greater chance of learning something as compared with keeping your mouth shut. There is some truth to the "sink" or "swim" attitude in this sport. C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  3. Ok how about this: Close to twenty years working in an emergency enviornment, military, pilot, EMT II, etc,... Tells me you are "Hyperventilating and at risk of passing out in a freefall. My advice would be to seek out a full exam from a competent "Flight Surgon," NOT a FAA medical examinier, before your next jump. The life you save may be your own.
  4. How's your progress with the various "demo" programs working out? C Or right about now you can drive up to CrossKeys and demo just about all of the Sabre 2, Katanas, etc,... not that far from your posted location. I checked on Google for you! NJ from VA,...about 2 hours away, including time for some traffic on 95?? But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  5. A vector is a word used in the way disease is transmitted from the host organism to the subject organisismm! Typhoid Mary was a vector, stop making this about diseases "racing" around and from that picture it looks like a reflex as well
  6. As Wendy points out you have to "Relax," hang loose,... Perhaps you should mention the pressure to your jumpmasters, and just have another fun jump with reduced pressure,?, you said it yourself too much pressure, it's not a race just relax, it will all work out
  7. Practice with the same people seems to help? Traveling around to different dzs' can be annoying. But a lesson from most big ways,... The base is formed and there are still people at the door, so again with practice and as your expierence level increases you will get better at this, just stick with it! C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  8. Do it say "Lancaster" is it an Amish thing, I mean I don't understand haw a Racer can transmit a STD? Or are you saying racers cause premature pop top ulation followed by rsl yokel mania? Now seriously there is a Vector on top, this is important cause a Vector is important to understand in disease pathology. Word! Vector But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  9. As always,... THANKS! But as you point out I would like to see those numbers on a chart somewhere? Like from those people over at PD, sorry to be insulting, would like to see those numbers from a firebolt as well?
  10. This is where "we" can no longer tell if your joking with "us" or your really a student. This is the "Turning Point" or "Tipping Point" where the bulk of this little society has doubts about you. On one hand money isn't an object, but then you say or perhaps we imply that money is an object? Then you raise in your words: "Wuss out" ism and purchasing a rig? As a form of motivation??? You kind of opened the door to a form of banter that is confusing, because of your responses?? So if your a student feel free to keep at this, IN A GOOD WAY,
  11. I was trying to simplyfy the discussion by negating the wind, math wise if you would. John S and his Data collection was a little vague on this point, either that or I missed that point? Yes , thank you for pointing out the relevance of what is half toggles.
  12. Thanks for that,.. I really didn't want to get into the plf at high speed thing, and yes diggin your heels in, depending on the speed, will sometimes determine how much altitude, then crash! And hitting you ass, after an approrate heel trench session, can end you (period.) Yes you should know when and where to slide in! Again know your audience, I don't advocate sliding in for students for the same reasons, additionally except for down wind ( and then why are they there) students hopefully have something above in the below .8 range and sliding isn't in the cards! That was my point. If you want to avoid, overshooting, you can try pulling the outermost A lines, remember to flare, I didn't say it's going to be pretty though! But you do drop to the ground! "Ummmm....I'm in the camp of yes, learn the 'perfect world' stuff AND the 'world goes to shit' stuff." Ditto,... C I didn't want to rehash what had already been said, but as another points out: " a simple turn would have prevented the whole thing." Heck why are they trying to land on the line anyways??? 50 feet back, 100 feet back, 200 feet back,...Does anyone in the crowd really care??? Do they know the difference??? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  13. Perhaps not every one is "connected" as another pooseter indicates , but Krisanne uses the word "committed" that most likely the most important word in this whole thread. Because if your seriosly answereing N question in the first place the answere really is about a level of commitment? So frame your answere in terms of what is important to yo and then answere it,... If your constantly looking for excuses, like I was late because of this or that, or "sorry I don't have a cell phone," perhaps this shows up in your life? I suspect it does and yuo also lack commitment. Next time leave a little early, so that you get there on time! Not too much to ask is it? something to consider before you marry the: Guy / Girl? Cause they arn't going to get better with time! C My sister, when not having a lip lock on somebodys love muscle,... Has jooined the (cult)
