
How to approach/thank instructors

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I'm post AFF but pre- A license. Most of the jumps I need between now and the A are solos. That being said, I still need the help of instructors for completing the quizzes, signing off card details, recommendations as to what gear I should get etc. The instructors are nice folks, but they're often quite busy and I feel bad hitting them up for stuff (with the exception of gear checks, as the prospect of a preventable mal trumps the prospect of bothering people).
What's the best way (or time) to ask for help? And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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>What's the best way (or time) to ask for help?

At really busy DZ's the best time is at the end of the day after the last load lands. Then they have more time to help out. Windy or rainy days are also a good option. At slower DZ's you can always ask when they're dropping their gear off after a jump; they'll likely tell you something like "I have to debrief my student but then I'll have half an hour."

>And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?

Beer always works.

But probably the best way to "thank" them is to someday teach what you learned to the next generation of students.

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>What's the best way (or time) to ask for help?

At really busy DZ's the best time is at the end of the day after the last load lands. Then they have more time to help out. Windy or rainy days are also a good option. At slower DZ's you can always ask when they're dropping their gear off after a jump; they'll likely tell you something like "I have to debrief my student but then I'll have half an hour."

>And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?

Beer always works.

But probably the best way to "thank" them is to someday teach what you learned to the next generation of students.

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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But probably the best way to "thank" them is to someday teach what you learned to the next generation of students.


There is nothing more gratifying to me than to see someone that I brought up through FJC obtaining a rating and teaching others with that attitude for skydiving safety that I tried to instill in them from the get-go.
Beats beer, cash...and possibly even BJs.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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What's the best way (or time) to ask for help? And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?

The DZ isn't any different from any other place when it comes to these type of things. If someone looks busy, and what you need to ask them can wait, then let it wait. If it's more urgent, politely interject, and state your business. Another idea would be to pull them aside for just a second and say, 'I'd like to talk to you about X, Y and Z sometime today if possible, let me know when you have some time for me'.

In terms of thanking them, try saying, 'Thanks for your help'. Bringing food or drinks to share never hurts either, but in the end instructors are paid for the jumps they do, and have all generally made the connection between getting paid and helping students, even if it's beyond making the jumps with them. It's part of the job, and most of the time they're just happy to see you stick with the sport and continue learning.

But yeah, food and drinks are always good.

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But probably the best way to "thank" them is to someday teach what you learned to the next generation of students.


There is nothing more gratifying to me than to see someone that I brought up through FJC obtaining a rating and teaching others with that attitude for skydiving safety that I tried to instill in them from the get-go.
Beats beer, cash...and possibly even BJs.

No, nothing beats a good hummer.

WTF where you thinking man?


“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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But probably the best way to "thank" them is to someday teach what you learned to the next generation of students.


There is nothing more gratifying to me than to see someone that I brought up through FJC obtaining a rating and teaching others with that attitude for skydiving safety that I tried to instill in them from the get-go.
Beats beer, cash...and possibly even BJs.

Blonde, blue eyed coed + BJ.

Sorry Andy, but you are slipping. :P
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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Stick around on a weekend day after jumping is over. Instructors are more relaxed and less busy and willing to discuss stuff that you need signed off. Beer also helps, from what I've been told;)

Also, if you hang around after jumping is done, you'll get to meet people and chat with them, people that you will eventually be doing fun jumps with.

Can't wait to see you get your "A" license.

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I'm post AFF but pre- A license. Most of the jumps I need between now and the A are solos. That being said, I still need the help of instructors for completing the quizzes, signing off card details, recommendations as to what gear I should get etc. The instructors are nice folks, but they're often quite busy and I feel bad hitting them up for stuff (with the exception of gear checks, as the prospect of a preventable mal trumps the prospect of bothering people).
What's the best way (or time) to ask for help? And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?

We are there to help, so please ask! Advocate for yourself. Best time to do quizzes, etc... when we are weathered out from jumping, at the end of the day over beer. Best way to thank us... simply say thank you. You'd be surprised how few students ever do.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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This is why I got into teaching to begin with. Although I completely understand being busy, it still drives me nuts when instructors don’t have time for students. WTF are you there for if not students? Every student deserves the time and attention of the instructor staff. Not just the ones with the low cut tops. It amazes and pisses me off when there are 5 guys all over the cute new AFF student but there are 3 others wandering around lost. >:(

To the OP – weather days are extremely useful but significantly under used. For some reason, students don’t want to come to the DZ when it’s raining, windy, or cloudy. This is a great time for packing classes, canopy flight discussions, gear selection discussions, and whatever else you can think of. And the bonus is that you can start drinking beer at 10 am without people giving you that look. :o

The brave may not live forever, but the timid never live at all.

