
Not planning on jumping a wingsuit anytime soon, but I would like to down the road when I'm ready...

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So what are the dangers associated with wingsuit jumping? I'm still new to skydiving (got my A two weeks ago), and all I know about wingsuits is what I've seen in skydiving movies. Could you guys clue me in a little... pro's/con's? I'm sure it's a ton of fun, just wouldn't want to jeapordize safety.

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Well have you seen a picture of a wingsuit? Or better yet a video of a wingsuit in flight?

For starters you have a suit that has wings. These wings have cells, like your canopy, that inflate into wing planeform. With both an upper and lower wing skin. All of this so you can FLY instead of fall. So most everything about wingsuits from the exit, in flight and deployment are a little different than typical skydiving. You add navigation and traffic avoidance skills, beyond just adequate exit separation, to the jump as you can cover some serious ground. Some dropzones have special operating patterns but most wingsuiters develop their own based on local traffic and activities.

The gear ( besides a wingsuit ) may be a little different or specialized for wingsuits, not radically but it just has to be appropriate.

And the wingsuit itself restricts movement. You cannot reach above your head to deal with riser twists or effectively use you legs to do the same. And it these same wings that make it very easy to twist yourself up. There are more handles to deal with and four very long zippers that must be dealt with after deployment and before addressing the needs of your canopy. This extra equiptment adds complexity and procedures to regular skydive.

Stable deployment of your main canopy is more crucial in wingsuiting than just about any other disciplines, unless you are jumping a highly loaded canopy with aggressive opening tendencies. You have a big burble area, you are not falling straight down and your gear leaves the container at an angle. All of this puts a focus on bad body position.

Once a skydiver has enough experience and they want to try wingsuiting they find it really is a natural kind of thing to do. I know a handful of jumpers that think it is boring, too much like flying a plane. Most people really love it and I know quite a few that never go back to just jumping. Its different enough from just falling to really make an impression on your mind and emotions. Thats why you will hear the term nylon crack.

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Sounds quite complicated compared to normal skydiving, but I absolutely love the thought of flight versus fall. In time, when I've learned enough and feel ready, I will deffinately take a jab at this.

Long way to go until I'm 'ready', but god-willing, I will get there :)

Thanks for the post.

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As an added question (for another student jumper trying to plan ahead), are there any rigs that are preferred, or should be avoided, for wingsuit flight? I am currently looking at a Mirage G3, since it is reportedly a lot more freefly friendly than Javelins (and I want to get into freeflying one day as well). I want my first rig to last me as long as possible before I outgrow it and have to buy another one, so if I can get something thats both freefly friendly AND wingsuit friendly, in the right size, I'm set.



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I jump a Mirage G3 with my GTi and have had no issues. It took my rigger all of 10 minutes to cut down the corners on the main tray and re-tack them.

I also use a 9' bridle and neither mod has affected my regular jumps. :)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I could verbally describe it and you could do a search on these forums but it would be better to find a pullout system at your dropzone and see were the pilot chute is in relation to the pud handle when extended. Now imagine all of this trying to work behind the burble of a wingsuit wing.

There are a small minority ( very small) number wingsuit jumpers that do use the pull out despite that the manufacturers all recommend against it. But for wingsuits the throw out is best.

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I'm currently looking at a Mirage G3 with a BOC deployment system that is pretty much identical to the student Javelins that I have been jumping. Is this what you would refer to as a throwout system? I guess I would need to see pictures of it to really understand what the difference is.



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What you describe would work.

In a pull out system the PC is inside the container sitting on top of the D bag not in a boc pouch. To deploy you pull the pud which pulls the pin then puts the PC into the airstream. But the PC is not near your arms full extension.

In a throw out system you pull the hackey, the PC is attached to it, directly into the airstream at your full arms extension.

You need to take a look at a pull out system first hand to see the difference.

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Ok, so the student Javelins (and the majority of the rigs I have seen) would be throwout systems then, since the handle is directly attached to the pilot chute. From your description, sounds like pull out systems are somewhat similar to tandem rigs with the drogue release system. I'll ask around next time I am at the DZ and see if anyone has one.



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