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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Just curious who will be attending PIA and why you are going. No wrong answers and hopefully nobody gets into a pissing match.....
  2. 1 point
    Hi Robert, Anyone who was at the Symposium two yrs ago could have seen it. It was developed by Airborne Systems and was on one of their rigs at their booth. It was 'given' to RI as they & Airborne Systems have a close working relationships with each other. RI had a mockup at their booth two yrs ago. Jerry Baumchen
  3. 1 point
    Two weekends ago I was in Eloy. Sandy and I had the run of the shop for 3 days with nobody there. He showed me how to pack the mojo. Although I am not totally sold on mards, look's like this one is the best so far. RI is big on exploring new stuff. They seem to go almost over board on engineering if there is such a thing. This leads to coming up with the next step as far as advancing the sport. I am sure that, in time, there will be another model by someone. Keep it up everyone, full speed ahead.
  4. 1 point
    When moving between content management systems, it will always be a big change. It's not something that can be eased into. And we're aware that this is a big change for users who are used to a certain look. This is why we teased what was coming months in advance, showed screenshots of the forums etc. With that said, just because it's different doesn't make it bad. I've been catering to user requests as much as I can, where they make sense. But being able to see 20 listings on a page doesn't mean it's more user friendly than seeing 5. All you need to do is scroll to see more, it shouldn't be seen as any kind of hinder on usability. The way websites are developed (any of the good ones), is by following design trends and keeping up to date with the advances of websites. Facebook, Twitter; they're two of the most successful sites and both revolve around a heavy scroll-based interface. Because of this, it is logical that other sites follow aspects of these, as vast majority of people are now used to that kind of approach. Some may not be, but we can't keep catering to people who are used to older, 90s style layouts. My best suggestion is to give it time. It may feel like you've lost a friend, but what you're feeling is mostly the natural reaction to changes. In the mid-2000s we underwent a huge redesign of Dropzone.com and the reactions were the same. The site that you and many people grew to love, was initially pushed against by the community, for the same reasons. With time, they forgot about the old design and came to enjoy the new one. But when it first came out, the same complaints were seen. So give it a few months, and see how you feel after that... I can assure you that you will feel a lot less like you're in a unusual environment than you do now.
  5. 1 point
    Thats correct - its going to need to crawl the site for a few weeks to learn all the new URL's and paths to the data. Think of it this way - the old forums used software that made url's in this format: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?jump=forum%3D35 and the new link to get to that same path is now https://www.dropzone.com/forums/. If this was a book we just went from hardback to paperback, you can't say go to page 233 and the second word from the start will be "spaceballs" in both books. The content is there, it just needs to reindexed by google and with the 1 million plus pages in the old site it will take a while to rebuild that. Google also has a time peroid where it crawls a site - they do not do it in real time. This also means that it might take 2-3 weeks for a search term to appear in google off a spider of this site.
  6. 1 point
    If it is already sold out, then my college economics tells me it was under-priced. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to wear anything associated with the twerp.
  7. 1 point
    I guess no (significant) holes is a good criteria, although I figured that would be somewhat of a given . . . I'd also suggest checking canopy trim on any Spectra line canopy. An out of trim canopy can fly very poorly and be hard to land, and a reline is relatively cheap. A quick and dirty way to check is to start packing and compare length of the D lines. They should all be the same on most canopies (you can check the line length docs if you're not sure; many of them are on line lately.) If there's more than a few inches of difference it might be a good idea to replace the lines first.
  8. 1 point
    I'd love to attend the BOD meeting as I have a LOT of questions. I (like many) operate our DZ's on most weekends and can't ignore that. The Symposium is going on most of the week. They couldn't have scheduled the meeting at a time when members actually cude attend? Really shows how the BOD is completely out of touch with their members.
  9. 1 point
    I'm leaving this afternoon for the USPA BOD meeting, then I will be at the Symposium until next Friday morning. Why? It is because that is what I have been doing for so many years. The BOD meeting is "challenging" to say the least, but the Symposium is pure fun. I get to see people that I have not seen in 2 years. It is like a family reunion.
  10. 1 point
    I intend to at least show up and visit the symposium
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