
Pictures of a Fun Exit

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B| Hey FreeflyFreaks,

I stayed up late last night editing video from my last trip to Florida. My friend Stacey is ROCKIN' on her head these days ([:/]I'm still learning).

Anyway, Stacey taught me this really cool exit on our first dive together at SoBe. I rarely post pics, so I thought I would share.... I'm kinda proud of these :$.


Disclaimer: They're not the best quality in the world since they are just frames off the video. ;)B|

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Cool pics.....I've seen that exit a few times and it looks fun...one person in sit and the other on there head, right?!

Maybe someone will be brave enough to try that with me soon - I'm guessing in a few more jumps I'll be able to "stick it" since I was able to get on and off of my head all weekend.

Blue ones ~

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Yeah, that's the one. I've exited like that a lot (1hd, 1sit), but never launched like that. It was fun as hell. It looks cool on video too. We tried a 4way launched exit too - same thing - 2hd, 2sit - little rusty though. needs some oilin'. :S

Teeheehee. All the hot freeflyers on here are like.... pbbbbbbbbt. kids! B|

learning is cool! :P

sunny... you are rockin' too, lady! i can't wait to jump with you! i'd try that exit with you! ;)

hey... btw... you gonna be in florida around christmas/new years? a bunch of us will be spending a week or so at pahokee. wooo-hooo! blue skies and warm vibes, here i come! :)

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Teeheehee. All the hot freeflyers on here are like.... pbbbbbbbbt. kids!

I resent that. :P

That's a nice vertical compressed!! ;)

SWEET! You mean, I can use cool terms now, like... VERTICAL COMPRESSED.

Oh, yeah, baby!

Not too shabby for two fairly new skychickies! Yee-haw! :D

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well I would LOVE to jump with another cool sky chica but I will be in Eloy and Perris thru Christmas and New Years......I'll be in Zhills last weekend in January. Keep me posted when you are going to be around....we will jump for sure and oil up that vertical compressed thing-a-ma-jig :P

later gator

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I've exited like that a lot (1hd, 1sit), but never launched like that.

What's the difference between "exit" and "launch" in your description? Grips I take it?

Exactly. I've freeflown exits like that before - myelf sitflying, someone else on their head - no grips.

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Awsome exit. I remember the first time I did it (i was sitting). Another thing we did was also hold hands crossed infront of us, and when we jumped i was front float and she flipped over head down...we spoked (sp?) on exit was we were going down the hill then just had a fun jump! another awsome exit to try!

keep jumping! and no...we arent all just kids that freefly!

"Airborne all the way"
EL Cantador Rodriguez

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Nice exit!! Get yourself another chick and try it in a 3-way......I took this pic of freaks at Skydive Houston pulling off a sweet one;)! (Nice one cG, Chris & Chris!)

Hey Nick...

That's a great shot. Sweeeeeeet. That looks like so much fun. I can't wait to get down to Florida in a week and get back in the sky!

Thanks for the pic!

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I'm jealous!! Wish I could get up and try some new stuff. As you can see from my xray I won't be jumping for a while - had an oops at bridge day.:S
Hope Florida is good to you!!

Ouch. That sucks. How long are you out for? I hope you heal up fast and get back in the air soon. :P

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OK gore hunters!! You asked for it!! The attachments are photos from pre- and post-operation for a heel bone (calcaneous - sp?) which ws pancaked and broken into around 20 pieces.
Problem at the moment is the infection in the incision, but its getting there.........

Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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...Sorry Mama......just think of all the great friends you must have made being the Mod!!!
I was thoughtful enough to leave out the most recent photo of the infected incision...now THAT was nasty!! And it would have made the worlds worst scratch'n'sniff picture!!!:S

Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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B| Hey FreeflyFreaks,

I stayed up late last night editing video from my last trip to Florida. My friend Stacey is ROCKIN' on her head these days ([:/]I'm still learning).

Anyway, Stacey taught me this really cool exit on our first dive together at SoBe. I rarely post pics, so I thought I would share.... I'm kinda proud of these :$.


Disclaimer: They're not the best quality in the world since they are just frames off the video. ;)B|

Awesome exit! :)

Freefly, baby.

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