Mirage G3 or G4 ?

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I just got the G4 and it is extremely comfortable. The g3 is comfortable as well but the G4 is superior in every aspect. I got the UNYSIN rings, but I got the nickel option and not the stainless steel since I didnt think it was worth the extra,
The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over - Hunter S. Thompson

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I don't have a mirage YET, but i'll buy G4, because it's more comfortable, looks better, and is more aerodynamicaly shaped!
If you think that is worth 300$ then certainly go for G4

p.s. And you can show off with "brand new technology" ;)
"George just lucky i guess!"

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The current expected ship date is 3-4 weeks for a G3 and 5-6 weeks for a G4. You should add about 2 weeks if you are thinking about ordering Tie Dye.

BTW A fully loaded G4 is really only about $150 different than the G3. The G4 comes with an upgraded back pad that is discounted while a deluxe back pad is an additional option ($105) on the G3.

Either choice is a good one. It is a little bit about personal preference. If you have any questions do not hesitate contacting us at Mirage Systems

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Yes, the elastic lumbar support is easily removed and can be replaced in the field as well as the fancy pants. As to the life span of it, I have no clue and it would depend on how often you jump.
The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over - Hunter S. Thompson

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I know Sonic at the Ranch in NY has one, I'm sure he'd be happy to model if for you..... just ask for the clothed version. (if you've been around for a while, you've seen him in some of the older javelin adds, wearing the little devil ears a rig and thats about it). he owns the gear store at the ranch now.

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I just ordered a G3 b/c I didn't want to fork out the extra cash for the G4. If you can afford the G4 go for the G4, but if you're a starving college student like myself then maybe the G3 is a better option b/c its cheaper. Whichever one you decide to go with I can honestly say that Mirage has really good customer service and they'll take care of all your questions no matter how stupid you think they may be. Give them a call or e-mail them and have them give you the sales pitch if you need more help deciding.

B|Mirage ROCKS!!!B|
(sorry for the shameless plug, but I was really impressed with the level of customer service Mirage provided):)
Base # 942
The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.

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Thanks for the imput !

So I take it as if no one has nothing negative to say about the G4 ??

Some people at our club said they prefer G3, but im on doubt about their motive to say that..

They even hadent seen the rig, but they already had a strong opinion...

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I'm so confused too...I picked out my colors and even faxed in my order form for the G4 and the folks at the gear store really dissed it and argued I should just get the G3 instead. Two of them were riggers and they really are trying to talk me out of it. They mentioned something about the cable housing being routed over the rings as opposed to under and how that may cause wear and tear on the binding...how taking off the fancy pants will leave metal bits sticking out of the bottom..I don't know if they have a motive but now I'm really confused. [:/]

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email mirage about the fancy pants thing, as for the cable housing I have no idea what they are talking about. Mine is routed the same way as my reflex and neither of them have any presure on the binding tape. Then again my rigger is going to get a mirage after seeing mine, so they might have another motive to steer you in a different direction. Which could be what one dealer told me once, supposedly mirages are expensive and the dealer makes very little on the sale of one.

*shrug* no idea if that is true or not I'm not a dealer.

Fly it like you stole it!

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