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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2024 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    I thought all the QAnon, MAGA nutters quit watching football when that negro boy took a knee.
  2. 2 points
    No one bit on this, but I'll flesh it out a bit since it's kind of a funny movie and sort of relevant to some of what has been discussed here lately. It's an old western and Bronson plays an outlaw bank robber and blah blah blah... One day he comes to an outside-of-town manor occupied by a lone woman. He needs to hide out for a while, so at first he's holding her hostage, but she's hot so he seduces her. She, being a lonely widow, likes the attention and goes along with it, and they spend an idyllic afternoon. After he leaves, he is soon arrested, convicted, and sentenced to a couple years in jail for some other crime under a different, mistaken identity. On her part, the townsfolk know what she did and brand her a harlot. But she writes a novel about the affair, and portrays it as an epic, romantic love story. The book becomes a runaway best seller, and the tale and the 'outlaw' persona become famous and larger than life. In jail, Bronson is aware of this and reads the book. When he is finally released, he decides to go back and reunite with the woman. But by then, the story has become so overblown, even in her mind, that she does not recognize him. His efforts to convince her and anyone else that he actually is the guy are met with disbelief, scorn, and derision.
  3. 2 points
    WOW! Uncle LD was investigated in 71.
  4. 2 points
    Oregon state senate GOP members enter the Finding Out phase: NYT: Most Republican Senators Barred From Re-election in Oregon After Walkouts
  5. 1 point
    This document actually makes him a better suspect in my eyes. I have a hard (almost impossible) time taking any suspect seriously who doesn't have some sort of aviation experience, but he's otherwise a really good template for the type of individual who I'm thinking Cooper may have been. This guy clearly had mental issues and was in and out of psych wards, had a brother who worked for Boeing, was a total failure in life, had just experienced a major trauma with his wife committing suicide, and he fits the physical profile remarkably well. Recall that Tina said he was the closest match to Cooper she'd ever seen. And heck, that document shows that he had no problem using his real last name as part of an alias. But like I said, absent some aviation knowledge/experience, you aren't Cooper.
  6. 1 point
    In regards to voting? It was correct in 2016 when Trump lost the popular vote. Just like he did in 2020 for that matter, yet by a larger margin.
  7. 1 point
    I have the data, but it's not in the book. The waters off Denmark were lethal. Unless a fishing boat spotted you or you were close to shore, that was it. Also, the RAF and USAAC had flotation devices that Cooper did not have. Guys who landed in deep enough water without a "Mae West" almost all drowned even when close to shore. The water that night was about 10C, so cold but not North Sea cold. I think Dave's analysis is right, Cooper had a chance at survival if he knew enough and had experience in skydiving or in the military. My father did training jumps into water around that time.
  8. 1 point
    It would certainly be problematic if he lands in the water. On those bailout rigs there are no capewells or any way to release the chute from the harness. There are a lot of variables. If the chute lands on top of him and he gets tangled in the canopy or the lines, that would suck. If it lands to the side of him... How strong is the current in the river, would he be getting pulled along? How cold is the water, would he be quickly succumbing to hypothermia? His best bet would be to get out of the harness if he could. If he's had jump training, he might know that if he's going to land in water he should undo the chest strap before he lands. Then he just has to get out of the leg straps. If the leg straps have clips on them, that would be easier. (I looked at the pictures of Hayden's other rig on Bruce's site and couldn't really see that part.) If there are no clips and he has to pull his legs out of them, that would be more difficult. But the money bag, how is that tied on, and is that going to impede his access to the harness. If luck is with him and he knows what he's doing, he could conceivably survive a water landing, but it would be difficult.
  9. 1 point
    I think your explanation is just about the only one that can account for the total 180. He went from "never observing him before, during or after" in the 302 to "I can pick him out of a lineup today" in that article--there's no wiggle room to that, except maybe a loss of his marbles. He did have his life flipped upside down briefly when in the immediate aftermath, the FBI implicated him as being the hijacker. Maybe that was enough to say he didn't see anything and get out of it as quickly as possible. At the end of the day, if he is telling the truth now, it's an interesting data point about the hijacker in terms of his profile, sort of in line with another witness's statement that said he had an "executive" type feel to him. But it doesn't move the needle too much. As far as Carr's profile, that he knew just enough to get himself killed, I'm just not there yet. I tend to think he knew what he was doing a little bit more than that. He carried himself quite well given the circumstances and gravity of what he was doing. Not saying he was a Braden type, I think he had a strategic lapse on the tarmac at Seatac that I wouldn't expect from a guy like Braden. But I admit, it's all guess work... Do we think that Carr's profile is the same as Himmelsbach's ? or the FBI's in general ?
  10. 1 point
    Gottta secure that porch of entry!
  11. 1 point
    That is a good point about avoiding involvement when you know something is going on at the time. But in this case, they didn't know there was a "train wreck". Nobody, but a few new of a hijacker being on the plane, so why would any passengers pay attention to one particular person? I give more weight to comments made by witnesses when they offer them up closer to the time of this hijack event.
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