
New PC105

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My new PC105 arrived day before yesterday. I was so pumped I took yesterday off so I could spend all day playin around with the features. :). Went to work today, and my Diamond .3x arrived! Killer. Both are awesome, and Max sent me a note about how to focus with the new .3x. Basicly you auto focus on the ground in front of you, then put it in manual, not infinity. After that you can place the camera in program mode of your choosing, sports, beach, ski etc....I have taken some "before and after" photos with the new .3x, and Ill post them soon. The increased field of view is one thing, but viewing through the lens is AWESOME!! Im all giddy inside :). FF2 should be here any day, should be a killer setup. Wohooo!
Blue Skies!

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You bet!

Its Max Cohn from Generation Freefly: http://www.royal-lens.com/index.html

(sorry no clicky!)

Its a GREAT lens, a bit pricey, not as much as the Way Cool .3x at: http://www.waycool.com.au/

Theres also some Japanese knockoffs that you can find for even cheaper. Ill post if I can find....
Blue Skies!

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I have read a lot about that camera. They are supposed to be one of the best out there. A funny quote on one of the review sites was, "Pro's / Serious Hobbyists (5.0)
The DCR-PC105 is certainly not for you, the vertical style alone looks terribly unprofessional." I thought that was funny. The vertical "matchbox" style is perfect for the side of a helmet ;)

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I got mine from Broadway video, and paid $719.00. http://www.bwayphoto.com/product.asp?item=sndcrpc105&l=google . Id be the first to admit that the camera is awkward in the hand, but just right for a sidemont setup. Ive currently got mine in a new FF2 helmet from 2KComposites http://www.2kcomposites.com/home.html in the UK. VERY sweet sidemount FF setup!
Blue Skies!

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Just keep your eye on the accessories that they ship with....There is a reason for the price difference :)

Not only that, but a lot of places with extremely low prices sell "grey market" cameras that were originally for sale in Japan. This means:

  • You might not get any English instructions.

  • If you even get any accessories, they may not work in the US (battery chargers, etc.)

  • With Sony products, the warranty is only good in the country where the unit was packaged for sale, so you will not be covered if the camera breaks

There's probably more that I don't remember right now.

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How is that camera working for you-- the place still has the same deal offered on ebay--- just curious if you got burned on anything.... I'm in the market to buy right now and a Sony PC is where I'm headed....



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Got my camera 10 days ago and can't wait to get it in the air. the deal on ebay from myvbuy is real all of the accesories and the $910.00 worth of extras that come with it but only one thing could have been better and thats the bag is only large enough for the camera stuff and extra tapes. With all that I got with this deal I had to transfer everything to my larger panasonic bag (tri-pod, cords, memory sticks, remote control etc.)

love the new camera been playing with it on the ground and love the touch pad programing

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One last thing, they make you call for confirmation of the order and to tell them which lens you want (wide angle or telephoto) and thats where they try to sell you the extended warentee and extras but not alot of pressure so it's not that bad.;)

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Check Ebay
From "myvbuy" search sony DCR-PC105 for sale with $910.00 in extras. Thats $1910.00 worth of stuff for just $884.99 plus shipping comes with wide angle lens
Mine will be here Monday:)

Got mine Yesterday!!!!!
Man is it jam packed full of stuff!

I did the Ebay thing - sunshine Electric -

849.00 plus next day shipping, 2 1/2 hour battery, 4 year warranty(total of 5 with the manufacture waranty), .45x lens, tripod(I know, but it came with it), 5 tapes, usb memory stick reader, 128 meg stick, camera bag(ok, but not woth the price they say),
total 1059.00USD Basically everything but a fire wire cable.

next day shipping was almost $50...so...$1000.00USD

Helmet - Bonehead Flattop pro should be here today...

then the training starts. I can't wait.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Ive jumped the camera a couple of times, and everything is great! After they recieved the order, they called my house and left a message that they "needed to veryify my order". This was jus a excuse to get me on the phone and push some accessories. I purchased the camera and one tape on my order, and narrowly decided to pass on the warranty. Well...I didnt take much to convince me over the phone to add the warranty, so I did. The salesman then described a "special package" left over from a recent sale that included the 4 yr warranty, two tapes, bigger battery and a free carrying case. I caved in and went for it, and got it all for the price of the warranty. When the stuff got here a few days later, it was all there except for the upgraded battery. No biggie, I dont want the heavier battery anyway, the carrying case will not get used for the camera, thats what the helmets for. :). Although I am gratefull for the piece of mind afforded me by the warranty, with a camera that reliable, I would probably politely decline any additional warranty (comes with a 1 yr) and just purchase the camera from them. You can most certainly get the tapes cheaper at a local store, too. All in all I was satisfied with my purchase, shipment was very quick, and the camera kicks ass! Maybe a little pushy with the accessories, but you can handle it better than I did if cautioned up front about it. Id give the experience a B-
Blue Skies!

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Made a couple of jumps on it this weekend.(7) Will post in another thread about it. The pc105 is great. I love it so far. there are alot of little options that you can use, one day i will learn them all. Pablito highly suggested that I read the manual and am about 1/2 way through it using the cam and trying it out as I go. I am sure I will have to reread it and do most of it again to really have it sink in. Two thumbs up!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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