
What canopy is this?

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I've heard a lot of complaints about off heading openings on the Sabre2, as well...

IIRC, that was the first production run of Sabre2s, what ever the problem was, they've since fixed it.
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IIRC, that was the first production run of Sabre2s, what ever the problem was, they've since fixed it.

Makes sense. I personally haven't had any issue. I think the "huntiness" of my openings is only due to the quality (or lack there) of my pack jobs. Even then, it still ends up on heading. When I pack it right (or a packer does it for me), it's dead on.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Somebody's made a typo...either Parachutists or proswoopingtour.com. If you look at November's issue of Parachutists, it says "Jim Slaton (VX, USA)" in the World Cup article.

it's a typo on parachutists part. i e-mailed simon about it, and just got his response, and it is a proto type canopy.

it is just in the testing stages now, no where near release.


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Haven't got it yet (the Parachutist that is)....maybe by mid November will arrive. It never gets here as early as you guys in the US. I thought I made it clear that I was not going to talk about it anymore in my last post, already ManBird made the clarification of the name and for me that is more than enough ;)

Peace brotha' and safe swoops....whatever is that you have Velocity, Vengeance, Stilleto, FX, VX, etc. or the brand new and smoking fast GX :D:D:D:D

Edited: I had a typo....what a fucking irony!!! :D:D:D

Ivan "Rock On"

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[QUOTE]It is surprising to me that Jim, or anyone for that matter, would jump a proto in a world chamionship. [/QUOTE]


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Not very good publicity, if you ask me... 9th overall (not too bad)... only in the top 10 in one event (7th in speed, 17th in distance, 12th in accuracy)... best you can say is that is no better than a VX, but more likely a 4th place canopy (after Velocity/Xaos/VX in no particular order)... I don't forsee too many folks standing in line to get one... there is more publicity about the Katana...

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I´ve e-mailed simon as well, and here´s what he had to say about it!

Hi Jens

The canopy is part of our constant development of new technology. It is
one canopy in a line up of several prototypes that we have been flying
over the past 12 months. Each time we are adding additional features.
This canopy is not a production canopy and it is too early to know which
specific enhancements will role out into future designs. I'm sure the
market believes that we are about to release something new, however, at
this stage this is just part of our ongoing research and usual/constant
testing. As usual, we are always working on the next step!. Obviously
this particular canopy has created more publicity due to Jim Slaton
using in in a recent event.

Blue skies and Loooong Swoooops

Pretty general, but...
Makes sense to me!

And maybe the World Cup was a little marketing, maybe they wanted the people to know that their doing some r&d, just to keeping themselves in the press. (Ahm, what actually worked, obviously!)
Maybe there was a little too much ado about the Katana, for Icarus´ taste.
As you said.

best you can say is that is no better than a VX, but more likely a 4th place canopy (after Velocity/Xaos/VX in no particular order)

Maybe they just wanted to show that they are working on a "new breed" of "partial Xbraced" canopies, something special! Something not qiute as "good" as a xbraced but better than the Katana or xfire2! (BTW, i´d like to have one of those!)
Who knows?

So now we know they are doing the r&d job, and the marketing thing, quite consistently and quite good!
Let´s wait and see what´ll come out of it in the future!
Proud European!!

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Maybe they just wanted to show that they are working on a "new breed" of "partial Xbraced" canopies, something special! Something not qiute as "good" as a xbraced but better than the Katana or xfire2! (BTW, i´d like to have one of those!)
Who knows?

i would think this canopy would be something to replace the FX.

that's just a wild guess, but it would kind of make sense. a step above the crossfire, but still a step below the vx.

who knows, i guess we'll all find out eventually.


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