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Everything posted by ChrisD

  1. Portable hard drive, and if you have spent more than a coulple of hours on something, another portable hard drive. If you have solved your problems, then I am happy for you, many don't after this kind of organized attack from the North Koreans,... Err,...sombody tell Trevor and Tara to take it easy with the definition of two fingers,... Anyways: (lecture coming fair warning,...) They frequently leave stuff behind, not always malware, but stuff designed to make it easy for "them" to reinstal their products and to spy on you, etc,... If this is a recurring issue I reccommend reformat >>>> clean install. This is not what most people want to hear! Due to the amount of time it takes. These types of programs leave huge amounts of stuff on the drive, stuff that sometimes gets called, stuff that just sits there,... I can't stress multiple backups enough, the systems I used to be involved with frequently break down and the data is unrecovorable. Due to hard drive physical failures. Good luck,... C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  2. I'm a little concened that your second guessing your instructors at three jumps? While it may seem admirable that your desire to learn has taken you here to this forum, have you given any thought that what you attempt to do on your own may conflict with what your being taught in peerson? Many times what someone is saying isn't being recived or fully understood, your circumventing this process. It's not a race to get off AFF status, having this mindset will not seerve you! Yes It's cheaper jumping with one, but at what cost? C You asked,... But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  3. Yes, fairly cheap. Less than $40 most the time.
  4. Been using the Nike, Undeer Armor, etc., type tacified , looks like some kind of sticky vinyl stuff, made for football. They work well for the first 60 seconds, 3 min later on the ground, your hands will be cold but still usable... There are also some fine neoprene (scuba) (duck Hunting) (ice fishing) fine dexterity gloves out there, Gandeer Mountian, Cabelas, but the problem is finding them because the stores don't always stock them! Stay away from some of the scuba gloves out there, they are a bit of a slip and slide grabbing stuff, stuff that yo might need! The big thing is: still usable, remember too tight and they inhibit circulation,...I've found the tacky gloves are a bit of an art to balance tight with too tight,... One point of caution, they have issues if yo pull high. If yo pull high, I suggest some slip on winter climbing mits, I carry them stuffed under my jumpsuit, near the neck area, and yes practice first because I can only get my toggels with the thumbs and yes the altimeter gets covered up as well. Something to consider in snowblind area. Ditto the neck gaitor, some fine ones at police supply stores. Remember with gloves practice practice practice, don't jump without practicing, cause you can't rip em off in freefall!! But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  5. This is a highly flawed study that got much coverage on the National Enquirerer and then some local media just because of the bullshit it would stir up. To repost it here is just wrong! It indicates a fundamental problem with your misunderstanding of research and life in general. You have done an incredable disserevice to every individual worldwide who participates in any physical activity! Streching is fundamental to health, safety, and any individuals well being! This is NON-DEBATABLE. C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  6. I have heard the competition between these places is fearce, obviously it is spilling over onto this forum? Doug is spot on by pointing this out! Once again we are expected to belive that "Gear Checks" are being ignored! Student gear gets checked three times, and more when the student pulls the cable to check for obstructions, (you know, hold the end of the cable, raise the reserve flap, pull back and forth, ((don't pull to hard to release the reserve.)) and just like Gerado someone wants us to belive this as gospel? )I mean student gear has premature wear just from being checked so much??? This is bull shit comment by "ShotterMG" who under normal circumstances is generally a great peerson, I am at of a bit of a loss to understand why this rumor persists? Josh, Don, Steve, John, Doc, and all of the fine folks at Pepperell would have your head if anyone finds out who you are, and personally I don't understand why you would wrongly say such a hurtfull thing??? and we do know who you are, trust me!