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Not just the ones with the low cut tops

FYI- that was all a joke, yet the truth for many male instructors as how to get their attention.

If it is, then the student should work with someone else.:|
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Not just the ones with the low cut tops

FYI- that was all a joke, yet the truth for many male instructors as how to get their attention.

If it is, then the student should work with someone else.:|

Before you blame the instructors remember in some cases it's a shared blame. I've seen many female students hunting for something and using skydiving as a method to get it.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Not just the ones with the low cut tops

FYI- that was all a joke, yet the truth for many male instructors as how to get their attention.

If it is, then the student should work with someone else.:|

Before you blame the instructors remember in some cases it's a shared blame. I've seen many female students hunting for something and using skydiving as a method to get it.

On the flip side, even as a fairly gnomish looking girl that is happily married and doesn't cheat, I knew damn well that male instructors would spend more time with me than my male student counterparts, and I took advantage of it to learn every bloody thing that I could from every person willing to teach me. If my gender made it easier to get attention/time from instructors, fine... I used it. As an instructor, I spend the same amount of time with all students, but do tend to keep an eye on low time female jumpers more, just to make sure they are not getting in over their heads with that shiny new A license and horny male fun jumpers.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Before you blame the instructors remember in some cases it's a shared blame.

Bullshit. The person in the position of authority is responsible for any inappropriate contact between themselves and those they are charged with overseeing. Whether an instructor wants to admit it or not, they are in a position of authority over new skydivers, therefore ethically they should maintain a hands off policy at least until the noob is off student status.

If someone can't think with their brain instead of their genitals when around someone they think is attractive, they shouldn't work with students. Period, regardless of gender.

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“A letch does not harmless flirting make!” I think that was Shakespeare? Anyway, this thread appears to have been hijacked… [:/]

As to thanking instructors, the good ones don’t expect anything. If you grow as a jumper, they know they’ll have another friend to “play” with. Oh, and by “play” I mean “jump out of planes”. ;)

Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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“A letch does not harmless flirting make!” I think that was Shakespeare? Anyway, this thread appears to have been hijacked… [:/]

As to thanking instructors, the good ones don’t expect anything. If you grow as a jumper, they know they’ll have another friend to “play” with. Oh, and by “play” I mean “jump out of planes”. ;)

Flirt + Squirt = Dirt + Hurt! :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Not just the ones with the low cut tops

FYI- that was all a joke, yet the truth for many male instructors as how to get their attention.

If it is, then the student should work with someone else.:|

Before you blame the instructors remember in some cases it's a shared blame. I've seen many female students hunting for something and using skydiving as a method to get it.

You're saying it's the female student's fault that she can't get any assistance from her instructor unless she wears a low-cut top? Because that's what we're talking about here - that somehow if she chooses to wear a crew-neck baggy t-shirt, she's to blame for not getting instructional help.

(Plus what skybytch said...)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'm post AFF but pre- A license. Most of the jumps I need between now and the A are solos. That being said, I still need the help of instructors for completing the quizzes, signing off card details, recommendations as to what gear I should get etc. The instructors are nice folks, but they're often quite busy and I feel bad hitting them up for stuff (with the exception of gear checks, as the prospect of a preventable mal trumps the prospect of bothering people).
What's the best way (or time) to ask for help? And what's an acceptable way to thank them when they do help?

A-don't feel bad hitting anyone up for anything related to your license, asking questions, gear.

B-Thank us by saying "Thank you, I appreciate the help" and then going out and being a good example.

You're at a school-oriented DZ and there are a lot of instructors there to help. They're there because they want to be, and they want to make a difference.

and....your cartoons are thanks enough for most anyone.:P

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Try paying attention to what is written before you jump off. I simply said I have witnessed female students seek that sort of attention. I do not condone any instructors actions that support this kind of behavior, only noted that it happens.

Notice I said "shared blame". Painting all male instructors with the same brush is the bullshit you speak of.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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You're saying it's the female student's fault that she can't get any assistance from her instructor unless she wears a low-cut top? Because that's what we're talking about here - that somehow if she chooses to wear a crew-neck baggy t-shirt, she's to blame for not getting instructional help.

I said nothing of the sort.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Tell tandem passengers on the load behind you that their TM taught you what little you know. :S Then, when you do something dumb on that very jump, they will seek you out to give you some more teaching... :$

Also, beer. Once my ears are finally good enough to jump again, I've got to bring some homebrew (I've had more time to brew while not jumping!)

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