
Prescription glasses

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I need to wear prescription eyeglasses when jumping (i.e., contacts are not an option due to eye irritation). I have been using Kroop's "over the eyeglasses" goggles which have worked quite well (although they are kinda nerdy as all get-out). Just curious how folks that use fullface helmets with glasses and folks that have goggles with prescription lenses feel about their choices. Thanks.

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I use to do the same thing you do with my glasses. Later I bought a Z1 helmet and my glasses barely fit underneath the visor but they did fit. It was a complete relief never having to screw with the stupid kroop strap and goggles again. Personally, I found that after getting a full faced helmet I truly could enjoy the ride to altitude. Prior I always spent from 10000 to 13000 getting the goggles and kroop strap taken care of . Now I just put my helmet on lift the visor up and shut it just prior to getting out.

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I also wear glasses and have taken the same route as yourself. Two years ago I ordered some goggles from Sportrx.com (g-103 model), and am loving it!! They are great but take a little getting used to. Kinda like when you get a new perscription (BUT they are great!). I wear an Nvertigo helmet and they don't bug me at all, unlike thoes Kroops over the glasses monstrosity.
Get some perscription sportrx goggles and enjoy!!

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I would highly recommend SportRX goggles: http://www.sportrx.com. I have a pair of G107s that were made to the same prescription as my glasses and they work great. Customer service is excellent as well. My prescription did not fall into the tolerances listed on the web page, but I called them up and they made it work for me. Another jumper at the DZ has a pair of what I think are G102s and she seems satisfied as well.
AIM: suprmath

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I used contact at first. After losing 3 1/2 pair I bought 2 pair of SportRX goggles, one pair clear, one tinted. At $80.00 a pair and giving perfect vision, it was the best thing going.
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For years I wore my regular street glasses with just a strap around the back, sometimes just some rubber bands looped together.
Hint, the smaller the frames on your street glasses, the easier they are to fit under goggles. The smallest street glasses will fit under standard-sized Kroops.
street glasses worked well for many years, until I started instructing full-time. Then my loving students started slamming my head into the door frame.
For the last 2,000 jumps I have worn baskeball glasses. They definitely look nerdy, but provide great facial protection. Basketball glasses look like racquetball glasses on steroids. Those thick, clear plastic frames take a real beating.

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Used to use the kroops over the glasses goggles. Hated them. Recently bought a Z1 and it fits fine with my glasses on. I can even put it on and take it off with my glasses on my face. Try one on before you buy it though to make sure it fits with your glasses. It mostly depends on the shape of your head and not so much the size of your glasses (although they'll have to be pretty small).

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Kroops on tight have done the trick for years for me.Because my eyes are soooooo bad, 20-100 in one and 20- 200 in the other i,ve always worried about lack of peripheral vision.(have never had much problems seeing sideways)(well able to catch a flash of something going on out that way)Have decided not to change something that works.

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