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I use the digutal Rebel and every so often I will get an outragious white balance for the entire jump. It looks like everything is whited out

Now I have made a jump and all pictures came out fine, 20 mins later, same settings, same conditions, i get the whited out pics.

Anyone know why????
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Does the software you use to view your photos allow you to look at the meta-data?

Yes, I know you said you use the same settings for the photos, but maybe something -subtle- can be learned from looking at the settings.

I'd also try to find out if there was some sort of pattern to the behaviour.

My initial guess would be that maybe the meter is set in such a way that it's metering your first shot more or less correctly, but the rest of the frames are getting the same exposure and therefore overexposed. Maybe you're inside a tailgate and that's exposed correctly, but it locks on to the exposure setting and that would be obviously -way- to much light outside the aircraft. The same thing would happen if you were looking mostly at a black rig just before launch and if it locked on to that exposure for freefall.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Is this what you are talking about?

This has happened to me once, and I have no explanation as to why? It really pissed me off too >:(

Here is the metadata

File Name
Camera Model Name
Shooting Date/Time
6/19/2004 6:46:08 AM
Shooting Mode
Shutter Speed Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed )
Av( Aperture Value )
Metering Mode
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
18.0 - 55.0mm
Focal Length
Image Size
Image Quality
White Balance
AF Mode
AI Focus AF
Contrast +1
Sharpness +1
Color saturation +1
Color tone Normal
Color Space
File Size
Drive Mode
Continuous shooting
Owner's Name
Camera Body No.

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Intermittent issues most likely point to dirty/stuck electrical contacts. Check to make sure that all of the contacts are clean on both the lenst and the camera body. Sometimes the contact balls on the body stick, so clean those and make sure they don't get stuck when they get pushed down.
Also check to make sure the lens mount is secure. Those kit lenses don't seem like the sturdiest lenses out there. If there is any excessive play in the lens mount, you could get intermittent electrical contact, and "fix" it after a jump when you are handling the camera.

Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me
Feel the hate...
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I would do a few test pictures on the ground. Normal sunny day set the exposure manually at 350 f16-11@iso 200. This should work 90% of the time. The old sunny daylight rule. rarely has this ever let me down.

The sun is a consistent light source. 125 f16 @iso 100.

so take some shots on the ground, out the plane window on the way to alitude and see how the pic looks. Make minor corrections and shot the jump in manual and not tv and see what the results are. The should be better than tv.

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