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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    That's Mistress Wendy to you!
  2. 2 points
    But I don't and said so. It's not that it's not real it's that not enough people worldwide give enough of a shit to fix the problem in real time. We take recycling to the curb while in Asia barge loads of toxic trash goes overboard; the list goes on and on and includes hypocritical liberal DZO's who burn huge amounts of Jet-A to support their sailing habit. For me, how near we are to the end is less important than how near to the end I am. Again, I think we're plain fucked so, if you like, I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend your right to be wrong but we're gonna be drinking, so you know.
  3. 1 point
    Hello guys , Where should the Insta 360 x 3 camera be installed? For the exit, free fall, and landing, I want to be able to see my full body. The helmet seems like a good fit for filming other people. thanks .
  4. 1 point
    Thank you very much! No, I did not get one. Many PC and 2-3 Paradactyl jumps long time ago. They were really good. Now, i jump my Valkyrie The reason of my request was that I am looking at ways of improving packing of Rogallo paragliding reserves. thanks again,
  5. 1 point
    Although You've chosen to ignore content by brenthutch. I gather he posted something from a site well known for distortions and plain old falsehoods. Best to ignore him. Meanwhile, in weather news, it looks like next week we'll have record highs for the date in the midwest and eastern US. We've already had anomalously low snowfall for the season.
  6. 1 point
    It's hard work to find the right page among all the ones saying something different Wendy P.
  7. 1 point
    Profit they might. I doubt it tho. Cooper case is already saturated with media. The irony is they waited too long. If the McCoy's had made their claims prior to 2016 it would have been seen as practically solving the case in the public eye. Instead, they waited until after all the FBI files showing McCoy could not possibly have been Cooper was released to the public.
  8. 1 point
    My post is pure speculation and wishful thinking based on the article from the Sun: https://www.the-sun.com/news/10410179/db-cooper-fbi-investigating-dna-richard-mccoy/ There is nothing official that the FBI has new DNA.
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