  7. "Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged” fantasizes a world in which anti-government citizens reject taxes and regulations, and “stop the motor” by withdrawing themselves from the system of production. In a perverse twist on the writer’s theme the prediction is coming true. But instead of productive people rejecting taxes, rejected taxes are shutting down productive people. Perhaps Ayn Rand never anticipated the impact of unregulated greed on a productive middle class. Perhaps she never understood the fairness of tax money for public research and infrastructure and security, all of which have contributed to the success of big business. She must have known about the inequality of the pre-Depression years. But she couldn’t have foreseen the concurrent rise in technology and globalization that allowed inequality to surge again, more quickly, in a manner that threatens to put the greediest offenders out of our reach. Ayn Rand’s philosophy suggests that average working people are “takers.” In reality, those in the best position to make money take all they can get, with no scruples about their working-class victims, because taking, in the minds of the rich, serves as a model for success. The strategy involves tax avoidance, in numerous forms." Again the idea that "creating jobs," is going to get our economey moving by allowing corporations to do what they want is a false way of imposing "tyranny" upon the people. Small busnesses are being devastated by this way of thinking! Small buisnesses are sholdering, as the middle class, an unfair burden! But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  8. "Their not skydivers,..." AS GOD as My WITNESS I Thought They Could Fly C Rocky Here But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  9. Your making an attempt to learn something but you have missed my point somewhat, It's not about any particualr EP, It's more about the learning process. Second guessing what your pointing out is akin to saying: I'm just not going to answer any questions,...Period , (what because it might conflict with something else?) You also raise one of my pet peeves when you mention, and thanks for picking this, why are we teaching two different cutaway/ reserve senarios??? Why isn't this standerdized??? The look reach pull VRS. Look look pull pull??? I'll tell ya why: It's because of the strenghths of the personalities who belive in one method, because that's the way they were taught, as compared with the fact that one method may be more reliable when we take into account stress and the human response! Think of this point another way: The effect size comparison, the strength of belife of one way over another way is stronger in the direction, the bias if you will, in the direction of how we were taught! And has nothing to do with any difference or effectivness in the end result. This is another difficult concept that has been researched to shit and back,...How we feel about something, how comfortable we are with a concept ISN'T BASED UPON THE RESULTS! But this is for another day, back to your point which I think is a great observation,... "The last thing the student needed was any type of review that didn't exactly match the way he was trained." Do you answer this persons question? Sometimes people answer questions with out this insight! Pick another EP or something else, do you answeere the question with a flip reply? Or can you take the time to do a rehearsal, It's this rehearsal and practice where learning takes place. I mention the missed opportunity senario because if you take this a little further, many individuals are asking the question because they have forgotten something and would like a little reminder. What about in the condition where someone asks something because they don't know? And someone answeres: "remember your training" So now in this case the person really does try to remember thair training, THEY CAN NOT, and now we are practicing trying to calm them down or they spend the ride up in panic cause they don't know what is important as compared with something minor? This is the missed opportunity that I speak of,.. If everyone was on the same page there wouldn't be any issues about this conflict that you so astutly point out. But more importantly the person qets the required information, jogs their memory, and then they can focus on practice and further learning. This is more practice, more learning and is not a missed opportunity! And sometimes they really are asking for help,... you can give it or not... On a side note because you have mentioned the cutaway confusion with two different procedures and in the same sentance "how they have been taught," there is a lot of research that says: doing something in a stressfull situation, your success rate drops considerably with increased stress. If you suscribe to the look, look way of thinking you are ignoring what we called the dominant behavior! What this means, the quick version, is that when you reach for something, anything, that then requires a physical action, DON'T INTERUPT that process because your mind might literally lock up! This means if you reach for your cutaway the next thing you should do is pull it! Because to ignore the dominant behavior is risking the fact that you might not remember to go back afteer peerforming some, any, intermeddiate process!!!! (yes I know the arguments about shifting handels, speed, etc) you want to know something else about having two different procedures? All of this talk about not changing the way someone was "originally" taught? Most of it is what we call ancedontal theory,...: in other words bull pucky, no real data, no real basis or fact to support this! Yes some will point out if there is an "dominant behavior" there is confusion research which supports this somewhat but the effect size is smaller than teaching a new dominant behavior!!! This is a diffucult concept, and I have taken some real shortcuts here,... see what you can make of it. Why are there 2 procudures anyways? C
