
Which suit to buy???

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I want to purchase my first wing suit but i cant decide on which suit/manufacturer to go with. I was thinking either a BM GTI, Phoenix fly phantom or acro, or a Tony Raptor. These are just the ones i thought i would like not exactly sure of the benifits of each. any suggestions would be great THANKS

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Well....That is a question that you really have to answer for yourself. Everyone is going to have a favorite brand and model but what works for that person doesn't make it the best choice for you. I really think that in order to find out what you like you need to demo as many suits as you can. A great place to do this is during a wingsuit boogie like FLOCK & DOCK 3.5 in October at Z-Hills. They have dozens of demo suits to try and I feel certain that Tony Suits and Phoenix Fly will have booths there. In the mean time if you have any wingsuiters near you just ask to try their suits. An even better thing is to get with a wingsuit instructor who has suits that can also provide coaching. My last piece of advice is start with a beginner suit. Your skills will improve more quickly with a suit that is more forgiving. A Tony Aerobat or a PF Phantom or Acro would all be great choices if you are going to buy a new suit.

Good luck & Welcome to the flock!

WSI-6 / PFI-55
The Brothers Gray Wingsuit Academy

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Ohh...I forgot to ask.

How many wingsuit flights have you made?

What suit/s have you flown?

Where did you make your First Flight?

How thorough was you First Flight Training?

WSI-6 / PFI-55
The Brothers Gray Wingsuit Academy

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I have 2 wing suit jumps about two years ago.
They were at Skydive AZ holiday boogie.
I believe the suit was a classic or classic 2 and i was instructed by a bird man instructor although i forget his name at the moment and don't have my log book handy to reference.
I feel the training i had received was very good. it has been a while and will definitely get some refresher training one way or another before my next wing suit jump.

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Most likely Ash White. He's good.

PF Phantom with back vents would be my recommendation. Forgiving to fly and pretty stable. It's suitable for low experience and has enough performance in it to keep you interested for a long time. Acro is also very forgiving.
BASE #1182
Muff #3573
PFI #52; UK WSI #13

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Used GTI's used to be a dime a dozen, so you might look around for one of those in your size and upgrade later. But I've known people to be very happy with Phantoms.

There are so many choices out there now and every model seems to fly different for different people. If you could beg/borrow/steal a few suits to try different ones out, that's the best way to start.

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Just buying an 'old' GTi, S3 or something else you can pick up for a few bucks and learning to fly it wel would be a great option.

Though some people have unlimited funds, a cheep used suit, and spending the rest of the money on jumps is what Id recommend.

Suits keep their vallue pretty good. So after a while, you'll be able to sell your starter-suit and fet something new with an informed mind (as you wil probably have tried a few different suits by them)
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I want to purchase my first wing suit but i cant decide on which suit/manufacturer to go with. I was thinking either a BM GTI, Phoenix fly phantom or acro, or a Tony Raptor. These are just the ones i thought i would like not exactly sure of the benifits of each. any suggestions would be great THANKS

Get a Tony Suit.
They fly great - as good or better than anything out there.
They are built solid.
They are priced right - good value.

Buy one, put 50-100 jumps on it (and it will still look like new), then sell it for what you paid for it and upgrade to something more challenging and higher performance.

With a Tony Suit, you won't be replacing broken zippers, fixing torn booties or busted seams (like I have with my other non-Tony suits).

You asked - so there's my 2 cents.
Play like your life depends on it.

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