  14. Depends on how horney you are??? C Seriously, depends how horney you are,... Ok, OK,... who what when where, For my moms cooking, the next day was best, if my Dad is cooking, it's best not to show up, and best not to call either, so other family can reap the full benifite, if everyone warned everyone else no one would show up. Which works out fine because most times my sisteers all want money anyways. And they have a habit of putting anything into their mouthes anyways. Friends house, good a friend?? Wife cooking tonight? Now you know another reason Im devorced,... Kids cooking, well if my kids are cooking, the food is better than at "Lake Wobegone" and I'm early with money and other gifts! C
  15. I just want to know my glide ratio from full up toggles to half. Never mind the wind, fix the wing loading at some Fixed value, how muuch further am I going to go at half toggles???? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  16. Thanks for that! I really enjoued the discussion about air as a Liquid / physics and I thought I was a pill?? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  17. After initally bumbling a bit with both of these canopies, at the same size! For some reason I was always flaring late as compared with the Sabre 2 A Sabre 2 has the better glide Ratio! I speaking about when these things are around 1/2 toggels, do you follow? I couldn't tell the difference betwwen a similar sized spectre and a Storm in glide. The approach in the storm at full uptoggles is steeper than the Spectre, but not by much, the biggist difference was switching between a similar sized Sabre 2 and a spectre, then you can really see the diff between 9 / 7. Someone on another post / thread indicated they were going to tell us about glide ratios and how to tell this sort of thing in the real world but i haven't heard back as of yet? anyone hear about John sherman and the PIA supposidlym about this topic? Demo them both, I hear PD has a great schedule this year, but if you want to to make shure their traveling with both call ahead or visit DeLand! Why do you ask? My Spectre does great If I want to hang around and let everyone else catch up or land first and with a lot of practice I can hang all the way to the ground at half and still manage to pull off a walk away flare with whats left? I was very pleased with the storm in the air, but faster turns don't appeal all that much to me,...I would have kept the storm if the price was right though,...that's about the only reason I chose between these 2. Why didn't I pick a Sabre 2? Because I find myself landing off by design and I have more control over the distance with these 2 as compared with the Sabre 2. It is also very tough asking this question because not a lot of people are bouncing between multiple canopies! ReRead the PD notes on how they fly and pay attention to every word. C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  18. Pull the outside A lines, NOT the whole front rizer, spills air, keeps canopy pressurized, how you drop is up to you, I suggest you recover, but this depends upon canapie size. Flare. C Obviously try at altitude,... Just a suggestion C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  19. It's just the Progressives showing us they have a case of "Stockholm Syndrome" towards their perceived Islamist allies. Speaking of Stockholm, at least in my part of the world, I could not help notice how the consensus mainstream media have been ignoring the rioting that has been going on in a specific part of that city this week. Maybe it's just not politically correct to report that gangs of immigrant youths are rioting in the streets night after night after night despite the generous welfare Sweden provides to all residents of that country. They do not provide generous welfare for all "Resedents" They provide generous welfare for their citizens, there is actually great disparity between migrant workers and citizens! In most of the so called socialist societies... ya and it sucks the Americans did NOT cover this!!! Too busy promoting hot dogs and barbeques I suspect??? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  20. There is another point to resurecting this thread, firstly this is not for students,... here goes: Grab your A lines and pull ? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  21. I was actually waiting for just this response as a cheap retoric trick,... The easiest way to confound, confuse, or just plain dilute anothers point of view or the facts is to do exactly what you have done, which is to contribute NOTHING and raise further issues! Except big Coal and the coke brothers have billions to spend doing this, just less than one percent of their net take. But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  22. Considering the USPA, keeps records, of member reporting DZ's,... Or the party line that they donot not keep records? Calling particular DZs' geneerally gets the phone call on hold till you quit response,... This is a highly debated topic, that individual dzs' like to keep quiet. Good luck, Or you can get thru the back door with the insurance companies???? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."