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Everything posted by beeman

  1. Glad for the good news. Hope you get to feeling better soon. God knows you've brightened a lot of others' days
  2. fair enough. The point was more that what he has bought into politically matters more than how he stays fit... Edit: or that he talks up how fit he is or was. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  3. exactly. In the scope of things that matter for a VP candidate, this is nothing. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  4. Ok first of all I have read the rules. Relax. Second, you mistook the point of my post. I wasn't calling you or your post stupid, I was calling what he did stupid. Why he saw the need to talk his marathon time up given his current position is beyond me. And while honesty is relevant, this is hardly a good sample for political actions. Why not analyze his speaking record vs. his voting record. How honest has he been to his campaign promises with his voting? How has his voting changed over time? Those are things that are relevant. Most of the political content I've seen lately is trivial things like "58 states" and this, or tax records and birth certificates. Sure those things say something, but nothing when compared to analyzing how these candidates are going to handle foreign policy, the budget, domestic social policy. People eat it up too, and as long as they focus on the little things, they forget the very real problems we have. I don't even like Mittens and Paul Ryan and don't support them. I'm just tired of seeing political arguments with no content. Hell, Obama's campaign ran an ad that said nothing except Mitt Romney keeps money in foreign banks, he is the 1%. That was it. Since when is "because I'm better than the other guy" a valid argument. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  5. This is stupid for two reasons. 1. Why in the hell would you lie about something like that as a US VP candidate? 2. This has absolutely no relevance at all. Just one more thing to distract people from actually thinking about anything that matters. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  6. beeman

    Text books

    I had professors who went the other way - they made books that they'd authored required literature for their course and it had to be the current version... updated versions every year, of course. Just to gouge the students... That's something book publishers do too. I've seen books that the publisher changed the units and order of practice problems and called it a "new" edition every year. In which case the professor can either write their own problems (or publish the actual problem statements in the assignment) so that you can get an older edition with the exact same material, or just require the "new" version just so you can do the "new" practice problems for homework. Had a professor do that for thermo a year or two ago. Thank you to the OP for understanding and actually being concerned about teaching. Seems like a lot don't in my experience. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  7. beeman

    Oh my God x 3!

