
Choosing a Main canopy

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Wow - hey thanks so much!! That was a great narative, I could actually picture the events happening! Also, it explains why I knee'd down on the no wind landing.
I asked if I should flare any differently on the Safire2 from my Spectre & he said not really, just keep it smooth. I ended up doing a straight down to the point 7-cell landing, but w/ too much speed.

Very interesting bout the span:lenght ratio, no one's ever mentioned it to me! Makes complete sense.

So, what do you keep the 7 cell 1:1 wl canopy for? Re-currency, going to a new dz... anything specific?

btw - Love the red hair!! Now you match your rig more ;)

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PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I really just like having two rigs. If I have to chop one, I can jump the other until I get repacked. Also, they both have advantages. If I want a slower landing on a no-wind day, I can jump the Tri. If I have high winds, I know I can get better penetration with the 1.3 wingload of my Lotus, so I'm less likely to land out. The Tri is also great for teaching students to pack - it's not slippery. And someday, I hope to learn some CReW, and the Tri is a better canopy for that. But most of the time, I jump my Lotus - it's the best canopy I've ever jumped.

If I'm at a boogie, I'll usually jump both. When I'm done jumping one, I'll throw it down for the packers to pack, and then grab the other one. By the time I'm done jumping that one, the first one is packed again ;) You can get 10-20 jumps a day pretty easily that way.
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Def makes perfect sense. I'd like to keep mine, but don't see the $$ being available - oh, well.

What do you like about the Lotus? Is that a very hp canopy?

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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What do you like about the Lotus? Is that a very hp canopy?

The people in the know claim that it's very similar to a Sabre2. I put three jumps on a 150 loaded at 1.3 at Rantoul and really, really liked it. It flew great, and the landings were fantastic. It had so much more flare than my Spectre (loaded at 1:1). I did have some issues with the openings but people who jump them on a regular basis claim to get great openings, so I'll chalk that one up to bad luck/body position on my part. Stalls with airlocks are kind of wierd. Nothing dangerous, just different.

Bottom line: If you are considering a Sabre2, also try and get your hands on a Lotus demo.

This entire post is IMHO, of course.

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My opinion is the same as indyz 's ... es ... s :P Personally, I like airlocks because they give me a sense of security in turbulence. But I really like the way the Lotus flies - the planform is almost the same as a Sabre2, and they're the same price, so you just have to decide if you want airlocks or not. The best thing you can do is demo the canopies. I demo'd a 190 before I decided I wanted one. I have a friend that demo'd a Lotus and hated it. If you're buying new, there are plenty of good canopies on the market to choose from.

Ed to add - Lotus is not terribly high performance - semi-elliptical. High performance airlock would be the Samurai, or the new Sensei (I don't know if it's been released yet).
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I like airlocks because they give me a sense of security in turbulence.

I'm not saying you are doing this, but please dont let this sense of security fool in you into jumping in trubulant air and think your canopy will keep you safe.

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Very good to know, looks like I have my work cut out for me this summer.

Air locks sound interesting. Esp in the sometime/often bumpy wind over the IL cornfields.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Air locks sound interesting. Esp in the sometime/often bumpy wind over the IL cornfields.

The downside to airlocks is that your canopy doesn't "want" to deflate, and on a windy day it can be a royal pain in the ass to get the damn thing to collapse. The Canopy will just hold its inflated shape... When I last jumped the Samurai, I ended up getting dragged about 50 feet. Because of this I think airlocks kinda limit the winds you can jump in... But wisdom says you shouldn't be jumping in those winds anyways.


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The downside to airlocks is that your canopy doesn't "want" to deflate, and on a windy day it can be a royal pain in the ass to get the damn thing to collapse.

If you follow the directions in the owner's manual it's not a problem. Face the canopy, turn it into the ground with one toggle, release the toggles, and it will lie on the topskin facing into the wind. Push the slider up the lines, crack the tail a couple of times, and you can stuff it in your helment (a smaller samurai and a big head help when curiosity leads you to actually try this).

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