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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    If the mandate of NPR is to report facts wouldn't republicans be excluded by definition?
  2. 2 points
    Oh, no. They die. Then they get beaten some more. And more. And more. Brent never admits being wrong. Ever. Jakee never lets go. Ever. I'm usually good for a couple smartass comments. And eventually you have a 'horse smoothie'.
  3. 1 point
    I think there is also a fairly large reduction in the number of people listening to radio - streaming is much better in many cases - especially the audio quality. NPR is hit and miss via streaming services - or those I'm familiar with I suppose.
  4. 1 point
    Funny thing in all of this is, that even with all this supposed liberal bias, NPR is still a much better source for factual reporting than anything with a supposed conservative bias. There are a fair number of right leaning media outlets, which one of them would you hold up as providing generally correct reporting? Yet many of those networks seem to be financially doing very well. Which leads me to my opinion, counter to Berliner, that the drop in consumers for NPR is likely more because they are NOT sensationalizing things, than because of diversity and inclusion or not posting Hunter Biden dick pics.
  5. 1 point
    USPS is controlled by Congress effectively and if they bothered, like so many other things, they could actually fix a lot of the issues. They effectively defunded the organization years ago by putting unfunded and unrealistic financial burdens on them to fund the pension program without figuring out the money that would be needed to make that happen. USPS stamps should be $0.80 and that would solve a lot of issues with their money problems. service comes by better fudning and the freedom to make decisions that work, as well as the DIRECTIVES to make it work Given that it is written into the Constitution, privatizing it is not actually an option, nor would I support that. The second you put profits at the forefront, the system will become corrupt overnight. It's not corrupt now, it is just shitty service. Privatizing it would ensure corruption AND shitty service. And agree with the earlier comment that it is being run by people that want to dismantle it, much like public schools all over the country. As long as we keep voting for idiots, this is what we will get
  6. 1 point
    Is that the one where you could put any name down and click the box that said you were a scientist? I heard Mr. Banana Rama's scientific accomplishments are very special. And, who isn't aware of the science behind the healing powers of Mongolian overtone singing? Do you not see the irony touting your scientific record and then hyping the validity of the Great Barrington Declaration based on the number of signatures?
  7. 1 point
    Doctors and dentists wear them to mitigate bacterial transmission. They are not PPE. Humans are constantly shedding skin cells and hair follicles that often contain bacteria. Ever work in a Class 100 clean room? Ever do any SEM or AFM imaging? It’s clearly visible. N95’s are designed to mitigate inhalation of particulates greater than 0.3 microns in size when fit tested and worn on a clean shaven face. They do not block mist. Both offer zero protection for the eyes. Virus was first postulated in the late 1800’s & directly observed in the 1930’s. So… nobody ever found out if masks worked until just now? Absurd. My training and experience was about 40 years at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia Livermore National Laboratory, Dugway Proving Grounds, Ft Detrick. i am coauthor on 16 scientific journal papers, have several patents, an R&D 100 Award, was a principle developer on BioWatch Gen 2&3, a principal operative for field deployment, testing and incident response, and worked as a member of the NEST/ARG community. I also worked as a consultant for DHS & Northrop Grumman. I was responsible for personnel safety which included PPE selection and use appropriate to the hazards. if you still stand by your assessment, that’s fine with me, but you might look up Dunning-Kruger effect.
  8. 1 point
    The trial that starts today is not just about hush money. It's about whether illegally falsifying business records is acceptable in order to deceive voters prior to an election. It is quite conceivable that the revelations of his sexual adventures coming out right after the "pussy grabbing" tapes could have influenced sufficient voters** to switch in 2016 giving us a different president in 2017, a different Supreme Court now, with all that followed. ** it would only take some 0.5% of voters to switch.
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