    that's awesome. congratulations
  8. +10 well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  9. This! agreed. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  10. You're definitely right about Congress. It's why I'm not looking forward to this election no matter what the result is. Romeny will probably just alienate everyone and Congress will probably just not work with him. And I would love to have more than slogans and hate to base my opinion off of, but that's a pipe dream at this point. I hear this No Confidence guy has a good platform... well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  11. Or maybe you would prefer this or this. anyone can make things sound awesome on paper. realistically, any military "accomplishment" of his is signing his name permitting other people to carry out the work they have done while he turns around and speaks badly our military and foreign policy, and expresses a desire to drastically cut our military. Though I suppose he did issue what I'm sure was an extra strongly worded statement to Mubarak and Ghadaffi. And as for any money Obama has ever "given" anyone. I'm sick and tired of hearing all the great causes he's "given" to. When he finds a way to pay for this shit, then and only then will I consider being impressed. Right now, all he's doing is paying us on our own dime, which thanks to him we have less and less chance of ever having to begin with. just my $0.02 You highlight a great point. There will be many people who live in denial about what Obama has accomplished as POTUS simply because they don't like Obama. Of course that doesn't mean he hasn't accomplished anything. Let's see, bin Laden was killed on his watch by his order, he brought RomneyCare to the other 49 states, he ended the war in Iraq, … You're half right. I actually dislike him because the only things he actually has done I consider very negative for our country. Like I said, just because these military feats happened while he was in office doesn't mean he did anything other than give the go ahead. And given his practice of doing things like not saying the pledge or showing some kind of support for the military, I don't think it's likely he did do any more than that. As for healthcare, like I said when he finds a way to pay for all the money he's thrown at everyone, then I will consider the idea that he's done something. Lots of honest policy surrounding that thing wasn't there? Co signers and Congressmen not knowing what was actually in there, CBO either getting deceived or deceiving the country given the massive gap between their report and reality. What he did was hand us our own money that we don't have, in a manner that is starting to hurt employers and businesses. One of the things he professed, and a common reason a lot of people I heard talk about for voting for him was unification. Honestly, I hoped he would at least do that, but what has he done? Decided since he had a same party majority in Congress he wouldn't really bother with it. Sure he didn't start this huge split between parties, but he certainly never tried to help. His public speaking is pretty aligned with his actual policy, either fluffy and devoid of actual content, or insulting and sometimes condescending. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  12. Or maybe you would prefer this or this. anyone can make things sound awesome on paper. realistically, any military "accomplishment" of his is signing his name permitting other people to carry out the work they have done while he turns around and speaks badly our military and foreign policy, and expresses a desire to drastically cut our military. Though I suppose he did issue what I'm sure was an extra strongly worded statement to Mubarak and Ghadaffi. And as for any money Obama has ever "given" anyone. I'm sick and tired of hearing all the great causes he's "given" to. When he finds a way to pay for this shit, then and only then will I consider being impressed. Right now, all he's doing is paying us on our own dime, which thanks to him we have less and less chance of ever having to begin with. just my $0.02 well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  13. my favorite was one I saw recently that had no statement of any platform whatsoever. It was nothing more than "Romney is rich and puts his money in foreign banks." this suggests his approach is to drastically oversimplify an idea that has no real impact or relevance. I'm guessing it'll be "because change" well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  14. I am now afraid of having dreams tonight. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  15. I don't have many to choose from either, but AFF level 5 "Mishap on exit, wind caught me and I fell out. Got stable after a few seconds and started. 360 right, alt. 360 left, alt, forward, alt, w/o + pull at 6000. landed smooth, well...almost. (from instructor) positive pressure on legs! Kick Ass Skydive! clear to Level 6" felt pretty stupid about that exit, but I was no longer nervous about the flips on level 6 well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  16. The VM thing is good for trying and if you need to use the operating system for software but don't really like it, otherwise just dual boot. If you're just getting into Linux, Ubuntu is a good start. I started with Mint and I'd recommend it (it's a child of Ubuntu). Both generally come with a user interface that's pretty straightforward to use for when you're not quite used to the terminal yet. Depending on the distro, some will give you a disk image that will handle the partitioning for you (this is nice if you're just getting into it, because it's not quite as simple as just making another partition.). If all you want to do is run software though, a VM is probably the better choice. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  17. Or phrased another way, too dumb to know any better You could say the exact same of extreme liberals or extreme conservatives. It is annoying to listen to either of them that the other side are the "ignorant idiots" because both of them are right. Extremes either way are "happy soldiers" happy to continue shouting without additional (or any) thought. Also why I'd guess moderates are less happy. The moderates are left completely surrounded in the middle just shaking their head. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  18. I'd agree with skydiverbry. Getting it done in 4 weeks and having to do so are very different things. Weather may not cooperate, and you might need some time to learn some of the things you need. Better to have the time to learn them well then stress and try to rush through it. And better in that case to be around the instructors who have been watching you. AFF doesn't cover everything needed for your A. AFF is more staying altitude aware and managing instability so that you are deemed safe enough to be up there without someone to hold you stable/pull your parachute. Below is the link to the A license progression card. It has everything you need to do to get your A. Good luck :) well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  19. People who know more can fill in with more information (I am in a very similar position and just completed AFF a few weeks ago). The training package with 10 jumps is probably just to get you through AFF training. you do need at least 25 jumps for an A license. I obviously don't know what static line is like, but I will say that jumping with instructors was fun for me, particularly jump 4 and after because you start doing more stuff and they're flying with you more as opposed to holding onto you. I had a blast on dives 4 - 7 with my instructors. Solo jumps are fun, but it's also awesome to jump with someone (instructor or coach until you get your A). Jumping with an instructor is a always huge learning experience, but probably more fun and less rigid than maybe you think. Edited to say: I had a blast on all my AFF dives, just 4-7 are more like what you're talking about because you're more supervised than held onto. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  20. Wednesday, 1 Aug 12, Chick-fil-A Day. Eh the funny thing is there's probably just as many people flocking to support Chik Fil A as there are flocking to boycott it. I don't really have interest in doing either. I more meant that since it's a fast food chain, I don't really understand why they felt the need to do this and not just make food, but then again, Chik-Fil-A and I clearly disagree on a lot of things. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  21. It's already been said though. Chik-Fil-A doesn't fire or not hire based on sexual orientation. They don't refuse service to gays. They legally can't. They even have the token "Chik-Fil-A does not discriminate in employment decisions based on any factor protected by Federal, State, or Local law." They have a non-discrimination policy and while I am very pro equal rights, I think Boston's Mayor was way out of line and could use a reminder on what it is within his power to prohibit. I agree with the "let the market decide" comment made. Besides, they aren't by any means the only company to have donated to those causes or have higher ups saying these things. Personally, I just want a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  22. no you're eligible, just be aware the resale value is just going to take a hit. well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  23. I think you should start a third thread on this, but restrict it to iambic pentameter. Or haiku. I love haiku. That wasn't really Either of them was it now? ...refrigerator EDIT: posted before I meant to. +1 to go deal with it in person and not air out dirty laundry and apologize online. and good luck
  24. Thanks for all the help and advice, and good luck out there :) well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.
  25. Probably a few too numerous to mention here. You know those guys who say they have no regrets? I think they're in deep denial. I think everybody who has lived long enough has something they'd like to go back and fix -- even if they won't admit it to themselves for reasons of pride. Think about it. If you say you wouldn't change anything or regret anything then you've lead a perfect life. Nobody does that. We've all fucked up at some point or another. Hurt somebody. Didn't do the absolute best job we could have. So, yeah, I have a number of things I'd like to fix. I'm not stupid enough to list them here though. ^^ this well...I was going skydiving anyway. let's go. Earn your pancakes.