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a few people practicing at the new swoop pond today for the upcoming GoFast event.....

so I go out to the landing area, and Jason (swoopster33), seeing my camera in my hand says "Oh no... someone's gonna eat it. Everytime Eric brings out his camera...."

sure enough, the third swooper, Joe (someone will have to help me out with the name here so we can properly raz him) hits the water with a little too much vertical vector left in his recovery arc. A solid splash, a nice arcing flip through his risers and another splash as he goes for a swim... a few seconds later, when he's stood up and gotten the water out of his ears, Jason yells "Welcome to Denver!'

managed to get some nice pics... enjoy

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Yesterday was a great day with many more to come. What a fantastic event!

There are a lot of great CPC canopy pilots here already and the majority of the pros haven't even shown up yet. We've already seen evidence today that the distance record is poised to be broken and maybe it will be shattered this time. Time will tell ... Yes this is going to be a fantastic event. Those of us who are lucky enough to take part in it both as competitors as well as spectators are going to be seeing some awesome canopy piloting within the next few days.

Welcome to Denver folks ... are you ready to rumble ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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the third swooper, Joe (someone will have to help me out with the name here so we can properly raz him)

Joe Bennett form Skydive Monroe in GA.

Maybe he had the wrong rig on... (you'll have to ask him about that one- an inside joke;)!

Get your sorry ass up, dust yourself off, and go kick some arse Joe!


"When I die, I want to go like my grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car."

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Joe was having a really bad day. Two jumps later he cut away from broken lines. He lost his freebag, and his canopy was damaged. He is still planning on competeing. Joe doesn't know the meaning of teh word "Quit".

the next jump. actually it was the first jump he crashed and then on the second he had tension knots and blew out the stabilizer, and broke 3 lines.. he will have his canopy back by thursday though.:)

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...someone will have to help me out with the name here so we can properly raz him...

I'm not going to say a thing.....

Well, yes I am...:D:D:D

Hope you guys enjoyed this one....you'll not likely see it happen again....ahhhh....yes you will.:D

Hey 3wheee was a Leadbelly Superman...did he get a lot of points?:D:D:D

OK, Joe your turn to razz.....:P
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Joe was having a really bad day. Two jumps later he cut away from broken lines. He lost his freebag, and his canopy was damaged.

Didn't know he had those problems later... bummer.
I wonder if it has anything to do with deploying a wet canopy? I managed to soak mine a bit Sunday and on the next jump it opened harder than my lightning. It usually snivels forever.

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"a nice even flare"....yeah if that's what you want...but that is way too basic for the joe-ster. actually, he has been working on that landing for several months now. he rises with the morning sun just to practice tirelessly. IMHO, it was a perfectly executed toe dig front flip with a half gainer. and as far as the "reaching" bit, the camera doesn't show the guy just to the side of the pond holding out a Bud Lite, a fav beverage of the man in question. imagine that, trying to pull off that landing and still enjoy his beer along the way, balls man, big balls.
there, i got your back joe, now represent! B|

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My boy Joe is still the shit.

You got that right! Those young'uns ought not to fuck with their elders.:S

That's OK Chuck ... His canopy is due in to the shop tomorrow and we are going to "Pimp his Ride"
and get it back to him on Wednesday in enough time to kick so butt.... ( we Hope);)

Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC

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I think that guy was reaching with his left hand.

I landed just before Joe on that load and had a great view of his chow. He wasn't reaching, he just got caught low on his roll out, tried to go to toggles but didn't have enough to avoid his slammer. But I can't criticize Joe for his chow as mine last Monday (there was no video) was apparently even more violent based on an eye witness who saw both chows. Dang this event is going to be fun. Less than 24 hours to the start of the comp. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Dang this event is going to be fun. Less than 24 hours to the start of the comp.

no shit!

i want to break a world record.;)

but damn! this place is fast. there WILL be records broken!. cant wait!

jay mo, this is it for you! 200 ft farther than your previous distance record. cant wait to see it!:o

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