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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Easier to toot the horn than to step on the accelerator. Apparently those just fall off.
  2. 1 point
    1) He didn't fart 2) OK he farted but there's this explanation that it's not like regular gross farting 3) Obama did it first.
  3. 1 point
    For the first time in SC Brent has seen a ray of light that he might be right about something. Hence the endless toot, toot, toot. Not right that Tesla is going broke like he stated. But a stock price correction is close enough to lean on the horn.
  4. 1 point
    And Galen is coming back.
  5. 1 point
    Well, the grown ups included quite a few GOP representatives. Looks like Johnson has figured out where the adults are to be found. And it's not in the "Freedom Caucus".
  6. 1 point
    Yeah, the fact that there are only roughly 50 when 35 years ago there were 350 is irrelevant. And if I gain enough weight to be obese, but not super-obese, that means I'm not fat, right? Wendy P.
  7. 1 point
    I know Dan Cooper’s “grudge” - he had $200,000 less than he desired. The whole lay-offs thing, the “grudge” is too deeply read. It was a financially motivated crime. Darren had a lady on his podcast saying that he did it to show it could be done. If so, why not ask for a Mickey Mantle Baseball Card and four parachutes. Or a Monet and four parachutes. Both easier to transport. The guy was a greedy MF who wanted money. I like the whole CIA/Interpen Goon angle. I really do, but it’s what makes a better story and fiction can be more enjoyable than the fact that a lone middle aged man wanted money, got it, and was so unremarkable that he had nobody to tell or wasn’t missed if he slammed into the ground or took a swim.
  8. 1 point
    Gossip vs factual news ... the Moon could be cheese. Familiarity breeds contempt, or just sloppy reporting ? Geoffrey Gray now lives in Mexico and Galen is coming back - never left. Jo Weber was amazing and LD was an early suspect! 'Dorey' took over the case from Himmelsbach - Himms charged too much for his interviews and he lived in a palace (his wife had money). There is more ..... stay tuned! Galen is coming back . . . Jo Weber had connections nobody else had . . . there is probably plastic in your heart valves and arteries and brain .. . if you remote view Jo Weber's dreams backwards you will know everything about the DB Cooper case including all FBI 302s. Oh! And Galen is coming back . . .
  9. 1 point
    Anyone know where Newton was November 24, 1971? Did he smoke? Working with apples might explain some of those particles.
  10. 1 point
    Yes, I really, really don't like that narrative for the hijacking. It's especially nonsensical because the government did NOT want to be paying for airline security. The government wanted it to be the responsibility of the individual airlines to pay for additional security measures. So, saying the deep state was involved is silly to me because they had no incentive. This was a clever bank robbery, that's all. That said, I think there is a very, very real possibility that Cooper was CIA adjacent at some point in his life, likely through Air America. He fits the mold very well of their middle aged renegade pilots who flew in Vietnam. As I said in the show, I came across a news article from 1972 where a guy said the average age of Air America pilots was 43 years old. These guys were mercenaries. They risked their lives for profit. So, Cooper would have been used to this sort of dangerous game. The fact that Air America dropped men and material out of 727's with 15 degree flaps and gear down is almost too coincidental to believe.
  11. 1 point
    I was told that a picture of a 12-way made Skydiving, but no one has ever actually seen it in there. Taken from above, so not much but ass cheeks, backpacks, and one dangling dick are visible Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    How about for a second you resist your impulse to take cheap shots at them for being trans sex workers, and process the larger message of the story: climate change is going to have the biggest affect on those with the fewest resources. I can grumble that insurance raised our deductible for a roof replacement due to local hail damage, or comment on the road I rode the school bus on every day as a kid has washed out 3 times in the past year due to storms larger than anybody in the area ever remembers seeing...shit that inconveniences or concerns me, but doesn't do much more right now. People who have zero financial buffer and are living in particularly affected areas are going to be hit the hardest. That's going to include Thai trans sex workers and many others living hand to mouth. You could show a bit of empathy, or at minimum keep your mouth shut and count your blessings for having the sheer dumb luck of being born a white dude in North America....or, you could have a chuckle 'cause they wear dresses but were born with penises.
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