
Since when is an S3 an intermediate suit..?

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Define beginner and define intermediate and define expert?

I know plenty of people with 100 or more wingsuit jumps who would still only fit in the beginner catagory (though thats not how they see themselves)

Quoting myself..(ego thing:P)

My initial comment was aimed at the skills people have/learn.
Saskia called the S3 an advanced suit
And my question was..what defines an advanced flyer?
And what defines an intermediate flyer?

My original point was..there are people out there that would do perfectly well in an S3 from jump #1. And there are people out there who fly the biggest baddest suit you can get, and still move forward at speeds any guy could do naked in tracking.

I know flocks are getting faster and faster..and the overal skill level is increasing..

When you look at the Herc Boogie in 2004, where some of the first bigger formations where flown by people like Andy Ford, Scary Perry, Bo etc. and look where the dicipline has come since then..its amazing..
But flying at our true potential..its a long way off..it happens on some dives...and on more and more dives as the skill level increases.
But on most jumps it doesnt.

I think we just suck here compared to the flying you guys do, or we're just more honest...Ill leave that one up to you..

But most flocks I see (and fly in) dont have the tons of forward speed. Heavyer people need bigger suits to fly with more floaty flocks. Or they go low. But thats just fallrate..not forward speed..

If you guys are always flying legs out, full blown speed on every dive..why keep refering to one single 9 way you did as the big example?;)

Id still glady come to the US and fly with you guys..either to have fun or have you 'show me the light'
I'll have fun either wayB|
I'm an Athlete?

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It's ok - Tero / Leila has been threatening me with a cunning Finnish torture called 'SAUNA' if i ever go and visit !!! Smile

Oh, you should be really soft if that would be a threat for you.

After this you can expect some rounds of Jaloviina-Lapinkulta + sauna. B|

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Harry Parker (yellow/red) was wearing a GTi with armwing gripper/extensions and was giving it ALL he had. He was LAID OUT and still kept falling behind at times, and he is a very good flyer and a good build.

Are you saying that there's at least one exemption to "It's not the suit, it's the pilot" law? ;)
Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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[reply...55 and 60mph...

You can hold a 55-60 mph avge in an original Birdman S.U.I.T. the predecessor to the Birdman Classic

Also there was a guy named Bobby P at Raeford DZ that had a WAY lower average speed than I ever could get on my S.U.I.T. I think he was in the 20's.

Additionally Sky Monkey Can verify Bobby P's record...

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[reply...55 and 60mph...

You can hold a 55-60 mph avge in an original Birdman S.U.I.T. the predecessor to the Birdman Classic

Also there was a guy named Bobby P at Raeford DZ that had a WAY lower average speed than I ever could get on my S.U.I.T. I think he was in the 20's.

Additionally Sky Monkey Can verify Bobby P's record...

I can get 53-52 consecutive repeatable averages in my old classic, so what. I still couldn't keep up forward with 50% of the flocks from a year ago. Two years ago a classic would have been plenty.

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Also there was a guy named Bobby P at Raeford DZ that had a WAY lower average speed than I ever could get on my S.U.I.T. I think he was in the 20's.

sorry leroy....i have seriously doubts on this. :$

I am beyond "doubt" on that one. I'll give $100 to the human being who can sustain a 20mph fallrate in a S.U.I.T.

And Leroy, I already said twice that it was the forward speed the GTi pilot had trouble with. Yes, yes, yes, it is simple to fly a GTi in the 50's or 40's, vertically.

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Even though Id love to agree, just to get someones panties in a twist, I dont think Ive ever heard/seen anyone fly anything sustained under 32 mph (over a whole skydive)

Give me some time ;) Current goal for my V2 is 35mph vertical and 85+ horizontal.
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Even though Id love to agree, just to get someones panties in a twist, I dont think Ive ever heard/seen anyone fly anything sustained under 32 mph (over a whole skydive)

Give me some time ;) Current goal for my V2 is 35mph vertical and 85+ horizontal.

Huh ?? :D:D

He said lower than 32 mph sustained. I think 35 is greater than 32. :$

Anyway at what point did this thread turn into a whose is bigger contest? :P


That dude in that GTI can undoubtedly fly faster horizontally than he is going. A bit pointless though because he will not be with the formation. He will either be ahead and above or ahead and below the formation.


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Yeah, who the hell does this guy think he is, anyway?;)

I really want a Phantom...but I am thinking I would consider an S3. From what I've heard, the Phantom has better performance anyway. I only have 18 flights to date, but am good on exits, instability recovery (practiced several times and used quickly after a couple of failed rodeo's) and pull technique.

I'll keep flying my Prodigy until I find what I want. I love wingsuiting. I"m staying in the 60's on average and have low's in the 50's. Forward speed is good but far from great. I still have a lot to learn in the Prodigy...but will be ready for more performance soon so that I can hang with the flockers when I start traveling to bigger DZ's this summer.

{Edited for spelling/grammer}

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