  10. IF he was an "adult" he would decide for himself??? I think the responses are drivin firstly by someone who is saying in the same sentance "I wan't to know the differences between a Katana and a Pilot / Saber, (that's a Saber one we are speaking about) Cause Marc here dosent know the difference between a Katana and an original saber? There is something wrong even asking this question! And then there is all of this retoric about tell me what I want to know, just that, nothing else??? It's the same thing if you signed up for a computer class and then start telling the instructor what you want to learn: Why did the person sign up for the class? This has nothing to do with being or not being an adult. Just so everyone knows, no one is going to let Marc demo a perigrine...even if he is an adult. What do yo have to say about that??? ya know this person has been very vocal about what he wants to hear and or not hear,... But in the same sentance he doesn't know the differnce between these canopies, there is something wrong here!! And quite frankly someone who is walking around stateing their an expert shouldn't be asking these questions! It is really like holding up a sign, "I'm an expeert but I don't know how a Katana flies in relation to a Pilot???" If he was this gung ho to learn the differences,... let him do what the rest of us have done and just visit DeLand and demo whatever! That would be the adult thing to do! C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  11. I caught it, but my sarcasim this time was to give a straight answer,... C One of the ways you can tell is they never post a vid of themselves, and then they geneerlly disapear anyways,...I just like to type sometimes, and who knows some newbie who doesen't do a search might just post something and get some benifite someday??? But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  12. Thanks for totally freaking me out: My ex wife has sprouted wings,... WTF??? You people kiddin me??? C But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."
  13. I've jumped there in the past. Wonderfull place! Wonderfull, helpfull people, lot's of outs, great vibe, and I wish I was clooseer! Helocoptors can be a little unnearving but the locals seem to adapt to them,... Knowing the intrepidation of visiting a new place for the first time can be a little daunting,... This is a skydivers place first and foremost,... I guaranteee you will be glad you came here....
  14. Looks like someone has too much money on their hands they don't know what to do with it..just saying. so? jealous? No point in getting into a sport if you can't afford to buy gear after you graduate from student status. That's like taking golf lessons but not being able to afford your own set of clubs. Good math. Isn't that what its sposed to be? should I go to a Manta 320? For those that offerd good advice, thanks. For those who got snippy, sorry to see that new guys cant count on you for help I have no issue with an individual buying new gear, If you have the cash, and it makes you happy FINE. If you have the cash and you want a new rig for your first jump FINE. (And yes I would be a little jelous.) I do have an issue with your response however. At 33 jumps you take the advice, comments, and poineient remarks with a grain of salt. It seems your are more interested in judging what is "good" advice as compared with what isn't Good advice? How do you know what is good as compared with what isn't? If you want, and you are really sincere then get someone to post some vidioes of your landings! This tread is almost the same as the other recent 20 to 25 "landing advice" threads posted here! IT SHARES THE SAME ADVICE AND THE SAME RESPONSE and that is: You ask the question and then no one posts the vids!!! I'm tellin YA if you post a vid you can get some really good advice if we can see what you are doing that could be improved upon!! But if you don't post a vid your tellin us all to go to hell. And for that you can take your "snippy" comments and shove them up your ass. On the other hand, I would be willing to forward your vid to some very knowlagable, world class really, individuals and spend how much, whatever time it takes to help you improve!!
  15. Chris, I think the confusion going on here in this thread is that I was speaking in terms of second round not being a typical "newbie", he had some jumps/skydiving experience from the past and was getting back into the sport in which gear, malfunctions were somewhat different then what he was used to.
  16. I will, , defiantly admit I frequently forget about the fun aspect of things, probably something to do with my upbringing and having a "mission" oriented history. And the fact that I have seen way too many bodies that don't talk back,... Thank you for the reminder.
  17. That crotchety "old man" like so many of us old ones,..... is trying his damndest to save your ass! or some unknown kid. Kind of reminds me of the ending in that movie where they pile up little piles of rocks and plant trees at the end???? I don't care if Billy boy and Johnny throw rocks at each other across their shared parking lot, till the cows come home, they and countless others are hearos to me!
  18. I just had a really horrible dream,... it started out that I was going to be the head tester and I was going to be able to help hundreds of women with this problem, (kind of thinking I could be the next John Holmes, etc.) And then I noticed all of the women in line, were 70 plus years old and all were insanley, grossly, obese, and realley smell,.... there goes that fantasy! But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."